Package 'rgl'

Title: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
Description: Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics, including functions modelled on base graphics (plot3d(), etc.) as well as functions for constructing representations of geometric objects (cube3d(), etc.). Output may be on screen using OpenGL, or to various standard 3D file formats including WebGL, PLY, OBJ, STL as well as 2D image formats, including PNG, Postscript, SVG, PGF.
Authors: Duncan Murdoch [aut, cre], Daniel Adler [aut], Oleg Nenadic [ctb], Simon Urbanek [ctb], Ming Chen [ctb], Albrecht Gebhardt [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Gabor Csardi [ctb], Adam Strzelecki [ctb], Alexander Senger [ctb], The R Core Team [ctb, cph], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], The authors of Shiny [cph], The authors of knitr [cph], Jeroen Ooms [ctb], Yohann Demont [ctb], Joshua Ulrich [ctb], Xavier Fernandez i Marin [ctb], George Helffrich [ctb], Ivan Krylov [ctb], Michael Sumner [ctb], Mike Stein [ctb], Jonathon Love [ctb], Mapbox team [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Duncan Murdoch <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.3.17
Built: 2025-03-18 06:07:07 UTC

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3D visualization device system


3D real-time rendering system.


RGL is a 3D real-time rendering system for R. Multiple windows are managed at a time. Windows may be divided into “subscenes”, where one has the current focus that receives instructions from the R command-line. The device design is oriented towards the R device metaphor. If you send scene management instructions, and there's no device open, it will be opened automatically. Opened devices automatically get the current device focus. The focus may be changed by using set3d() or useSubscene3d().

RGL provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics, including functions modelled on base graphics (plot3d(), etc.) as well as functions for constructing geometric objects (cube3d(), etc.). Output may be on screen using OpenGL, or to various standard 3D file formats including WebGL, PLY, OBJ, STL as well as 2D image formats, including PNG, Postscript, SVG, PGF.

The open3d() function attempts to open a new RGL window, using default settings specified by the user.

See the first example below to display the ChangeLog.

See Also

r3d for a description of the *3d interface; par3d for a description of scene properties and the rendering pipeline; rgl.useNULL for a description of how to use RGL on a system with no graphics support.


if (!in_pkgdown_example())"NEWS", package = "rgl"))

Check for an open RGL window.


Mostly for internal use, this function returns the current device number if one exists, or opens a new device and returns that.




The device number of an RGL device.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



Lines intersecting the bounding box


This adds mathematical lines to a scene. Their intersection with the current bounding box will be drawn.


abclines3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, a, b = NULL, c = NULL, ...)


x, y, z

Coordinates of points through which each line passes.

a, b, c

Coordinates of the direction vectors for the lines.


Material properties.


Draws the segment of a line that intersects the current bounding box of the scene using the parametrization (x,y,z)+(a,b,c)s(x, y, z) + (a, b, c) * s where ss is a real number.

Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates x, y, z and a, b, c is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


A shape ID of the object is returned invisibly.

See Also

planes3d for mathematical planes.

segments3d draws sections of lines that do not adapt to the bounding box.


plot3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
abclines3d(0, 0, 0, a = diag(3), col = "gray")

Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly


This generic function adds normals at each of the vertices of a polyhedron by averaging the normals of each incident face. This has the effect of making the surface of the object appear smooth rather than faceted when rendered.


addNormals(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
addNormals(x, angleWeighted = TRUE, ...)



An object to which to add normals.


Additional parameters which will be passed to the methods.


See Details below.


Currently methods are supplied for "mesh3d" and "shapelist3d" classes.

These methods work by averaging the normals on the faces incident at each vertex. By default these are weighted according to the angle in the polygon at that vertex. If angleWeighted = FALSE, a slightly faster but less accurate weighting by the triangle area is used.

Prior to rgl version 0.104.12 an incorrect weighting was used; it can be partially reproduced by using angleWeighted = NA, but not all the bugs in that scheme will be kept.


A new object of the same class as x, with normals added.


Duncan Murdoch


y <- subdivision3d(tetrahedron3d(col = "red"), depth = 3)
shade3d(y) # No normals
y <- addNormals(y)
shade3d(translate3d(y, x = 1, y = 0, z = 0)) # With normals

Set attributes of vertices based on their age


This is a function to produce actions in response to a playwidget or Shiny input control. The mental model is that each of the vertices of some object has a certain birth time; a control sets the current time, so that vertices have ages depending on the control setting. Attributes of those vertices can then be changed.


ageControl(births, ages, objids = tagged3d(tags), tags, value = 0,
           colors = NULL, alpha = NULL, radii = NULL, vertices = NULL,
           normals = NULL, origins = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
           x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL,
           red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL)



Numeric birth times of vertices.


Chosen ages at which the following attributes will apply.


Object ids to which the changes apply.


Alternate way to specify objids. Ignored if objids is given.


Initial value; typically overridden by input.

colors, alpha, radii, vertices, normals, origins, texcoords

Attributes of the vertices that can be changed. There should be one entry or row for each entry in ages.

x, y, z, red, green, blue

These one-dimensional components of vertices and colors are provided for convenience.


All attributes must have the same number of entries (rows for the matrices) as the ages vector. The births vector must have the same number of entries as the number of vertices in the object.

Not all objects contain all attributes; if one is chosen that is not a property of the corresponding object, a Javascript alert() will be generated. (This restriction may be removed in the future by attempting to add the attribute when it makes sense.)

If a births entry is NA, no change will be made to that vertex.


A list of class "rglControl" of cleaned up parameter values, to be used in an RGL widget.


Duncan Murdoch


saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)

  theta <- seq(0, 4*pi, length.out = 100)
  xyz <- cbind(sin(theta), cos(theta), sin(theta/2))
  lineid <- plot3d(xyz, type="l", alpha = 0, lwd = 5, col = "blue")["data"]

  widget <- rglwidget() %>%
  playwidget(ageControl(births = theta,
                        ages = c(-4*pi, -4*pi, 1-4*pi, 0, 0, 1),
                        objids = lineid,
                        alpha = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)),
             start = 0, stop = 4*pi,
             step = 0.1, rate = 4)
  if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Compare mesh3d objects in a meaningful way.


These functions allow comparison of mesh3d objects, ignoring irrelevant differences.

compare_proxy.mesh3d can function as a compare_proxy method for the waldo package, by stripping out NULL components and ordering other components alphabetically by name.

all.equal.mesh3d compares mesh3d objects by using compare_proxy.mesh3d to standardize them, then using the regular all.equal function to compare them.


## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
all.equal(target, current, ...)
compare_proxy.mesh3d(x, path = "x")


target, current

Two mesh3d objects to compare.


A single mesh3d object to standardize.


The string to use in a waldo display of this object.


Additional parameters to pass to all.equal.


all.equal.mesh3d returns TRUE, or a character vector describing (some of) the differences.

compare_proxy.mesh3d returns a list containing two components:


a copy of x with relevant components in alphabetical order.


a modification of the path label for x


waldo is not an installation requirement for rgl and rgl will never cause it to be loaded. The compare_proxy.mesh3d function will only be registered as a method for waldo::compare_proxy if you load waldo before rgl, as would normally happen during testing using testthat, or if you load it before calling mesh3d, as might happen if you are doing manual tests.

Draw arcs


Given starting and ending points on a sphere and the center of the sphere, draw the great circle arc between the starting and ending points. If the starting and ending points have different radii, a segment of a logarithmic spiral will join them, unless they are in the same direction, in which case a straight line will join them.


arc3d(from, to, center, radius, n, circle = 50, base = 0,
plot = TRUE, ...)



One or more points from which to start arcs.


One or more destination points.


One or more center points.


If not missing, a vector of length n giving the radii at each point between from and to. If missing, the starting and ending points will be joined by a logarithmic spiral.


If not missing, how many segments to use between the first and last point. If missing, a value will be calculated based on the angle between starting and ending points as seen from the center.


How many segments would be used if the arc went completely around a circle.


See Details below.


Should the arcs be plotted, or returned as a matrix?


Additional parameters to pass to points3d.


If any of from, to or center is an n by 3 matrix with n > 1, multiple arcs will be drawn by recycling each of these parameters to the number of rows of the longest one.

If the vector lengths of from - center and to - center differ, then instead of a spherical arc, the function will draw a segment of a logarithmic spiral joining the two points.

By default, the arc is drawn along the shortest great circle path from from to to, but the base parameter can be used to modify this. If base = 1 is used, the longer arc will be followed. Larger positive integer values will result in base - 1 loops in that direction completely around the sphere. Negative values will draw the curve in the same direction as the shortest arc, but with abs(base) full loops. It doesn't make much sense to ask for such loops unless the radii of from and to differ, because spherical arcs would overlap. Normally the base parameter is left at its default value of 0.

When base is non-zero, the curve will be constructed in multiple pieces, between from, to, -from and -to, for as many steps as necessary. If n is specified, it will apply to each of these pieces.


If plot = TRUE, called mainly for the side effect of drawing arcs. Invisibly returns the object ID of the collection of arcs.

If plot = FALSE, returns a 3 column matrix containing the points that would be drawn as the arcs.


Duncan Murdoch


normalize <- function(v) v/sqrt(sum(v^2))

# These vectors all have the same length

from <- t(apply(matrix(rnorm(9), ncol = 3), 1, normalize))
to <- normalize(rnorm(3))
center <- c(0, 0, 0)

spheres3d(center, radius = 1, col = "white", alpha = 0.2)

arc3d(from, to, center, col = "red")
arc3d(from, 2*to, center, col = "blue")

text3d(rbind(from, to, center, 2*to), 
       texts = c(paste0("from", 1:3), "to", "center", "2*to"),
       depth_mask = FALSE, depth_test = "always")

Draw an arrow


Draws various types of arrows in a scene.


arrow3d(p0 = c(1, 1, 1), p1 = c(0, 0, 0), 
        barblen, s = 1/3, theta = pi/12, 
        type = c("extrusion", "lines", "flat", "rotation"), 
        n = 3, width = 1/3, thickness = 0.618 * width, 
        spriteOrigin = NULL, 
        plot = TRUE, ...)



The base of the arrow.


The head of the arrow.


The length of the barbs (in display coordinates). Default given by s.


The length of the barbs as a fraction of line length. Ignored if barblen is present.


Opening angle of barbs


Type of arrow to draw. Choose one from the list of defaults. Can be abbreviated. See below.


Number of barbs.


Width of shaft as fraction of barb width.


Thickness of shaft as fraction of barb width.


If arrow is to be replicated as sprites, the origins relative to which the sprites are drawn.


If TRUE (the default), plot the object; otherwise return the computed data that would be used to plot it.


Material properties passed to polygon3d, shade3d or segments3d.


Four types of arrows can be drawn. The shapes of all of them are affected by p0, p1, barblen, s, theta, material properties in ..., and spriteOrigin. Other parameters only affect some of the types, as shown.


(default) A 3-dimensional flat arrow, drawn with shade3d. Affected by width, thickness and smooth.


Drawn with lines, similar to arrows, drawn with segments3d. Affected by n.


A flat arrow, drawn with polygon3d. Affected by width and smooth.


A solid of rotation, drawn with shade3d. Affected by n and width.

Normally this function draws just one arrow from p0 to p1, but if spriteOrigin is given (in any form that xyz.coords(spriteOrigin) can handle), arrows will be drawn for each point specified, with p0 and p1 interpreted relative to those origins. The arrows will be drawn as 3D sprites which will maintain their orientation as the scene is rotated, so this is a good way to indicate particular locations of interest in the scene.


If plot = TRUE (the default), this is called mainly for the side effect of drawing the arrow; invisibly returns the id(s) of the objects drawn.

If plot = FALSE, the data that would be used in the plot (not including material properties) is returned.


Design based on heplots::arrow3d, which contains modifications by Michael Friendly to a function posted by Barry Rowlingson to R-help on 1/10/2010. Additions by Duncan Murdoch.


xyz <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)
arrow3d(xyz[1,], xyz[2,], type = "extrusion", col = "red")
arrow3d(xyz[3,], xyz[4,], type = "flat",      col = "blue")
arrow3d(xyz[5,], xyz[6,], type = "rotation",  col = "green")
arrow3d(xyz[7,], xyz[8,], type = "lines",     col = "black")
arrow3d(spriteOrigin = xyz[9:12,],            col = "purple")

Convert object to mesh object


The as.mesh3d generic function converts various objects to mesh3d objects.

The default method takes takes a matrix of vertices as input and (optionally) merges repeated vertices, producing a mesh3d object as output. It will contain either triangles or quads or segments or points according to the type argument.

If the generic is called without any argument, it will pass all RGL ids from the current scene to the as.mesh3d.rglId method.


as.mesh3d(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
as.mesh3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, 
             type = c("triangles", "quads", "segments", "points"),
             smooth = FALSE, 
             tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
             notEqual = NULL, 
             merge = TRUE,


x, y, z

For the generic, x is the object to convert. For the default method, x, y and z are coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


What type of things should be in the mesh? Tries this list in order until it finds one that works.


If TRUE, addNormals will be called on the mesh object to make it render smoothly.


The numerical tolerance to be used in all.equal to determine whether two vertices should be merged.


If not NULL, an n by n matrix of logical values, where n is the number of vertices as input. TRUE entries indicate that the corresponding pair of vertices should not be merged even if they appear equal.


Should apparently equal vertices be merged?


Material properties to pass to tmesh3d or qmesh3d.


Deprecated. If present, TRUE indicates type = "triangles" and FALSE indicates type = "quads".


The motivation for this function is the following problem: I was asked whether RGL could render a surface made up of triangles or quadrilaterals to look smooth. It can do that, but needs normals at each vertex; they should be the average of the normals for each polygon sharing that vertex. Then OpenGL will interpolate the normals across the polygons and give the illusion of smoothness.

To do this, it needs to know which polygons share each vertex. If the surface is described as a list of triangles or quadrilaterals, that means identifying vertices that are in multiple polygons, and converting the representation to a "mesh3d" object (which is a matrix of vertices and a matrix of vertex numbers making up triangles or quads). Then the addNormals function will add the normals.

Sometimes two polygons will share vertices (within numerical tolerance) without the user wanting them to be considered internal to the surface, or might want one sharp edge in an otherwise smooth surface. This means I needed a way to declare that two vertices from the original list of vertices in the triangles or quads are "not equal", even when they test numerically equal. That's what the notEqual matrix specifies.


A "mesh3d" object with the same faces as in the input, but (if merge=TRUE) with vertices that test equal to within tolerance merged.


Duncan Murdoch


xyz <- matrix(c(-1, -1, -1,
                -1,  1, -1,
                 1,  1, -1,
                 1, -1, -1,
                -1,  1, -1,
                -1,  1,  1,
                 1,  1,  1,
                 1,  1, -1,
                 1, -1, -1,
                 1,  1, -1,
                 1,  1,  1,
                 1, -1,  1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
mesh <- as.mesh3d(xyz, type = "quads", col = "red")

# Stop vertices 2 and 5 from being merged
notEQ <- matrix(FALSE, 12, 12)
notEQ[2, 5] <- TRUE
mesh <- as.mesh3d(xyz, type = "quads", notEqual = notEQ)

Convert alpha-shape surface of a cloud of points to RGL mesh object


The alphashape3d::ashape3d function computes the 3D α\alpha-shape of a cloud of points. This is an approximation to the visual outline of the cloud. It may include isolated points, line segments, and triangular faces: this function converts the triangular faces to an RGL tmesh3d object.


## S3 method for class 'ashape3d'
                   alpha = x$alpha[1], 
                   tri_to_keep = 2L,
                   col = "gray", 
                   smooth = FALSE, normals = NULL,
                   texcoords = NULL, ...)



An object of class "ashape3d".


Which alpha value stored in x should be converted?


Which triangles to keep. Expert use only: see triang entry in Value section of ashape3d for details.


The surface colour.


Whether to attempt to add normals to make the surface look smooth. See the Details below.

normals, texcoords

Normals and texture coordinates at each vertex can be specified.


Additional arguments to pass to use as material3d properties on the resulting mesh.


Edelsbrunner and Mucke's (1994) α\alpha-shape algorithm is intended to compute a surface of a general cloud of points. Unlike the convex hull, the cloud may have voids, isolated points, and other oddities. This function is designed to work in the case where the surface is made up of simple polygons.

If smooth = TRUE, this method attempts to orient all of the triangles in the surface consistently and add normals at each vertex by averaging the triangle normals. However, for some point clouds, the α\alpha-shape will contain sheets of polygons with a few solid polyhedra embedded. This does not allow a consistent definition of "inside" and outside. If this is detected, a warning is issued and the resulting mesh will likely contain boundaries where the assumed orientation of triangles changes, resulting in ugly dark lines through the shape. Larger values of alpha in the call to alphashape3d::ashape3d may help.

Methods for plot3d and persp3d are also defined: they call the as.mesh3d method and then plot the result.


A "mesh3d" object, suitable for plotting.


Duncan Murdoch


Edelsbrunner, H., Mucke, E. P. (1994). Three-Dimensional Alpha Shapes. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 13(1), pp.43-72.

Lafarge, T. and Pateiro-Lopez, B. (2017). alphashape3d: Implementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of 3D Sets from a Point Cloud. R package version 1.3.


if (requireNamespace("alphashape3d", quietly = TRUE)) {
  n <- 400    # 1000 gives a nicer result, but takes longer
  xyz <- rbind(cbind(runif(n), runif(n), runif(n)),
               cbind(runif(n/8, 1, 1.5), 
                     runif(n/8, 0.25, 0.75), 
                     runif(n/8, 0.25, 0.75)))
  ash <- suppressMessages(alphashape3d::ashape3d(xyz, alpha = 0.2))
  m <- as.mesh3d(ash, smooth = TRUE)
  mfrow3d(1, 2, sharedMouse = TRUE)
  plot3d(xyz, size = 1)
  plot3d(m, col = "red", alpha = 0.5)
  points3d(xyz, size = 1)

Convert object in plot to RGL mesh object


This method attempts to read the attributes of objects in the rgl display and construct a mesh3d object to approximate them.


## S3 method for class 'rglId'
as.mesh3d(x, type = NA, subscene = NA, ...)



A vector of RGL identifiers of objects in the specified subscene.


A vector of names of types of shapes to convert. Other shapes will be ignored.


Which subscene to look in; the default NA specifies the current subscene.




This function attempts to construct a triangle mesh to approximate one or more objects from the current display. It can handle objects of types from c("points", "lines", "linestrip", "triangles", "quads", "planes", "surface").

Since this method only produces meshes containing points, segments and triangles, they won't necessarily be an exact match to the original object.

If the generic as.mesh3d is called with no x argument, this method will be called with x set to the ids in the current scene.


A mesh object.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

as.triangles3d.rglId for extracting the triangles, clipMesh3d to apply complex clipping to a mesh object.


# volcano example taken from "persp"

z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief

x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

zlim <- range(y)
zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1

colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table

col <- colorlut[ z - zlim[1] + 1 ] # assign colors to heights for each point

open3d(useNULL = TRUE)
surface3d(x, y, z, color = col)
m <- as.mesh3d()


Convert an object to an rglscene object.


This is a placeholder generic function, to allow other packages to create "rglscene" objects compatible with the objects produced by scene3d.

No methods are currently defined in rgl.


as.rglscene(x, ...)



Object to convert.


Other parameters to pass to methods.

Convert object to a triangular mesh


Converts the quads in a mesh version of an object to triangles by splitting them up. Optionally drops any point or segment components.


as.tmesh3d(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
as.tmesh3d(x, drop = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
as.tmesh3d(x, drop = FALSE, keepTags = FALSE, ...)



An object from which to create a triangular mesh object.


If TRUE, drop any point or segment components.


Whether to include the "tags" component in the output.


Ignored in the mesh3d method, passed to as.mesh3d in the default method.


The default method simply calls as.mesh3d(x, ...) and passes the result to the "mesh3d" method.


A "mesh3d" object containing no quads. If drop = TRUE, it will only contain triangles.

If keepTags = TRUE, a "tags" element will be added to the result. For details, see the clipMesh3d help page.


Older versions of rgl had a "tmesh3d" class for meshes of triangles. That class is no longer used: as.tmesh3d and tmesh3d both produce "mesh3d" objects.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

as.triangles3d to get just the coordinates.


x <- cuboctahedron3d()
x             # has quads and triangles
as.tmesh3d(x) # has only triangles

Convert an object to triangles


This generic and its methods extract or creates a matrix of coordinates of triangles from an object, suitable for passing to triangles3d.


as.triangles3d(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglId'
               attribute = c("vertices", "normals", "texcoords", "colors"),
               subscene = NA,



The object to convert.


Which attribute of an RGL object to extract?


Which subscene is this object in?


Additional arguments used by the methods.


The method for "rglId" objects can extract several different attributes, organizing them as it would organize the vertices for the triangles.


An n x 3 matrix containing the vertices of triangles making up the object. Each successive 3 rows of the matrix corresponds to a triangle.

If the attribute doesn't exist, NULL will be returned.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

as.mesh3d to also capture material properties.


x <- surface3d(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, z = rnorm(100), col = "red")
tri <- as.triangles3d(x)
triangles3d(tri, col = "blue")

Set the aspect ratios of the current plot


This function sets the apparent ratios of the x, y, and z axes of the current bounding box.


aspect3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL)



The ratio for the x axis, or all three ratios, or "iso"


The ratio for the y axis


The ratio for the z axis


If the ratios are all 1, the bounding box will be displayed as a cube approximately filling the display. Values may be set larger or smaller as desired. Aspect "iso" signifies that the coordinates should all be displayed at the same scale, i.e. the bounding box should not be rescaled. (This corresponds to the default display before aspect3d has been called.) Partial matches to "iso" are allowed.

aspect3d works by modifying par3d("scale").


The previous value of the scale is returned invisibly.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

plot3d, par3d


x <- rnorm(100)
  y <- rnorm(100)*2
  z <- rnorm(100)*3
  plot3d(x, y, z)
  aspect3d(1, 1, 0.5)
  highlevel()  # To trigger display
  plot3d(x, y, z)

Convenience functions for RGL HTML layouts


The asRow function arranges objects in a row in the display; the getWidgetId function extracts the HTML element ID from an HTML widget.


asRow(..., last = NA, height = NULL, colsize = 1)



Either a single "combineWidgets" object produced by asRow or a %>% pipe of RGL objects, or several objects intended for rearrangement.


If not NA, the number of objects from ... that are to be arranged in a row. Earlier ones will remain in a column.


An optional height for the resulting row. This is normally specified in pixels, but will be rescaled as necessary to fit the display.


A vector of relative widths for the columns in the row.


A single HTML widget from which to extract the HTML element ID.


Using asRow requires that the manipulateWidget package is installed.

asRow produces a "combineWidgets" object which is a single column whose last element is another "combineWidgets" object which is a single row.

If n objects are given as input and last is given a value less than n, the first n - last objects will be displayed in a column above the row containing the last objects.


asRow returns a single "combineWidgets" object suitable for display or nesting within a more complicated display.

getWidgetId returns a character string containing the HTML element ID of the widget.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

pipe for the %>% operator.


if (requireNamespace("manipulateWidget", quietly = TRUE) &&
    require("crosstalk", quietly = TRUE)) {
  sd <- SharedData$new(mtcars)
  ids <- plot3d(sd$origData(), col = mtcars$cyl, type = "s")
  # Copy the key and group from existing shared data
  rglsd <- rglShared(ids["data"], key = sd$key(), group = sd$groupName())
  w <- rglwidget(shared = rglsd) %>%
       asRow("Mouse mode: ", rglMouse(getWidgetId(.)), 
             "Subset: ", filter_checkbox("cylinderselector", 
		               "Cylinders", sd, ~ cyl, inline = TRUE),
             last = 4, colsize = c(1,2,1,2), height = 60)
  if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data


These functions draw axes, boxes and text outside the range of the data. axes3d, box3d and title3d are the higher level functions; normally the others need not be called directly by users.


axes3d(edges = "bbox", labels = TRUE, tick = TRUE, nticks = 5, 
	box = FALSE, expand = 1.03, ...)
title3d(main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
	zlab = NULL, line = NA, level = NA, floating = NULL, ...) 
axis3d(edge, at = NULL, labels = TRUE, tick = TRUE, line = 0, 
	pos = NULL, nticks = 5, ...) 
mtext3d(text, edge, at = NULL, line = 0, level = 0, 
        floating = FALSE, pos = NA, ...)



a code to describe which edge(s) of the box to use; see Details below


whether to label the axes, or (for axis3d) the labels to use


whether to use tick marks


suggested number of ticks


draw the full box if "bbox" axes are used


how much to expand the box around the data


the main title for the plot


the subtitle for the plot

xlab, ylab, zlab

the axis labels for the plot

line, level

the "line" of the plot margin to draw the label on, and "level" above or below it


which mode of axis labels? One of TRUE, FALSE or NA. (NULL may also be used in title3d calls). See Details for how these are handled.

edge, pos

the position at which to draw the axis or text


the text to draw


the value of a coordinate at which to draw the axis or labels.


additional parameters which are passed to bbox3d or material3d


The rectangular prism holding the 3D plot has 12 edges. They are identified using 3 character strings. The first character (‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’) selects the direction of the axis. The next two characters are each ‘-’ or ‘+’, selecting the lower or upper end of one of the other coordinates. If only one or two characters are given, the remaining characters normally default to ‘-’ (but with mtext3d(..., floating = TRUE) the default is ‘+’; see below). For example edge = 'x+' draws an x-axis at the high level of y and the low level of z.

By default, axes3d uses the bbox3d function to draw the axes. The labels will move so that they do not obscure the data. Alternatively, a vector of arguments as described above may be used, in which case fixed axes are drawn using axis3d.

As of rgl version 0.106.21, axis drawing has changed significantly. Text drawn in the margins will adapt to the margins (see bbox3d). The edge and floating parameters will be recorded in the margin and floating material properties for the object.

If floating = FALSE, they will be drawn on the specified edge.

If floating = TRUE, they will move as the axis labels move when the scene is rotated. The signs on the edge specification are interpreted as agreeing with the axis ticks ‘+’ or disagreeing ‘-’. For example, "x++" will draw text on the x axis in the same edge as the ticks, while "x--" will draw on the opposite edge.

The final possible value for floating in mtext3d is NA, which reproduces legacy rgl behaviour. In this case the labels are not tied to the bounding box, so they should be drawn last, or they could appear inside the box, overlapping the data.

In title3d floating = NULL (the default) indicates the main title and subtitle will be fixed while the axis labels will be floating. The default locations for title and subtitle are line = 2 and level = 2 on edges "x++" and "x--" respectively. The axis labels float at line = 4 and level = 1 on the same edge as the ticks.

The at parameter in axis3d is the location of the ticks, defaulting to pretty locations. In mtext3d the at parameter is the location on the specified axis at which to draw the text, defaulting to the middle of the bounding box.

The line parameter is the line counting out from the box in the same direction as the axis ticks, and level is the line out in the orthogonal direction. The ticks run from line = 0 to line = 1, and the tick labels are drawn at line = 2. Both are drawn at level 0.

The pos parameter is only supported in legacy mode. If it is a numeric vector of length 3, edge determines the direction of the axis and the tick marks, and the values of the other two coordinates in pos determine the position. The level parameter is ignored in legacy mode.

For mtext3d in floating = TRUE or floating = FALSE mode, there are 3 special values for the at parameter: it may be -Inf, NA or +Inf, referring to the bottom, middle or top of the given axis respectively.


These functions are called for their side effects. They return the object IDs of objects added to the scene.


mtext3d is a wrapper for text3d that sets the margin and floating material properties. In fact, these properties can be set for many kinds of objects (most kinds where it would make sense), with the effect that the object will be drawn in the margin, with x coordinate corresponding to at, y corresponding to line, and z corresponding to level.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

Classic graphics functions axis, box, title, mtext are related. See RGL functions bbox3d for drawing the box around the plot, and setAxisCallbacks for customized axes.


  points3d(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10))

  # First add standard axes

  # and one in the middle (the NA will be ignored, a number would 
  # do as well)
  axis3d('x', pos = c(NA, 0, 0))

  # add titles
  title3d('main', 'sub', 'xlab', 'ylab', 'zlab')
  # Use a log scale for z
  x <- rnorm(10)
  y <- rnorm(10)
  z <- exp(rnorm(10, mean = 3, sd = 2))
  logz <- log10(z)
  zticks <- axisTicks(range(logz), log = TRUE)
  zat <- log10(zticks)
  plot3d(x, y, logz, zlab = "z")
  axes3d(zat = zat, zlab = zticks, box = TRUE)

Set up bounding box decoration


Set up the bounding box decoration.


bbox3d(xat = NULL, yat = NULL, zat = NULL, 
	xunit = "pretty", yunit = "pretty", zunit = "pretty", 
	expand = 1.03,
	draw_front = FALSE, 
	xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL,
  xlen=5, ylen=5, zlen=5,
  marklen=15.0, marklen.rel=TRUE, ...)


xat, yat, zat

vector specifying the tickmark positions

xlab, ylab, zlab

character vector specifying the tickmark labeling

xunit, yunit, zunit

value specifying the tick mark base for uniform tick mark layout

xlen, ylen, zlen

value specifying the number of tickmarks


value specifying the length of the tickmarks


logical, if TRUE tick mark length is calculated using 1/marklen * axis length, otherwise tick mark length is marklen in coordinate space


value specifying how much to expand the bounding box around the data


draw the front faces of the bounding box


Material properties (or other rgl.bbox parameters in the case of bbox3d). See material3d for details.


Four different types of tick mark layouts are possible. This description applies to the X axis; other axes are similar: If xat is not NULL, the ticks are set up at custom positions. If xunit is numeric but not zero, it defines the tick mark base. If it is "pretty" (the default in bbox3d), ticks are set at pretty locations. If xlen is not zero, it specifies the number of ticks (a suggestion if xunit is "pretty").

The first color specifies the bounding box, while the second one specifies the tick mark and font color.

bbox3d defaults to pretty locations for the axis labels and a slightly larger box, whereas rgl.bbox covers the exact range.

axes3d offers more flexibility in the specification of the axes, but they are static, unlike those drawn by bbox3d.


This function is called for the side effect of setting the bounding box decoration. A shape ID is returned to allow pop3d to delete it.

See Also

material3d, axes3d


  points3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
  bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = "#333377", 
         specular = "#3333FF", shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8)

Set up background


Set up the background of the scene.


    fogScale = 1, 
    col, ...)


color, col

See Details below.


logical: if TRUE, an environmental sphere geometry is used for the background decoration.


Specifies the fill style of the sphere geometry. See material3d for details.


fog type:


no fog


linear fog function


exponential fog function


squared exponential fog function

Fog only applies to objects with material3d property fog set to TRUE.


Scaling for fog. See Details.


Additional material properties. See material3d for details.


The background color is taken from color or col if color is missing. The first entry is used for background clearing and as the fog color. The second (if present) is used for background sphere geometry.

If color and col are both missing, the default is found in the r3dDefaults$bg list, or "white" is used if nothing is specified there.

If sphere is set to TRUE, an environmental sphere enclosing the whole scene is drawn.

If not, but the material properties include a bitmap as a texture, the bitmap is drawn in the background of the scene. (The bitmap colors modify the general color setting.)

If neither a sphere nor a bitmap background is drawn, the background is filled with a solid color.

The fogScale parameter should be a positive value to change the density of the fog in the plot. For fogtype = "linear" it multiplies the density of the fog; for the exponential fog types it multiplies the density parameter used in the display.

See the OpenGL 2.1 reference for the formulas used in the fog calculations within R (though the "exp2" formula appears to be wrong, at least on my system). In WebGL displays, the following rules are used. They appear to match the rules used in R on my system.

  • For "linear" fog, the near clipping plane is taken as c=0c=0, and the far clipping plane is taken as c=1c=1. The amount of fog is scs * c clamped to a 0 to 1 range, where s=fogScales = fogScale.

  • For "exp" and "exp2" fog, the observer location is negative at a distance depending on the field of view. The formula for the distance is

    c=[1sin(theta)]/[1+sin(theta)]c = [1-sin(theta)]/[1 + sin(theta)]

    where theta=FOV/2theta = FOV/2. We calculate

    c=d(1c)+cc' = d(1-c) + c

    so cc' runs from 0 at the observer to 1 at the far clipping plane.

  • For "exp" fog, the amount of fog is 1exp(sc)1 - exp(-s * c').

  • For "exp2" fog, the amount of fog is 1exp[(sc)2]1 - exp[-(s * c')^2].

See Also

material3d, bgplot3d to add a 2D plot as background.


  # a simple white background

  # the holo-globe (inspired by star trek):

  bg3d(sphere = TRUE, color = c("black", "green"), lit = FALSE, back = "lines" )

  # an environmental sphere with a nice texture.

  bg3d(sphere = TRUE, texture = system.file("textures/sunsleep.png", package = "rgl"), 
         back = "filled" )
  # The same texture as a fixed background
  bg3d(texture = system.file("textures/sunsleep.png", package = "rgl"), col = "white")

Use base graphics for RGL background


Add a 2D plot or a legend in the background of an RGL window.


bgplot3d(expression, bg.color = getr3dDefaults("bg", "color"), 
         magnify = 1, ...)



Any plotting commands to produce a plot.


The color to use for the background.


Multiplicative factor to apply to size of window when producing background plot.


For legend3d, arguments to pass to bgplot3d or legend; for bgplot3d, arguments to pass to bg3d.


The bgplot3d function opens a png device and executes expression, producing a plot there. This plot is then used as a bitmap background for the current RGL subscene.

The legend3d function draws a standard 2D legend to the background of the current subscene by calling bgplot3d to open a device, and setting up a plot region there to fill the whole display.


The bgplot3d function invisibly returns the ID of the background object that was created, with attribute "value" holding the value returned when the expression was evaluated.

The legend3d function does similarly. The "value" attribute is the result of the call to legend. The scaling of the coordinates runs from 0 to 1 in X and Y.


Because the background plots are drawn as bitmaps, they do not resize very gracefully. It's best to size your window first, then draw the background at that size.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

bg3d for other background options.


x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- rnorm(100)
# Needs to be a bigger window than the default
par3d(windowRect = c(100, 100, 612, 612))
parent <- currentSubscene3d()
mfrow3d(2, 2)
plot3d(x, y, z)
next3d(reuse = FALSE)
bgplot3d(plot(y, z))
next3d(reuse = FALSE)
bgplot3d(plot(x, z))
next3d(reuse = FALSE)
legend3d("center", c("2D Points", "3D Points"), pch = c(1, 16))

R6 Class for binary buffers in glTF files.


These files typically have one buffer holding all the binary data for a scene.


Public methods

Method new()

Buffer$new(json = NULL, binfile = NULL)

list read from glTF file.


optional External binary filename, or raw vector

Method load()

Load from file.

Buffer$load(uri, buf = 0)

Which file to load.


Which buffer number to load.

Method saveOpenBuffer()

Write open buffer to connection.

Buffer$saveOpenBuffer(con, buf = 0)

Output connection.


Buffer number.

Method getBuffer()

Get buffer object.

Buffer$getBuffer(buf, default = list(byteLength = 0))

Buffer number.


Default buffer object if buf not found.


A list containing components described here:

Method setBuffer()

Set buffer object.

Buffer$setBuffer(buf, buffer)

Buffer number.


New value to insert.

Method openBuffer()

Open a connection for the data in a buffer.


Buffer number.


An open binary connection.

Method writeBuffer()

Write data to buffer.

Buffer$writeBuffer(values, type, size, buf = 0)

Values to write.


Type to write.


Byte size of each value.


Which buffer to write to.


Byte offset of start of bytes written.

Method closeBuffer()

Close the connection in a buffer.

If there was a connection open, this will save the contents in the raw vector bytes within the buffer object.


The buffer number.

Method closeBuffers()

Close any open buffers.

Call this after working with a GLTF file to avoid warnings from R about closing unused connections.


Method getBufferview()

Get bufferView object.


bufferView number.


A list containing components described here:

Method addBufferView()

Add a new buffer view.

Buffer$addBufferView(values, type, size, target = NULL, buf = 0)

Values to put in the view.


Type of values.


Size of values in bytes.


Optional target use for values.


Which buffer to write to.


New bufferView number.

Method openBufferview()

Open a connection to a buffer view.


Which bufferView.


A connection.

Method setBufferview()

Set bufferView object.

Buffer$setBufferview(bufv, bufferView)

bufferView number.


New value to insert.

Method getAccessor()

Get accessor object


Accessor number


A list containing components described here:

Method setAccessor()

Set accessor object.

Buffer$setAccessor(acc, accessor)

Accessor number.


New value to insert.

Method readAccessor()

Read data given by accessor number.


Accessor number.


A vector or array as specified in the accessor. For the MATn types, the 3rd index indexes the element.

Method readAccessor0()

Read data given by accessor object.


Accessor object


A vector or array as specified in the accessor. For the MATn types, the 3rd index indexes the element.

Method addAccessor()

Write values to accessor, not including min and max.

  target = NULL,
  types = "anyGLTF",
  normalized = FALSE

Values to write.


Optional target use for values.


Which types can be used?


Are normalized integers allowed?


Whether to write doubles or singles.


New accessor number

Method dataURI()

Convert buffer to data URI.

Buffer$dataURI(buf = 0)

Buffer to convert.


String containing data URI.

Method as.list()

Convert to list.


List suitable for writing using JSON.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

Buffer$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

User callbacks on mouse events


Set and get user callbacks on mouse events.


rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin = NULL, update = NULL, end = NULL, 
                      dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))
                      dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))

                      dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))

rgl.getWheelCallback(dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))



Which button? Use 1 for left, 2 for right, 3 for middle, 4 for wheel. Use 0 to set an action when no button is pressed.


Called when mouse down event occurs


Called when mouse moves


Called when mouse is released


Called when mouse wheel is rotated

dev, subscene

The RGL device and subscene to work with


The set functions set event handlers on mouse events that occur within the current RGL window. The begin and update events should be functions taking two arguments; these will be the mouse coordinates when the event occurs. The end event handler takes no arguments. The rotate event takes a single argument, which will be equal to 1 if the user pushes the wheel away by one click, and 2 if the user pulls the wheel by one click.

Alternatively, the handlers may be set to NULL, the default value, in which case no action will occur.

If a subscene has multiple listeners, the user action will still only be called for the subscene that received the mouse event. It should consult par3d("listeners") if it makes sense to take action on the whole group of subscenes.

The get function retrieves the callbacks that are currently set.

The “no button” mouse handler may be set by specifying button = 0. The begin function will be called the first time the mouse moves within the subscene, and the update function will be called repeatedly as it moves. The end function will never be called.


The set functions are called for the side effect of setting the mouse event handlers.

The rgl.getMouseCallbacks function returns a list containing the callback functions or NULL if no user callback is set. The rgl.getWheelCallback returns the callback function or NULL.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

par3d to set built-in handlers, setUserCallbacks to work with rglwidget.


pan3d <- function(button, dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev)) {
   start <- list()
   begin <- function(x, y) {
     activeSubscene <- par3d("activeSubscene", dev = dev)
     start$listeners <<- par3d("listeners", dev = dev, subscene = activeSubscene)
     for (sub in start$listeners) {
       init <- par3d(c("userProjection","viewport"), dev = dev, subscene = sub)
       init$pos <- c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5)
       start[[as.character(sub)]] <<- init
   update <- function(x, y) {
     for (sub in start$listeners) {
       init <- start[[as.character(sub)]]
       xlat <- 2*(c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5) - init$pos)
       mouseMatrix <- translationMatrix(xlat[1], xlat[2], xlat[3])
       par3d(userProjection = mouseMatrix %*% init$userProjection, dev = dev, subscene = sub )
   rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin, update, dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
   cat("Callbacks set on button", button, "of RGL device", dev, "in subscene", subscene, "\n")
 shade3d(icosahedron3d(), col = "yellow")
 # This only works in the internal display...

Check for a compatible version of deldir


Version 1.0-2 of deldir is not compatible with rgl. This allows code to avoid trying to call it.


checkDeldir(error = FALSE)



If TRUE, stop with an error.


Returns TRUE if deldir is available in a compatible version.



Clip mesh or RGL object to general region


Modifies a mesh3d object so that values of a function are bounded.


clipMesh3d(mesh, fn, bound = 0, greater = TRUE, 
           minVertices = 0, plot = FALSE, keepValues = FALSE,
           keepTags = FALSE)
clipObj3d(ids = tagged3d(tags), fn, bound = 0, greater = TRUE,
           minVertices = 0,
           replace = TRUE, tags)



A mesh3d object.


A function used to determine clipping, or a vector of values from such a function, with one value per vertex.


The value(s) of fn on the clipping boundary.


Logical; whether to keep fn >= bound or not.


See Details below.


Logical; whether or not to plot the mesh.


Logical; whether to save the function values at each vertex when plot = FALSE.


Whether to keep the "tags" component of the result; see details below.


The RGL id value(s) of objects to clip.


Object tags; an alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


Should the ids objects be deleted after the clipped ones are drawn?


These functions transform a mesh3d object or other RGL objects by removing parts where fn violates the bound.

For clipMesh3d the fn argument can be any of the following:

  • a character vector naming a function (with special names "x", "y", and "z" corresponding to functions returning those coordinates)

  • a function

  • a numeric vector with one value per vertex

  • NULL, indicating that the numeric values are saved in mesh$values

For clipObj3d any of the above except NULL may be used.

If fn is a numeric vector, with one value per vertex, those values will be used in the test. If it is a function with formal arguments x, y and z, it will receive the coordinates of vertices in those arguments, otherwise it will receive the coordinates in a single n x 3 matrix. The function should be vectorized and return one value per vertex, to check against the bound.

These operations are performed on the mesh:

First, all quads are converted to triangles.

Next, each vertex is checked against the condition.

Modifications to triangles depend on how many of the vertices satisfy the condition (fn >= bound or fn <= bound, depending on greater) for inclusion.

  • If no vertices in a triangle satisfy the condition, the triangle is omitted.

  • If one vertex satisfies the condition, the other two vertices in that triangle are shrunk towards it by assuming fn is locally linear.

  • If two vertices satisfy the condition, the third vertex is shrunk along each edge towards each other vertex, forming a quadrilateral made of two new triangles.

  • If all vertices satisfy the condition, they are included with no modifications.

Modifications to line segments are similar: the segment will be shortened if it crosses the boundary, or omitted if it is entirely out of bounds. Points, spheres, text and sprites will just be kept or rejected.

The minVertices argument is used to improve the approximation to the boundary when fn is a non-linear function. In that case, the interpolation described above can be inaccurate. If minVertices is set to a positive number (e.g. 10000), then each object is modified by subdivision to have at least that number of vertices, so that pieces are smaller and the linear interpolation is more accurate. In the clipObj3d function, minVertices can be a vector, with entries corresponding to each of the entries in ids.


If plot = FALSE, clipMesh3d returns new mesh3d object in which all vertices (approximately) satisfy the clipping condition. Note that the order of vertices will likely differ from the original order, and new vertices will be added near the boundary (and if minVertices > 0, in the interior). If in addition keepValues = TRUE, a component named "values" will be added to the mesh containing the values for each vertex. If keepTags = TRUE, the tags component described below will be added to the output mesh.

If plot = TRUE, the result will be plotted with shade3d and its result returned.

clipObj3d is called for the side effect of modifying the scene. It returns a list of new RGL id values corresponding to the ids passed as arguments.

The keepTags argument

If keepTags = TRUE, a "tags" element will be added to the result. It will be a vector with one entry per point, segment, triangle and quad in the output mesh. (These tags are not related to the tags used to identify rgl objects.) The mesh tags may be used to show the correspondence between the parts of the input mesh and output mesh. By default, the tags are constructed as a numerical sequence over points, segments, triangles and quads in the input mesh, in that order, starting from one. This is the same order used for colours when shading with meshColor == "faces".

For example, start with a mesh with one point, two segments, three triangles and four quads, but no tags member. It would implicitly tag the parts from one to ten as

⁠ c(1, # the point 2:3, # the two segments 4:6, # the three triangles 7:10) # the four quads ⁠

If clipping deleted the segments and the first triangle, the output would contain the seven element result

⁠ mesh$tags <- c(1, # the point remains # no segments now 5:6, # the two remaining triangles # were previously items 5 and 6 7:10) # the four quads ⁠

The tags output may contain repetitions. For example, when a triangle is partially clipped and replaced by several smaller triangles, entries for all of them will contain the value corresponding to the original triangle.

The mesh$tags component may be supplied as part of the input mesh as any type of vector; the output will propagate values to the new mesh. The input length must match the total number of points, segments, triangles and quads in the input mesh or an error will be raised.


Duncan Murdoch


See and for a motivating example.

See Also

See contourLines3d and filledContour3d for ways to display function values without clipping.


# Show the problem that minVertices solves:

cube <- cube3d(col = rainbow(6), meshColor = "faces")

# This function only has one argument, so it will 
# be passed x, y and z in columns of a matrix
vecnorm <- function(vals) apply(vals, 1, function(row) sqrt(sum(row^2)))

mfrow3d(2, 2, sharedMouse = TRUE)
id1 <- shade3d(cube)
# All vertices have norm sqrt(3), so this clips nothing:
clipObj3d(id1, fn = vecnorm, bound = sqrt(2))
id2 <- wire3d(cube, lit = FALSE)
clipObj3d(id2, fn = vecnorm, bound = sqrt(2))

# This subdivides the cube, and does proper clipping:
id3 <- shade3d(cube)
clipObj3d(id3, fn = vecnorm, bound = sqrt(2), minVertices = 200)
id4 <- wire3d(cube, lit = FALSE)
clipObj3d(id4, fn = vecnorm, bound = sqrt(2), minVertices = 200)

Sets attributes of a clipping plane


This is a function to produce actions in a web display. A playwidget or Shiny input control (e.g. a sliderInput control) sets a value which controls attributes of one or more clipping planes.


clipplaneControl(a = NULL, b = NULL, c = NULL, d = NULL, 
                 plane = 1, clipplaneids = tagged3d(tag), tag, ...)


a, b, c, d

Parameter values for the clipping planes.


Which plane in the clipplane object?


The id of the clipplane object.


Select clipplane with matching tag. Ignored if clipplaneid is specified.


Other parameters passed to propertyControl.


A list of class "rglControl" of cleaned up parameter values, to be used in an RGL widget.


Duncan Murdoch


  saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)
  xyz <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)
  id <- plot3d(xyz, type="s", col = "blue", zlim = c(-3,3))["clipplanes"]
  dvals <- c(3, -3)
  widget <- rglwidget() %>%
    playwidget(clipplaneControl(d = dvals, clipplaneids = id),
               start = 0, stop = 1, step = 0.01,
               rate = 0.5)
  if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Draw contours on a surface


contourLines3d draws contour lines on a surface; filledContour3d draws filled contours on it.


contourLines3d(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglId'
contourLines3d(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
contourLines3d(obj, fn = "z", 
    nlevels = 10, 
    levels = NULL, 
    minVertices = 0,
    plot = TRUE, ... )
filledContour3d(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglId'
filledContour3d(obj, plot = TRUE, replace = plot, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
filledContour3d(obj, fn = "z", 
    nlevels = 20, 
    levels = pretty(range(values), nlevels), 
    color.palette = function(n) hcl.colors(n, "YlOrRd", rev = TRUE),
    col = color.palette(length(levels) - 1),
    minVertices = 0,
    plot = TRUE, 
    keepValues = FALSE, ... )



The object(s) on which to draw contour lines.


The function(s) to be contoured. See Details.


Suggested number of contour levels if levels is not given.


Specified contour values.


See Details below.


Whether to draw the lines or return them in a dataframe.


For the "mesh3d" methods, additional parameters to pass to segments3d when drawing the contour lines or to shade3d when drawing the filled contours. For the "rglId" methods, additional parameters to pass to the "mesh3d" methods.


Whether to delete the objects that are being contoured.


a color palette function to assign colors in the plot


the actual colors to use in the plot.


whether to save the function values at each vertex when plot = FALSE


For contourLines3d, the fn argument can be any of the following:

  • a character vector naming one or more functions

  • a function

  • a numeric vector with one value per vertex

  • NULL, indicating that the numeric values are saved in obj$values

  • a list containing any of the above.

For filledContour3d, only one function can be specified.

The special names "x", "y", "z" may be used in fn to specify functions returning one of those coordinates. (If you have existing functions x(), y() or z() they will be masked by this choice; specify such functions by value rather than name, e.g. fn = x instead of fn = "x".)

Functions in fn with formal arguments x, y and z will receive the coordinates of vertices in those arguments, otherwise they will receive the coordinates in a single n x 3 matrix. They should be vectorized and return one value per vertex.

Each of the functions will be evaluated at each vertex of the surface specified by obj, and contours will be drawn assuming the function is linear between vertices. If contours of a nonlinear function are needed, you may want to increase minVertices as described below.

If levels is not specified, values will be set separately for each entry in fn, using pretty(range(values, na.rm = TRUE), nlevels) where values are the values on the vertices.

The minVertices argument is used to improve the approximation to the contour when the function is non-linear. In that case, the interpolation between vertices can be inaccurate. If minVertices is set to a positive number (e.g. 10000), then the mesh is modified by subdivision to have at least that number of vertices, so that pieces are smaller and the linear interpolation is more accurate.


For both contourLines3d and filledContour3d the "rglId" method converts the given id values to a mesh, and calls the "mesh3d" method.

The "mesh3d" method returns an object of class "rglId" corresponding to what was drawn if plot is TRUE,

If plot is FALSE, contourLines3d returns a dataframe containing columns c("x", "y", "z", "fn", "level") giving the coordinates of the endpoints of each line segment, the name (or index) of the function for this contour, and the level of the contour.

If plot is FALSE, filledContour3d returns a "mesh3d" object holding the result. If keepValues is TRUE, the mesh will contain the values corresponding to each vertex (with linear approximations at the boundaries).


To draw contours on a surface, the surface should be drawn with material property polygon_offset = 1 (or perhaps some larger positive value) so that the lines of the contour are not obscured by the surface.

In R versions prior to 3.6.0, the default color.palette is grDevices::cm.colors.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

The misc3d package contains the function contour3d to draw contour surfaces in space instead of contour lines on surfaces.


# Add contourlines in "z" to a persp plot

z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

id <- persp3d(x, y, z, aspect = "iso",
      axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, polygon_offset = 1)
contourLines3d(id)     # "z" is the default function
filledContour3d(id, polygon_offset = 1, nlevels = 10, replace = TRUE)

# Draw longitude and latitude lines on a globe

lat <- matrix(seq(90, -90, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50, byrow = TRUE)
long <- matrix(seq(-180, 180, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50)

r <- 6378.1 # radius of Earth in km
x <- r*cos(lat)*cos(long)
y <- r*cos(lat)*sin(long)
z <- r*sin(lat)

ids <- persp3d(x, y, z, col = "white", 
        texture = system.file("textures/worldsmall.png", package = "rgl"), 
        specular = "black", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "",
        normal_x = x, normal_y = y, normal_z = z, polygon_offset = 1)
contourLines3d(ids, list(latitude = function(x, y, z) asin(z/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2))*180/pi,
                         longitude = function(x, y, z) atan2(y, x)*180/pi))

Sample 3D mesh objects


A collection of sample mesh objects.


cube3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)  
  tetrahedron3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)  
  octahedron3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)  
  icosahedron3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)
  dodecahedron3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)
  cuboctahedron3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)
  oh3d(trans = identityMatrix(), ...)    # an 'o' object



transformation to apply to objects


additional parameters to pass to mesh3d


These sample objects optionally take a 4x4 matrix transformation trans as an argument. This transformation is applied to all vertices of the default shape. The default is an identity transformation.


Objects of class c("mesh3d", "shape3d").

See Also



# render all of the Platonic solids
  shade3d( translate3d( tetrahedron3d(col = "red"), 0, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( cube3d(col = "green"), 3, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( octahedron3d(col = "blue"), 6, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( dodecahedron3d(col = "cyan"), 9, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( icosahedron3d(col = "magenta"), 12, 0, 0) )

Create cylindrical or "tube" plots


This function converts a description of a space curve into a "mesh3d" object forming a cylindrical tube around the curve.


cylinder3d(center, radius = 1, twist = 0, e1 = NULL, e2 = NULL, e3 = NULL, 
	sides = 8, section = NULL, closed = 0, 
	rotationMinimizing = is.null(e2) && is.null(e3),
	debug = FALSE, keepVars = FALSE, ...)



An n by 3 matrix whose columns are the x, y and z coordinates of the space curve.


The radius of the cross-section of the tube at each point in the center.


The amount by which the polygon forming the tube is twisted at each point.

e1, e2, e3

The local coordinates to use at each point on the space curve. These default to a rotation minimizing frame or Frenet coordinates.


The number of sides in the polygon cross section.


The polygon cross section as a two-column matrix, or NULL.


Whether to treat the first and last points of the space curve as identical, and close the curve, or put caps on the ends. See the Details.


Use a rotation minimizing local frame if TRUE, or a Frenet or user-specified frame if FALSE.


If TRUE, plot the local Frenet coordinates at each point.


If TRUE, return the local variables in attribute "vars".


Additional arguments to set as material properties.


The number of points in the space curve is determined by the vector lengths in center, after using xyz.coords to convert it to a list. The other arguments radius, twist, e1, e2, and e3 are extended to the same length.

The closed argument controls how the ends of the cylinder are handled. If closed > 0, it represents the number of points of overlap in the coordinates. closed == TRUE is the same as closed = 1. If closed > 0 but the ends don't actually match, a warning will be given and results will be somewhat unpredictable.

Negative values of closed indicate that caps should be put on the ends of the cylinder. If closed == -1, a cap will be put on the end corresponding to center[1, ]. If closed == -2, caps will be put on both ends.

If section is NULL (the default), a regular sides-sided polygon is used, and radius measures the distance from the center of the cylinder to each vertex. If not NULL, sides is ignored (and set internally to nrow(section)), and radius is used as a multiplier to the vertex coordinates. twist specifies the rotation of the polygon. Both radius and twist may be vectors, with values recycled to the number of rows in center, while sides and section are the same at every point along the curve.

The three optional arguments e1, e2, and e3 determine the local coordinate system used to create the vertices at each point in center. If missing, they are computed by simple numerical approximations. e1 should be the tangent coordinate, giving the direction of the curve at the point. The cross-section of the polygon will be orthogonal to e1. When rotationMinimizing is TRUE, e2 and e3 are chosen to give a rotation minimizing frame (see Wang et al., 2008). When it is FALSE, e2 defaults to an approximation to the normal or curvature vector; it is used as the image of the y axis of the polygon cross-section. e3 defaults to an approximation to the binormal vector, to which the x axis of the polygon maps. The vectors are orthogonalized and normalized at each point.


A "mesh3d" object holding the cylinder, possibly with attribute "vars" containing the local environment of the function.


Duncan Murdoch


Wang, W., Jüttler, B., Zheng, D. and Liu, Y. (2008). Computation of rotation minimizing frames. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 27, No. 1, Article 2.


# A trefoil knot
theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 25)
knot <- cylinder3d(
      center = cbind(
        sin(theta) + 2*sin(2*theta), 
        cos(theta) - 2*cos(2*theta)),
      e1 = cbind(
        cos(theta) + 4*cos(2*theta), 
        sin(theta) + 4*sin(2*theta)),
      radius = 0.8, 
      closed = TRUE,
      color = "green")
shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(knot, depth = 2)))

Add decorations to a 3D plot


decorate3d adds the usual decorations to a plot: labels, axes, etc.


decorate3d(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, 
           xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", 
           box = TRUE, axes = TRUE, 
           main = NULL, sub = NULL, 
           top = TRUE, aspect = FALSE, expand = 1.03, 
           tag = material3d("tag"), ...)


xlim, ylim, zlim

These are used for the labels.

xlab, ylab, zlab

labels for the coordinates.

box, axes

whether to draw a box and axes.

main, sub

main title and subtitle.


whether to bring the window to the top when done.


either a logical indicating whether to adjust the aspect ratio, or a new ratio.


how much to expand the box around the data, if it is drawn.


optional label for objects being produced.




The RGL id values for those items.


shade3d(tetrahedron3d(), col = "red")
decorate3d(main = "A Tetrahedron")

Drape lines over a scene.


Project a line onto the surface in a scene so that it appears to drape itself onto the surface.


drape3d(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
drape3d(obj, x, y = NULL, z = NULL, plot = TRUE,
                         up = c(0, 0, 1),
                         P = projectDown(up), ...)
## Default S3 method:
drape3d(obj, ...)



The object(s) upon which to drape lines.

x, y, z

Coordinates of the line segments to be draped. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


Should the result be plotted, or returned as a data frame?


The direction to consider as “up”.


The projection to use for draping, a 4x4 matrix.


For the "mesh3d" method, additional parameters to pass to segments3d when drawing the draped lines. For the "default" method, additional parameters to pass to the "mesh3d" method.


The default method converts obj to a mesh using as.mesh3d, then uses the "mesh3d" method.

The current implementation constructs the segments to drape across the surface using the same method as lines3d uses: each successive point is joined to the previous one. Use NA coordinates to indicate breaks in the line.

The P matrix is used to project points to a plane as follows: They are transformed by P in homogeneous coordinates, then only first two (Euclidean) coordinates are kept.


If plot = TRUE, plots the result and invisibly returns the object ID of the collection of segments.

If plot = FALSE, returns a matrix containing "x", "y" and "z" values for the line(s) (for use with segments3d),


George Helffrich and Duncan Murdoch

See Also

shadow3d, facing3d


# volcano example taken from "persp"

z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief

x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

zlim <- range(z)
zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1

colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table

col <- colorlut[ z - zlim[1] + 1 ] # assign colors to heights for each point

id <- surface3d(x, y, z, color = col, polygon_offset = 1)

segs <- data.frame(x = range(x) + c(100, -100),
                   y = range(y) + c(150, -100), z = 325)
drape3d(id, segs, col = 'yellow', lwd = 3)
lines3d(segs, col='red', lwd=3)

p <- c(350, 205)         # (x,y) of strike & dip reading
off <- 20*c(-1, +1)      # X-marks-the-spot offset
segs <- data.frame(
    x = c(p[1] + off, NA, p[1] + off),
    y = c(p[2] + off, NA, p[2] - off),
    z = rep(350, 5)
drape3d(id, segs, col = "yellow", lwd = 3)

Use widget with old-style controls


The rglwidget control is designed to work in the htmlwidgets framework. Older RGL web pages that used the deprecated writeWebGL or knitr used a different method of linking the controls to the scene. This is a partial bridge between the two systems. You should adopt the new system, not use this function.


elementId2Prefix(elementId, prefix = elementId)



An element identifier from a rglwidget call.


The prefix to use in the old-style control.


This function generates Javascript code, so it should be used in an results = "asis" block in a knitr document.


Duncan Murdoch

Make an ellipsoid


A generic function and several methods returning an ellipsoid or other outline of a confidence region for three parameters.


ellipse3d(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
ellipse3d(x, scale = c(1, 1, 1), centre = c(0, 0, 0), level = 0.95, 
	t = sqrt(qchisq(level, 3)), which = 1:3, subdivide = 3, smooth = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'lm'
ellipse3d(x, which = 1:3, level = 0.95, t = sqrt(3 * qf(level, 
                                                3, x$df.residual)), ...)     
## S3 method for class 'glm'
ellipse3d(x, which = 1:3, level = 0.95, t, dispersion, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'nls'
ellipse3d(x, which = 1:3, level = 0.95, t = sqrt(3 * qf(level, 
                                                3, s$df[2])), ...)



An object. In the default method the parameter x should be a square positive definite matrix at least 3x3 in size. It will be treated as the correlation or covariance of a multivariate normal distribution.


Additional parameters to pass to the default method or to qmesh3d.


If x is a correlation matrix, then the standard deviations of each parameter can be given in the scale parameter. This defaults to c(1, 1, 1), so no rescaling will be done.


The centre of the ellipse will be at this position.


The confidence level of a simultaneous confidence region. The default is 0.95, for a 95% region. This is used to control the size of the ellipsoid.


The size of the ellipse may also be controlled by specifying the value of a t-statistic on its boundary. This defaults to the appropriate value for the confidence region.


This parameter selects which variables from the object will be plotted. The default is the first 3.


This controls the number of subdivisions (see subdivision3d) used in constructing the ellipsoid. Higher numbers give a smoother shape.


If TRUE, smooth interpolation of normals is used; if FALSE, a faceted ellipsoid will be displayed.


The value of dispersion to use. If specified, it is treated as fixed, and chi-square limits for t are used. If missing, it is taken from summary(x).


A mesh3d object representing the ellipsoid.


# Plot a random sample and an ellipsoid of concentration corresponding to a 95% 
# probability region for a
# trivariate normal distribution with mean 0, unit variances and 
# correlation 0.8.
if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
  Sigma <- matrix(c(10, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1), 3, 3)
  Mean <- 1:3
  x <- MASS::mvrnorm(1000, Mean, Sigma)
  plot3d(x, box = FALSE)
  plot3d( ellipse3d(Sigma, centre = Mean), col = "green", alpha = 0.5, add = TRUE)

# Plot the estimate and joint 90% confidence region for the displacement and cylinder
# count linear coefficients in the mtcars dataset

fit <- lm(mpg ~ disp + cyl , mtcars)

plot3d(ellipse3d(fit, level = 0.90), col = "blue", alpha = 0.5, aspect = TRUE)

Helper for testthat testing.


Gets the current scene using scene3d, and compares the result to a saved value, optionally closing the window afterwards.


                   close = TRUE, 
                   file = paste0("testdata/", name, ".rds"),



By default, the base name of the file to save results in. Not used if file is specified.


Whether to close the rgl window after the comparison.


The file in which to save the result.


Other arguments which will be passed to expect_known_value.


This function uses expect_known_value to save a representation of the scene. During the comparison, the scene is modified so that non-reproducible aspects are standardized or omitted:

  • object ids are changed to start at 1.

  • system-specific font names and texture names are deleted.

  • the window is shifted to the top left of the screen.

Calls to expect_known_scene() enable testthat::local_edition(2) for the duration of the call, so it will work in testthat “3rd edition”.


A value describing the changes to the saved object, suitable for use in test_that().


## Not run: 
# These lines can be included in testthat::test_that() code.
plot3d(1:10, 1:10, 1:10)

## End(Not run)

Generate extrusion mesh


Given a two-dimensional polygon, this generates a three-dimensional extrusion of the shape by triangulating the polygon and creating a cylinder with that shape as the end faces.


extrude3d(x, y = NULL, thickness = 1, smooth = FALSE, ...)


x, y

A polygon description in one of the forms supported by triangulate.


The extrusion will have this thickness.


logical; should normals be added so that the edges of the extrusion appear smooth?


Other parameters to pass to tmesh3d when constructing the mesh.


The extrusion is always constructed with the polygon in the xy plane at z = 0 and another copy at z = thickness. Use the transformation functions (e.g. rotate3d) to obtain other orientations and placements.


A mesh object containing a triangulation of the polygon for each face, and quadrilaterals for the sides.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

polygon3d for a simple polygon, triangulate for the triangulation, turn3d for a solid of rotation.


x <- c(1:10, 10:1)
y <- rev(c(rep(c(0, 2), 5), rep(c(1.5, -0.5), 5)))
plot(x, y, type = "n")
polygon(x, y)
shade3d( extrude3d(x, y), col = "red" )

Subset an object to parts facing in a particular direction


facing3d subsets an object by converting it to a triangle mesh, then subsetting to those triangles that are counterclockwise (for front = TRUE) when projected into a plane.

projectDown computes a projection that “looks down” the specified direction.


facing3d(obj, up = c(0, 0, 1), 
         P = projectDown(up), 
         front = TRUE, strict = TRUE)



An object that can be converted to a triangular mesh object.


The direction that is to be considered “up”. It may be either a 3 vector in Euclidean coordinates or a 4 vector in homogeneous coordinates.


The projection to use for draping, a 4x4 matrix. See drape3d for details on how P is used.


If front = TRUE, retains triangles that are counterclockwise after projection by P, otherwise retains those that are clockwise.


If TRUE, drops indeterminate triangles (those that are annihilated by P).


By default the returned subset will be those triangles whose upper side matches front. Change up or use an arbitrary projection for different subsets.

drape3d and shadow3d project objects onto meshes; these functions can be used to project only onto the top or front.


facing3d returns a mesh object made of those triangles which face in the desired direction.

projectDown computes a 4x4 matrix. The first two coordinates of asEuclidean(x %*% projectDown(up)) give a projection of x from above into a plane, where up determines which direction is taken to be “up”.

See Also

drape3d, shadow3d


d <- rnorm(3)
d <- d/sqrt(sum(d^2))
shade3d( facing3d( icosahedron3d(), up = d, strict = FALSE), 
         col = "yellow")
wire3d( facing3d( icosahedron3d(), up = d, front = FALSE), 
         col = "black")
# Show the direction:
arrow3d(-2*d , -d)

Get R Markdown figure dimensions in pixels


In an R Markdown document, figure dimensions are normally specified in inches; these are translated into pixel dimensions when HTML output is requested and rglwidget is used. These functions reproduce that translation.




When used in an R Markdown document, these functions return the requested current dimensions of figures in pixels. Outside such a document, NULL is returned.


Duncan Murdoch


# No useful return value outside of R Markdown:

Extract the boundary of a mesh


Constructs a mesh of line segments corresponding to non-shared (i.e. boundary) edges of triangles or quads in the original mesh.


getBoundary3d(mesh, sorted = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, ...)



A mesh object.


Whether the result should have the segments sorted in sequential order.


Whether to simplify the resulting mesh, dropping all unused vertices. If FALSE, the vertices of the result will be identical to the vertices of mesh; if TRUE, they will likely be different, even if no vertices were dropped.


Material properties to apply to the mesh.


A "mesh3d" object containing 0 or more segments.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



x <- cube3d(col = "blue")
x$ib <- x$ib[,-(1:2)]
b <- getBoundary3d(x, sorted = TRUE, col = "black")

shade3d(x, alpha=0.2)


# Show edge vertices in sequence:
text3d(t(b$vb), texts = 1:ncol(b$vb), adj = 0)
c(b$is[1,1], b$is[2,])

Names of glTF types.


The glTF specification packs data into buffers, labelling the type of each part with an integer. The first six values in gltfTypes are the integers used there, with "int" and "double" added for completeness; those values are taken from OpenGL header files.




gltfTypes is simply a named vector containing integer values.


These are used in the Buffer object.




The Gram-Schmidt algorithm


Generate a 3x3 orthogonal matrix using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm.


GramSchmidt(v1, v2, v3, order = 1:3)


v1, v2, v3

Three length 3 vectors (taken as row vectors).


The precedence order for the vectors; see Details.


This function orthogonalizes the matrix rbind(v1, v2, v3) using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. It can handle rank 2 matrices (returning a rank 3 matrix). If the original is rank 1, it is likely to fail.

The order vector determines the precedence of the original vectors. For example, if it is c(i, j, k), then row i will be unchanged (other than normalization); row j will normally be transformed within the span of rows i and j. Row k will be transformed orthogonally to the span of the others.


A 3x3 matrix whose rows are the orthogonalization of the original row vectors.


Duncan Murdoch


# Proceed through the rows in order
print(A <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3))
GramSchmidt(A[1, ], A[2, ], A[3, ])

# Keep the middle row unchanged
print(A <- matrix(c(rnorm(2), 0, 1, 0, 0, rnorm(3)), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE))
GramSchmidt(A[1, ], A[2, ], A[3, ], order = c(2, 1, 3))

Add a grid to a 3D plot


This function adds a reference grid to an RGL plot.


grid3d(side, at = NULL, col = "gray", lwd = 1, lty = 1, n = 5)



Where to put the grid; see the Details section.


How to draw the grid; see the Details section.


The color of the grid lines.


The line width of the grid lines. (Currently only lty = 1 is supported.)


The line type of the grid lines.


Suggested number of grid lines; see the Details section.


This function is similar to grid in classic graphics, except that it draws a 3D grid in the plot.

The grid is drawn in a plane perpendicular to the coordinate axes. The first letter of the side argument specifies the direction of the plane: "x", "y" or "z" (or uppercase versions) to specify the coordinate which is constant on the plane.

If at = NULL (the default), the grid is drawn at the limit of the box around the data. If the second letter of the side argument is "-" or is not present, it is the lower limit; if "+" then at the upper limit. The grid lines are drawn at values chosen by pretty with n suggested locations. The default locations should match those chosen by axis3d with nticks = n.

If at is a numeric vector, the grid lines are drawn at those values.

If at is a list, then the "x" component is used to specify the x location, the "y" component specifies the y location, and the "z" component specifies the z location. Missing components are handled using the default as for at = NULL.

Multiple grids may be drawn by specifying multiple values for side or for the component of at that specifies the grid location.


A vector or matrix of object ids is returned invisibly.


If the scene is resized, the grid will not be resized; use abclines3d to draw grid lines that will automatically resize.


Ben Bolker and Duncan Murdoch

See Also



x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
z <- matrix(outer(x - 5, y - 5) + rnorm(100), 10, 10)
persp3d(x, y, z, col = "red", alpha = 0.7, aspect = c(1, 1, 0.5))
grid3d(c("x", "y+", "z"))

Display hover info in plot.


This adds text to identify points within a plot when the mouse is near them.


hover3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, 
        labeller = NULL, 
        tolerance = 20, 
        persist = c("no", "one", "yes"), 
        labels = seq_along(x),
        adj = c(-0.2, 0.5),
        scene = scene3d(minimal = FALSE),
        applyToScene = TRUE,


x, y, z

Coordinates of point to identify. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details. Alternatively, x may be the id of a single existing object, and its vertices will be used.


A function to display information about identified points. NULL indicates the default function, described in Details.


How close (in pixels) the mouse should be to a point to display the information.


Should the label persist? If "no" (the default), it will be removed when the mouse moves away. If "one", it will be removed when another point is closer to the mouse. If "yes", it will not be removed.


If the default labeller is used, these labels will be displayed.


If the default labeller is used, this adjustment will be passed to text3d to display the labels.

scene, applyToScene

Arguments to pass to setUserCallbacks. The applyToDev argument to that function is always TRUE.


Additional arguments that will be passed to the labeller.


If specified, the labeller argument should specify a function with arguments compatible with function(index, ...). It will be called with index being the index of the point that was selected. It should plot the label, and return the rgl ids of the objects that were plotted.

When applyToScene is TRUE, all labels or labelling objects will be created and attached to the scene. You may want to delete them (using the ids returned in idverts and idtexts) once rglwidget has been called, as they serve no purpose in the current device.

Only one hover handler is supported per scene or device.


A lowlevel vector of ids is returned invisibly. If applyToScene is TRUE, it will contain the ids of the temporary objects created for Javascript. It will also have these attributes:


Values of par3d parameters that were changed. Currently only "mouseMode".


The value of cur3d() at the time of calling, so that oldPar can be restored to the right device.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

identify3d and selectpoints3d work in the rgl device and return information about the selections. setUserCallbacks is the underlying function used by hover3d.


# Create a labeller to show the coordinates of the selected point.
labelLocation <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL) {
  xyz <- xyz.coords(x, y, z)
  function(sel, ...) {
    p <- with(xyz, matrix(c(x[sel], y[sel], z[sel]), ncol = 3))
    c(text3d(p, texts = sprintf("x:%.2f", p[1]), 
                  adj = c(-0.2, -0.6), ...),
      text3d(p, texts = sprintf("y:%.2f", p[2]),
                  adj = c(-0.2, 0.5), ...),
      text3d(p, texts = sprintf("z:%.2f", p[3]),
                  adj = c(-0.2, 1.6), ...))

xyz <- matrix(rnorm(30), ncol = 3)
ids <- plot3d(xyz)
hover3d(xyz, labeller = labelLocation(xyz), col = "red", cex = 0.8)
# The same thing using the data id:
# hover3d(ids["data"], 
#         labeller = labelLocation(rgl.attrib(ids["data"], "vertices")), 
#         col = "red", cex = 0.8)

Identify points in plot


Identify points in a plot, similarly to the identify function in base graphics.


identify3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, labels = seq_along(x), n = length(x), 
	plot = TRUE, adj = c(-0.1, 0.5), tolerance = 20, 
	buttons = c("right", "middle"))


x, y, z

coordinates of points in a scatter plot. Alternatively, any object which defines coordinates (see xyz.coords) can be given as x, and y and z left missing.


an optional character vector giving labels for the points. Will be coerced using as.character, and recycled if necessary to the length of x.


the maximum number of points to be identified.


logical: if plot is TRUE, the labels are printed near the points and if FALSE they are omitted.


numeric vector to use as adj parameter to text3d when plotting the labels.


the maximal distance (in pixels) for the pointer to be ‘close enough’ to a point.


a length 1 or 2 character vector giving the buttons to use for selection and quitting.


If buttons is length 1, the user can quit by reaching n selections, or by hitting the escape key, but the result will be lost if escape is used.


A vector of selected indices.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

identify for base graphics, select3d for selecting regions.

Imported from magrittr


This object is imported from magrittr. Follow the link to its documentation.



Pipes can be used to string together rglwidget calls and playwidget calls. See ageControl for an example.

Are we running in a pkgdown example?


This is mainly for internal use to decide whether results should be automatically included in a pkgdown web page.







Add light source


add a light source to the scene.


light3d(theta=0, phi=15,
        x=NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL,
        viewpoint.rel = TRUE, 
        ambient = "#FFFFFF", 
        diffuse = "#FFFFFF", 
        specular = "#FFFFFF")


theta, phi

direction to infinitely distant light

x, y, z

position of finitely distant light


logical, if TRUE light is a viewpoint light that is positioned relative to the current viewpoint

ambient, diffuse, specular

light color values used for lighting calculation


Up to 8 light sources are supported. They are positioned either in world space or relative to the camera. By providing polar coordinates to theta and phi a directional light source is used. If numerical values are given to x, y and z, a point-like light source with finite distance to the objects in the scene is set up.

If x is non-null, xyz.coords will be used to form the location values, so all three coordinates can be specified in x.

If no lights have been added to a subscene, lights from the parent subscene will be used.

See material3d for a discussion of how the components of the light affect the display of objects.


This function is called for the side effect of adding a light. A light ID is returned to allow pop3d to remove it.

See Also

clear3d pop3d


# a lightsource moving through the scene
z <- 2 * volcano # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z)) # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z)) # 10 meter spacing (E to W)
zlim <- range(z)
zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1
colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table
col <- colorlut[ z - zlim[1] + 1 ] # assign colors to heights for each point

surface3d(x, y, z, color = col, back = "lines")
r <- max(y) - mean(y)
lightid <- spheres3d(1, 1, 1, alpha = 0)
frame <- function(time) {
    a <- pi*(time - 1)
    save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
    clear3d(type = "lights")
    pop3d(id = lightid)
    xyz <- matrix(c(r*sin(a) + mean(x), r*cos(a) + mean(y), max(z)), ncol = 3)
    light3d(x = xyz, diffuse = "gray75", 
            specular = "gray75", viewpoint.rel = FALSE) 
    light3d(diffuse = "gray10", specular = "gray25")
    lightid <<- spheres3d(xyz, emission = "white", radius = 4)
play3d(frame, duration = 2)

Process Javascript for HTML dependency


A utility function to help in development of internal Javascript code, this function processes the Javascript to minify it and report on errors and bad style.


makeDependency(name, src, script = NULL, package, 
               version = packageVersion(package),
               minifile = paste0(basename(src), ".min.js"),
               debugging = FALSE, ...)


name, src, script, package, version, ...

Arguments to pass to htmltools::htmlDependency.


Basename of minified file.


See details below.


This is a utility function used by RGL to process its Javascript code used when displaying rglwidget values. It may be helpful in other packages to use in their own installation.

If the js package version 1.2 or greater is installed, the Javascript code will be minified and stored in the file named by minifile in the src directory. Syntax errors in the code will stop the process; unused variables will be reported.

If debugging is TRUE, the locations of Javascript syntax errors will be reported, along with hints about improvements, and the original files will be used in the dependency object that is created.

If debugging is FALSE (the default), the minified file will be used in the dependency object, hints won't be given, and syntax errors will lead to an uninformative failure to minify.


An object that can be included in a list of dependencies passed to htmltools::attachDependencies.


The usual way to use makeDependency is to call it in a ‘.R’ file in a package, saving the result in a variable that will be used when an HTML widget is created. This way it is only run during package installation, when it is safe to write to the R library holding the package.

Do not call it to write to the R library from code the user can run, as that is not allowed in general.

If your package uses Roxygen, you may have problems because by default Roxygen will run the code, and it is likely to fail. The current workaround is to specify Roxygen option load = "installed" which prevents it from running your ‘.R’ code.


Duncan Murdoch


## Not run: 
# This is a slightly simplified version of the code used to 
# produce one of the dependencies for rglwidget().  
# It writes to the system library copy of rgl so 
# has been marked not to run in the example code.

               src = "htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass",
               script = c("rglClass.src.js",
               stylesheet = "rgl.css",
               package = "rgl",
               debugging = isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("RGL_DEBUGGING", "FALSE"))))

## End(Not run)

Get or set material properties


Get or set material properties for geometry appearance.


material3d(..., id = NULL)




Material properties to set or query.


the rgl id of an object to query, or NULL to query or set the defaults.


In an rgl scene, each object has “material properties” that control how it is rendered and (in the case of tag) that can be used to store a label or other information. material3d sets defaults for these properties and queries the defaults or specific values for an individual object.

To set values, use name = value settings, e.g. material3d(color = "red"). To query values, specify the property or properties in a character vector, e.g. material3d("color").

Only one side at a time can be culled.

The material member of the r3dDefaults list may be used to set default values for material properties.


material3d() returns values similarly to par3d: When setting properties, it returns the previous values invisibly in a named list. When querying multiple values, a named list is returned. When a single value is queried it is returned directly.

Material Properties

The rgl.material.names variable contains the full list of material names. The following read-write material properties control the appearance of objects in an rgl scene.


vector of R color characters. Represents the diffuse component in case of lighting calculation (lit = TRUE), otherwise it describes the solid color characteristics.


logical, specifying if lighting calculation should take place on geometry

ambient, specular, emission, shininess

properties for lighting calculation. ambient, specular, emission are R color character string values; shininess represents a numerical.


vector of alpha values between 0.0 (fully transparent) .. 1.0 (opaque).


logical, specifying whether smooth shading or flat shading should be used. For smooth shading, Gouraud shading is used in rgl windows, while Phong shading is used in WebGL.


path to a texture image file. See the Textures section below for details.


specifies what is defined with the pixmap


alpha values




luminance and alpha




color and alpha texture

Note that support for these modes is slightly different in the display within R versus the WebGL display using rglwidget(). In particular, in WebGL textype = "alpha" will always take the alpha value from the luminance (i.e. the average of the R, G and B channels) of the texture, whereas the R display bases the choice on the internal format of the texture file.


specifies how the texture interacts with the existing color


texture value replaces existing value


default; texture value multiplies existing value


for textype = "rgba", texture is mixed with existing value


uses the texture to blend the existing value with black


adds the texture value to the existing. May not be available in the R display with very old OpenGL drivers.


Logical, specifies if the texture should be mipmapped.


specifies the magnification filtering type (sorted by ascending quality):


texel nearest to the center of the pixel


weighted linear average of a 2x2 array of texels


specifies the minification filtering type (sorted by ascending quality):


texel nearest to the center of the pixel


weighted linear average of a 2x2 array of texels


low quality mipmapping


medium quality mipmapping


medium quality mipmapping


high quality mipmapping


logical, specifies if auto-generated texture coordinates for environment-mapping should be performed on geometry.

front, back

Determines the polygon mode for the specified side:


filled polygon


wireframed polygon


point polygon


culled (hidden) polygon


numeric, specifying the size of points in pixels


numeric, specifying the line width in pixels


logical, specifying if fog effect should be applied on the corresponding shape. Fog type is set in bg3d.

point_antialias, line_antialias

logical, specifying if points should be round and lines should be antialiased, but see Note below.


logical, specifying whether the object's depth should be stored.


Determines which depth test is used to see if this object is visible, depending on its apparent depth in the scene compared to the stored depth. Possible values are "never", "less" (the default), "equal", "lequal" (less than or equal), "greater", "notequal", "gequal" (greater than or equal), "always".


A one or two element vector giving the ‘⁠factor⁠’ and ‘⁠units⁠’ values to use in a glPolygonOffset() call in OpenGL. If only one value is given, it is used for both elements. The ‘⁠units⁠’ value is added to the depth of all pixels in a filled polygon, and the ‘⁠factor⁠’ value is multiplied by an estimate of the slope of the polygon and then added to the depth. Positive values “push” polygons back slightly for the purpose of depth testing, to allow points, lines or other polygons to be drawn on the surface without being obscured due to rounding error. Negative values pull the object forward. A typical value to use is 1 (which is automatically expanded to c(1,1)). If values are too large, objects which should be behind the polygon will show through, and if values are too small, the objects on the surface will be partially obscured. Experimentation may be needed to get it right. The first example in ?persp3d uses this property to add grid lines to a surface.

margin, floating

Used mainly for text to draw annotations in the margins, but supported by most kinds of objects: see mtext3d.


A length 1 string value. These may be used to identify objects, or encode other meta data about the object.


Two string values from the list below describing how transparent objects are blended with colors behind them. The first determines the coefficient applied to the color of the current object (the source); the second determines the coefficient applied to the existing color (the destination). The resulting color will be the sum of the two resulting colors. The allowed strings correspond to OpenGL constants:


Zero; color has no effect.


One; color is added to the other term.

"src_color", "one_minus_src_color"

Multiply by source color or its opposite.

"dst_color", "one_minus_dst_color"

Multiply by destination color or its opposite.

"src_alpha", "one_minus_src_alpha"

Multiply by source alpha or its opposite. Default values.

"dst_alpha", "one_minus_dst_alpha"

Multiply by destination alpha or its opposite.

"constant_color", "one_minus_constant_color", "constant_alpha", "one_minus_constant_alpha", "src_alpha_saturate"

These are allowed, but to be useful they require other settings which rgl doesn't support.


An allowed abbreviation of color.

The rgl.material.readonly variable contains the subset of material properties that are read-only so they can be queried but not set. Currently there is only one:


Is the current color transparent?


The texture material property may be NULL or the name of a bitmap file to be displayed on the surface being rendered. Currently only PNG format files are supported.

By default, the colors in the bitmap will modify the color of the object being plotted. If the color is black (a common default), you won't see anything, so a warning may be issued. You can suppress the warning by specifying the color explicitly, or calling options{rgl.warnBlackTexture = FALSE}.

Other aspects of texture display are controlled by the material properties textype, texmode, texmipmap, texmagfilter, texminfilter and texenvmap described above.

For an extensive discussion of textures, see the Textures section of the rgl Overview vignette.

Display of objects

Object display colors are determined as follows:

  • If lit = FALSE, an element of the color vector property is displayed without modification. See documentation for individual objects for information on which element is chosen.

  • If lit = TRUE, the color is determined as follows.

    1. The color is set to the emission property of the object.

    2. For each defined light, the following are added:

      • the product of the ambient color of the light and the ambient color of the object is added.

      • the color of the object is multiplied by the diffuse color of the light and by a constant depending on the angle between the surface and the direction to the light, and added.

      • the specular color of the object is multiplied by the specular color of the light and a constant depending on the shininess of the object and the direction to the light, and added. The shininess property mainly determines the size of the shiny highlight; adjust one or both of the specular colors to change its brightness.

If point_antialias is TRUE, points will be drawn as circles in WebGL; otherwise, they will be drawn as squares. Within R, the behaviour depends on your graphics hardware: for example, I see circles for both settings on my laptop.

Within R, lines tend to appear heavier with line_antialias == TRUE. There's no difference at all in WebGL.

See Also

bbox3d, bg3d, light3d


save <- material3d("color")
material3d(color = "red")
material3d(color = save)

# this illustrates the effect of depth_test
x <- c(1:3); xmid <- mean(x)
y <- c(2, 1, 3); ymid <- mean(y)
z <- 1
tests <- c("never", "less", "equal", "lequal", "greater", 
                  "notequal", "gequal", "always")
for (i in 1:8) {
  triangles3d(x, y, z + i, col = heat.colors(8)[i])
  texts3d(xmid, ymid, z + i, paste(i, tests[i], sep = ". "), depth_test = tests[i]) 
highlevel()  # To trigger display

# this illustrates additive blending
quad <- cbind(c(-1, 1, 1, -1), 1, c(-1, -1, 1, 1))
quads3d(rbind(translate3d(quad, -0.5, 0, -0.5),
              translate3d(quad, 0.5,  0.5, -0.5),
              translate3d(quad, 0, 1, 0.5)), 
        col = rep(c("red", "green", "blue"), each = 4),
        alpha = 0.5, 
        blend = c("src_alpha", "one"))

Work with homogeneous coordinates


These functions construct 4x4 matrices for transformations in the homogeneous coordinate system used by OpenGL, and translate vectors between homogeneous and Euclidean coordinates.


scaleMatrix(x, y, z)
translationMatrix(x, y, z)
rotationMatrix(angle, x, y, z, matrix)

scale3d(obj, x, y, z, ...)
translate3d(obj, x, y, z, ...)
rotate3d(obj, angle, x, y, z, matrix, ...)

transform3d(obj, matrix, ...)


x, y, z, angle, matrix

See details


An object to be transformed


Additional parameters to be passed to methods


OpenGL uses homogeneous coordinates to handle perspective and affine transformations. The homogeneous point (x, y, z, w) corresponds to the Euclidean point (x/w, y/w, z/w). The matrices produced by the functions scaleMatrix, translationMatrix, and rotationMatrix are to be left-multiplied by a row vector of homogeneous coordinates; alternatively, the transpose of the result can be right-multiplied by a column vector. The generic functions scale3d, translate3d and rotate3d apply these transformations to the obj argument. The transform3d function is a synonym for rotate3d(obj, matrix = matrix).

By default, it is assumed that obj is a row vector (or a matrix of row vectors) which will be multiplied on the right by the corresponding matrix, but users may write methods for these generics which operate differently. Methods are supplied for mesh3d objects.

To compose transformations, use matrix multiplication. The effect is to apply the matrix on the left first, followed by the one on the right.

identityMatrix returns an identity matrix.

scaleMatrix scales each coordinate by the given factor. In Euclidean coordinates, (u, v, w) is transformed to (x*u, y*v, z*w).

translationMatrix translates each coordinate by the given translation, i.e. (u, v, w) is transformed to (u + x, v + y, w + z).

rotationMatrix can be called in three ways. With arguments angle, x, y, z it represents a rotation of angle radians about the axis x, y, z. If matrix is a 3x3 rotation matrix, it will be converted into the corresponding matrix in 4x4 homogeneous coordinates. Finally, if a 4x4 matrix is given, it will be returned unchanged. (The latter behaviour is used to allow transform3d to act like a generic function, even though it is not.)

Use asHomogeneous(x) to convert the Euclidean vector x to homogeneous coordinates, and asEuclidean(x) for the reverse transformation. These functions accept the following inputs:

  • n x 3 matrices: rows are assumed to be Euclidean

  • n x 4 matrices: rows are assumed to be homogeneous

  • vectors of length 3n or 4n: assumed to be vectors concatenated. For the ambiguous case of vectors that are length 12n (so both 3n and 4n are possible), the assumption is that the conversion is necessary: asEuclidean assumes the vectors are homogeneous, and asHomogeneous assumes the vectors are Euclidean.

Outputs are n x 4 or n x 3 matrices for asHomogeneous and asEuclidean respectively.

The functions asHomogeneous2 and asEuclidean2 act similarly, but they assume inputs are 3 x n or 4 x n and outputs are in similar shapes.


identityMatrix, scaleMatrix, translationMatrix, and rotationMatrix produce a 4x4 matrix representing the requested transformation in homogeneous coordinates.

scale3d, translate3d and rotate3d transform the object and produce a new object of the same class.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

par3d for a description of how RGL uses matrices in rendering.


# A 90 degree rotation about the x axis:

rotationMatrix(pi/2, 1, 0, 0)

# Find what happens when you rotate (2, 0, 0) by 45 degrees about the y axis:

x <- asHomogeneous(c(2, 0, 0))
y <- x %*% rotationMatrix(pi/4, 0, 1, 0)

# or more simply...

rotate3d(c(2, 0, 0), pi/4, 0, 1, 0)

Merge RGL mesh objects


Attempts to merge "mesh3d" objects. Objects need to be similar enough; see Details.


## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
merge(x, y, ..., attributesMustMatch = FALSE)


x, y

"mesh3d" objects to merge.


Optional additional objects.


See Details.


To allow objects to be merged, they need to be similar enough in terms of having the same list of material properties, normals, texture coordinates, etc.

If attributesMustMatch is TRUE, it is an error to have attributes in one mesh but not in another, and those attributes that only specify a single value must have equal values in all meshes.

If attributesMustMatch is FALSE, any non-matching attributes will be dropped from the final result.


A single "mesh3d" object merging the contents of the arguments.


Duncan Murdoch


# Notice that the alpha setting for the cube is dropped, because
# the other shapes don't specify alpha.
shade3d(merge(cube3d(col="red", alpha = 0.5),
              translate3d(tetrahedron3d(col="green"), 2, 0, 0),
              translate3d(octahedron3d(col="blue"), 4, 0, 0)))

Merge duplicate vertices in mesh object


A mesh object can have the same vertex listed twice. Each copy is allowed to have separate normals, texture coordinates, and color. However, it is more efficient to have just a single copy if those differences aren't needed. For automatic smoothing using addNormals, triangles and quads need to share vertices. This function merges identical (or similar) vertices to achieve this.


              notEqual = NULL, 
              attribute = "vertices", 
              tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))



A mesh3d object.


A logical matrix indicating that certain pairs should not be merged even if they appear identical.


Which attribute(s) should be considered in comparing vertices? A vector chosen from c("vertices", "colors", "normals", "texcoords"))


When comparing vertices using all.equal, this tolerance will be used to ignore rounding error.


A new mesh object.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

as.mesh3d.rglId, which often constructs mesh objects containing a lot of duplication.


(mesh1 <- cuboctahedron3d(col = rainbow(14), meshColor = "face"))
id <- shade3d(mesh1)
(mesh2 <- as.mesh3d(id))
shade3d(translate3d(mesh2, 3, 0, 0))
(mesh3 <- mergeVertices(mesh2))
shade3d(translate3d(mesh3, 6, 0, 0))

Construct 3D mesh objects


Creates meshes containing points, segments, triangles and quads.


mesh3d( x, y = NULL, z = NULL, vertices,
                    material = NULL,
                    normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
                    points = NULL, segments = NULL,
                    triangles = NULL, quads = NULL,
                    meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"))
  qmesh3d(vertices, indices, homogeneous = TRUE, material = NULL, 
         normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
         meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"))
  tmesh3d(vertices, indices, homogeneous = TRUE, material = NULL, 
         normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL,
         meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"))


x, y, z

coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


A 4 row matrix of homogeneous coordinates; takes precedence over x, y, z.


material properties for later rendering


normals at each vertex


texture coordinates at each vertex


vector of indices of vertices to draw as points


2 x n matrix of indices of vertices to draw as segments


3 x n matrix of indices of vertices to draw as triangles


4 x n matrix of indices of vertices to draw as quads


(obsolete) 3 or 4 x n matrix of vertex indices


(obsolete) should tmesh3d and qmesh3d vertices be assumed to be homogeneous?


how should colours be interpreted? See details in shade3d.


These functions create mesh3d objects, which consist of a matrix of vertex coordinates together with a matrices of indices indicating how the vertices should be displayed, and material properties.

The "shape3d" class is a general class for shapes that can be plotted by dot3d, wire3d or shade3d.

The "mesh3d" class is a class of objects that form meshes: the vertices are in member vb, as a 4 by n matrix using homogeneous coordinates. Indices of these vertices are contained in optional components ip for points, is for line segments, it for triangles, and ib for quads. Individual meshes may have any combination of these.

The functions tmesh3d and qmesh3d are included for back-compatibility; they produce meshes of triangles and quads respectively.


Objects of class c("mesh3d", "shape3d").

See points3d for a discussion of texture coordinates.

See Also

shade3d, shapelist3d for multiple shapes


# generate a quad mesh object

  vertices <- c( 
     -1.0, -1.0, 0,
      1.0, -1.0, 0,
      1.0,  1.0, 0,
     -1.0,  1.0, 0
  indices <- c( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
  wire3d( mesh3d(vertices = vertices, quads = indices) )

Set up multiple figure layouts


The mfrow3d and layout3d functions provide functionality in RGL similar to par("mfrow") and layout in classic R graphics.


subsceneList(value, window = cur3d())

mfrow3d(nr, nc, byrow = TRUE, parent = NA, sharedMouse = FALSE, ...)
layout3d(mat, widths =, ncol(mat)), 
              heights =, nrow(mat)),
              parent = NA, sharedMouse = FALSE,
next3d(current = NA, clear = TRUE, reuse = TRUE)
clearSubsceneList(delete = currentSubscene3d() %in% subsceneList(), 
                  window = cur3d())



A new subscene list to set. If missing, return the current one (or NULL).


Which window to operate on.

nr, nc

Number of rows and columns of figures.


Whether figures progress by row (as with par("mfrow")) or by column (as with par("mfcol")).

mat, widths, heights

Layout parameters; see layout for their interpretation.


The parent subscene. NA indicates the current subscene. See Details below.


Whether to make all subscenes par3d("listeners") to each other.


Additional parameters to pass to newSubscene3d as each subscene is created.


The subscene to move away from. NA indicates the current subscene.


Whether the newly entered subscene should be cleared upon entry.


Whether to skip advancing if the current subscene has no objects in it.


If TRUE, delete the subscenes in the current window.


rgl can maintain a list of subscenes; the mfrow3d and layout3d functions create that list. When the list is in place, next3d causes RGL to move to the next scene in the list, or cycle back to the first one.

Unlike the classic R graphics versions of these functions, these functions are completely compatible with each other. You can mix them within a single RGL window.

In the default case where parent is missing, mfrow3d and layout3d will call clearSubsceneList() at the start.

By default clearSubsceneList() checks whether the current subscene is in the current subscene list; if so, it will delete all subscenes in the list, and call gc3d to delete any objects that are no longer shown. The subscene list will be set to a previous value if one was recorded, or NULL if not.

If parent is specified in mfrow3d or layout3d (even as NA), the new subscenes will be created within the parent.

The next3d() function first finds out if the current subscene is in the current list. If not, it moves to the previous list, and looks there. Once it finds a list containing the current subscene, it moves to the next entry in that list. If it can't find one, it creates a length one list containing just the current subscene.


mfrow3d and layout3d return a vector of subscene id values that have just been created. If a previous subscene list was in effect and was not automatically cleared, it is attached as an attribute "prev".


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

newSubscene3d, par, layout.


shapes <- list(Tetrahedron = tetrahedron3d(), Cube = cube3d(), Octahedron = octahedron3d(),
               Icosahedron = icosahedron3d(), Dodecahedron = dodecahedron3d(),
               Cuboctahedron = cuboctahedron3d())
col <- rainbow(6)
mfrow3d(3, 2)
for (i in 1:6) {
  next3d()   # won't advance the first time, since it is empty
  shade3d(shapes[[i]], col = col[i])
highlevel(integer()) # To trigger display as rglwidget

mat <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
mat <- rbind(mat, mat + 4, mat + 8)
layout3d(mat, height = rep(c(3, 1), 3), sharedMouse = TRUE)
for (i in 1:6) {
  shade3d(shapes[[i]], col = col[i])
  text3d(0, 0, 0, names(shapes)[i])

Set the observer location


This function sets the location of the viewer.


observer3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, auto = FALSE)


x, y, z

The location as a 3 vector, using the usual xyz.coords conventions for specification. If x is missing or any coordinate is NA, no change will be made to the location.


If TRUE, the location will be set automatically by RGL to make the whole bounding box visible.


This function sets the location of the viewer relative to the scene, after the model transformations (scaling, rotation) have been done, but before lighting or projection have been applied. (See par3d for details on the rendering pipeline.)

The coordinate system is a slightly strange one: the X coordinate moves the observer location from left to right, and the Y coordinate moves up and down. The Z coordinate changes the depth from the viewer. All are measured relative to the center of the bounding box (par("bbox")) of the subscene. The observer always looks in the positive Z direction after the model rotation have been done. The coordinates are in post-scaling units.


Invisibly returns the previous value.


This function is likely to change in future versions of RGL, to allow more flexibility in the specification of the observer's location and orientation.


Duncan Murdoch


example(surface3d)  # The volcano data
observer3d(0, 0, 440) # Viewed from very close up

Work with RGL windows


open3d opens a new RGL window; cur3d returns the device number of the current window; close3d closes one or more windows.


open3d(..., params = getr3dDefaults(), 
	    useNULL = rgl.useNULL(), silent = FALSE)
close3d(dev = cur3d(), silent = TRUE)

set3d(dev, silent = FALSE)

getr3dDefaults(class = NULL, value = NULL)





arguments in name = value form, or a list of named values. The names must come from the graphical parameters described in par3d.


a list of graphical parameters


whether to use the null graphics device


which device to close or use


whether report on what was done

class, value

names of components to retrieve


open3d opens a new RGL device, and sets the parameters as requested. The r3dDefaults list returned by the getr3dDefaults function will be used as default values for parameters. As installed this sets the point of view to 'world coordinates' (i.e. x running from left to right, y from front to back, z from bottom to top), the mouseMode to (zAxis, zoom, fov), and the field of view to 30 degrees. useFreeType defaults to FALSE on Windows; on other systems it indicates the availability of FreeType. Users may create their own variable named r3dDefaults in the global environment and it will override the installed one. If there is a bg element in the list or the arguments, it should be a list of arguments to pass to the bg3d function to set the background.

The arguments to open3d may include material, a list of material properties as in r3dDefaults, but note that high level functions such as plot3d normally use the r3dDefaults values in preference to this setting.

If useNULL is TRUE, RGL will use a “null” device. This device records objects as they are plotted, but displays nothing. It is intended for use with rglwidget.


The open3d function returns the device that was opened. If silent = TRUE, it is returned invisibly.

The cur3d function returns the current device, or the value 0 if there isn't one. returns a vector of all open devices. Items are named according to the type of device: null for a hidden null device, wgl for a Windows device, and glX for an X windows device.

set3d returns the device number of the previously active device.

The close3d function returns the new current device, invisibly.

The r3dDefaults variable is a list containing default settings. The getr3dDefaults function searches the user's global environment for r3dDefaults and returns the one in the RGL namespace if it was not found there. The components of the list may include any settable par3d parameter, or "material", which should include a list of default material3d properties, or "bg", which is a list of defaults to pass to the bg3d function.

rgl.quit attempts to unload rgl and then returns NULL invisibly.

See Also

rgl.useNULL for default usage of null device.


    shade3d(cube3d(color = rainbow(6), meshColor = "faces"))

Set or query RGL parameters


par3d can be used to set or query graphical parameters in RGL. Parameters can be set by specifying them as arguments to par3d in name = value form, or by passing them as a list of named values.


par3d(..., no.readonly = FALSE, dev = cur3d(), 
      subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))



arguments in name = value form, or a list of tagged values. The names must come from the graphical parameters described below.


logical; if TRUE and there are no other arguments, only those parameters which can be set by a subsequent par3d() call are returned.


integer; the RGL device.


integer; the subscene.


Parameters are queried by giving one or more character vectors to par3d.

par3d() (no arguments) or par3d(no.readonly = TRUE) is used to get all the graphical parameters (as a named list).

By default, queries and modifications apply to the current subscene on the current device; specify dev and/or subscene to change this. Some parameters apply to the device as a whole; these are marked in the list below.


When parameters are set, their former values are returned in an invisible named list. Such a list can be passed as an argument to par3d to restore the parameter values. Use par3d(no.readonly = TRUE) for the full list of parameters that can be restored.

When just one parameter is queried, its value is returned directly. When two or more parameters are queried, the result is a list of values, with the list names giving the parameters.

Note the inconsistency: setting one parameter returns a list, but querying one parameter returns an object.


The rgl.par3d.names variable contains the full list of names of par3d properties. rgl.par3d.readonly contains the list of read-only properties.

In the list below, R.O. indicates the read-only arguments: These may only be used in queries, they do not set anything.


R.O. integer. Used with rgl.setMouseCallbacks: during a callback, indicates the id of the subscene that was clicked.


R.O. in par3d, may be set in open3d. The (requested) number of hardware antialiasing planes to use (with multisample antialiasing). The OpenGL driver may not support the requested number, in which case par3d("antialias") will report what was actually set. Applies to the whole device.


real. The default size for text.


character. The default device independent family name; see text3d. Applies to the whole device.


integer. The default font number (from 1 to 4; see text3d). Applies to the whole device.


logical. Should FreeType fonts be used? Applies to the whole device.


R.O.; the system-dependent name of the current font. Applies to the whole device.


real. The field of view, from 0 to 179 degrees. This controls the degree of parallax in the perspective view. Isometric perspective corresponds to FOV = 0.


logical. Set to TRUE so that subsequently plotted objects will be ignored in calculating the bounding box of the scene. Applies to the whole device.


R.O.; an integer giving the maximum number of clip planes that can be defined in the current system. Applies to the whole device.


R.O.; a 4 by 4 matrix describing the position of the user data. See the Note below.


integer. A vector of subscene id values. If a subscene receives a mouse event (see mouseMode just below), the same action will be carried out on all subscenes in this list. (The subscene itself is normally listed as a listener. If it is not listed, it will not respond to its own mouse events.)


character. A vector of 5 strings describing mouse actions. The 5 entries are named c("none", "left", "right", "middle", "wheel"), corresponding to actions for no button, the left, right or middle button, and the mouse wheel. Partial matching to action names is used. Possible values for the actions are:


No action for this button.


Mouse acts as a virtual trackball, rotating the scene.


Similar to "trackball", but restricted to X axis rotation.


Y axis rotation.


Z axis rotation.


Mouse rotates the scene by moving in polar coordinates.


Mouse is used for selection. This is not normally set by the user, but is used internally by the select3d function.


Mouse is used to zoom the display.


Mouse changes the field of view of the display.


Used when a user handler is set by rgl.setMouseCallbacks.

Possible values for the last entry corresponding to the mouse wheel also include


Pulling on the mouse wheel increases magnification, i.e. “pulls the scene closer”.


Pulling on the mouse wheel decreases magnification, i.e. “pushes the scene away”.


Used when a user handler is set by rgl.setWheelCallback.

A common default on Mac OSX is to convert a two finger drag on a trackpad to a mouse wheel rotation.

The first entry is for actions to take when no mouse button is pressed. Legal values are the same as for the mouse buttons.

The first entry was added after rgl version 0.106.8. For back compatibility, if the vector of actions is less than 5 entries, "none" will be added at the start of it.


R.O.; the position of the observer relative to the model. Set by observer3d. See the Note below.


R.O.; a 4 by 4 matrix describing the current projection of the scene.


real. A vector of 3 values indicating the amount by which to rescale each axis before display. Set by aspect3d.


whether to update the display. Set to TRUE to suspend updating while making multiple changes to the scene. See demo(hist3d) for an example. Applies to the whole device.


a 4 by 4 matrix describing user actions to display the scene.


a 4 by 4 matrix describing changes to the projection.


real. A vector giving the dimensions of the window in pixels. The entries are taken to be c(x, y, width, height) where c(x, y) are the coordinates in pixels of the lower left corner within the window.


real. A positive value indicating the current magnification of the scene.


R.O.; real. A vector of six values indicating the current values of the bounding box of the scene (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)


integer. A vector of four values indicating the left, top, right and bottom of the displayed window (in pixels). Applies to the whole device.


The parameters returned by par3d are sufficient to determine where RGL would render a point on the screen. Given a column vector (x, y, z) in a subscene s, it performs the equivalent of the following operations:

  1. It converts the point to homogeneous coordinates by appending w = 1, giving the vector v = (x, y, z, 1).

  2. It calculates the M = par3d("modelMatrix") as a product from right to left of several matrices:

    • A matrix to translate the centre of the bounding box to the origin.

    • A matrix to rescale according to par3d("scale").

    • The par3d("userMatrix") as set by the user.

    • A matrix which may be set by mouse movements.

    • The description above applies to the usual case where there is just one subscene, or where the subscene's "model" is set to "replace". If it is set to "modify", the first step is skipped, and at the end the procedure is followed for the parent subscene. If it is set to "inherit" only the parent settings are used.

  3. It multiplies the point by M giving u = M %*% v.

  4. It multiplies that point by a matrix based on the observer position to translate the origin to the centre of the viewing region.

  5. Using this location and information on the normals (which have been similarly transformed), it performs lighting calculations.

  6. It obtains the projection matrix P = par3d("projMatrix") based on the bounding box and field of view or observer location, multiplies that by the userProjection matrix to give P. It multiplies the point by it giving P %*% u = (x2, y2, z2, w2).

  7. It converts back to Euclidean coordinates by dividing the first 3 coordinates by w2.

  8. The new value z2/w2 represents the depth into the scene of the point. Depending on what has already been plotted, this depth might be obscured, in which case nothing more is plotted.

  9. If the point is not culled due to depth, the x2 and y2 values are used to determine the point in the image. The par3d("viewport") values are used to translate from the range (-1, 1) to pixel locations, and the point is plotted.

  10. If hardware antialiasing is enabled, then the whole process is repeated multiple times (at least conceptually) with different locations in each pixel sampled to determine what is plotted there, and then the images are combined into what is displayed.

See ?matrices for more information on homogeneous and Euclidean coordinates.

Note that many of these calculations are done on the graphics card using single precision; you will likely see signs of rounding error if your scene requires more than 4 or 5 digit precision to distinguish values in any coordinate.


The "xAxis", "yAxis" and "zAxis" mouse modes rotate relative to the coordinate system of the data, regardless of the current orientation of the scene.

When multiple parameters are set, they are set in the order given. In some cases this may lead to warnings and ignored values; for example, some font families only support cex = 1, so changing both cex and family needs to be done in the right order. For example, when using the "bitmap" family on Windows, par3d(family = "sans", cex = 2) will work, but par3d(cex = 2, family = "sans") will leave cex at 1 (with a warning that the "bitmap" family only supports that size).

Although par3d("viewport") names the entries of the reported vector, names are ignored when setting the viewport and entries must be specified in the standard order.

In rgl versions 0.94.x the modelMatrix entry had a changed meaning; before and after that it contains a copy of the OpenGL MODELVIEW matrix.

As of version 0.100.32, when changing the "windowRect" parameter, the "viewport" for the root (or specified) subscene is changed immediately. This fixes a bug where in earlier versions it would only be changed when the window was redrawn, potentially after another command making use of the value.

Default values are not described here, as several of them are changed by the r3dDefaults variable when the window is opened by open3d.


OpenGL Architecture Review Board (1997). OpenGL Programming Guide. Addison-Wesley.

See Also

view3d to set FOV and zoom.

open3d for how to open a new window with default settings for these parameters.


    shade3d(cube3d(color = rainbow(6), meshColor = "faces"))
    save <- par3d(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(90*pi/180, 1, 0, 0))
    highlevel()  # To trigger display

Interpolator for par3d parameters


Returns a function which interpolates par3d parameter values, suitable for use in animations.


par3dinterp(times = NULL, userMatrix, scale, zoom, FOV, 
            method = c("spline", "linear"), 
            extrapolate = c("oscillate", "cycle", "constant", "natural"),
            dev = cur3d(), subscene = par3d("listeners", dev = dev))



Times at which values are recorded or a list; see below


Values of par3d("userMatrix")


Values of par3d("scale")


Values of par3d("zoom")


Values of par3d("FOV")


Method of interpolation


How to extrapolate outside the time range


Which RGL device to use


Which subscene to use


This function is intended to be used in constructing animations. It produces a function that returns a list suitable to pass to par3d, to set the viewpoint at a given point in time.

All of the parameters are optional. Only those par3d parameters that are specified will be returned.

The input values other than times may each be specified as lists, giving the parameter value settings at a fixed time, or as matrices or arrays. If not lists, the following formats should be used: userMatrix can be a 4 x 4 x n array, or a 4 x 4n matrix; scale should be an n x 3 matrix; zoom and FOV should be length n vectors.

An alternative form of input is to put all of the above arguments into a list (i.e. a list of lists, or a list of arrays/matrices/vectors), and pass it as the first argument. This is the most convenient way to use this function with the function tkpar3dsave.

Interpolation is by cubic spline or linear interpolation in an appropriate coordinate-wise fashion. Extrapolation may oscillate (repeat the sequence forward, backward, forward, etc.), cycle (repeat it forward), be constant (no repetition outside the specified time range), or be natural (linear on an appropriate scale). In the case of cycling, the first and last specified values should be equal, or the last one will be dropped. Natural extrapolation is only supported with spline interpolation.


A function is returned. The function takes one argument, and returns a list of par3d settings interpolated to that time.


Prior to rgl version 0.95.1476, the subscene argument defaulted to the current subscene, and any additional entries would be ignored by play3d. The current default value of par3d("listeners", dev = dev) means that all subscenes that share mouse responses will also share modifications by this function.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

play3d to play the animation.


f <- par3dinterp( zoom = c(1, 2, 3, 1) )
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Control RGL widget like par3dinterp()


This control works with playwidget to change settings in a WebGL display in the same way as par3dinterp does within R.


par3dinterpControl(fn, from, to, steps, subscene = NULL, omitConstant = TRUE, ...)



A function returned from par3dinterp.

from, to, steps

Values where fn should be evaluated.


Which subscene's properties should be modified?


If TRUE, do not set values that are constant across the range.


Additional parameters which will be passed to propertyControl.


par3dinterpSetter sets parameters corresponding to values produced by the result of par3dinterp.


Returns controller data in a list of class "rglControl".


Duncan Murdoch


M <- r3dDefaults$userMatrix
fn <- par3dinterp(times = (0:2)*0.75, userMatrix = list(M,
                                      rotate3d(M, pi/2, 1, 0, 0),
                                      rotate3d(M, pi/2, 0, 1, 0)),
                                      scale = c(0.5, 1, 2))
control <- par3dinterpControl(fn, 0, 3, steps = 15)
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example()) 
  rglwidget(width = 500, height = 250) %>%
       step = 0.01, loop = TRUE, rate = 0.5)

Plot symbols similar to base graphics


This function plots symbols similarly to what the base graphics function points does when pch is specified.


pch3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, pch = 1, 
      bg = material3d("color")[1], cex = 1, radius, 
      color = "black", lit = FALSE, ...)


x, y, z

The locations at which to plot in a form suitable for use in xyz.coords.


A vector of integers or single characters describing the symbols to plot.


The fill color(s) to use for pch from 21 to 25.


A relative size of the symbol to plot.


An absolute size of the symbol to plot in user coordinates.


The color(s) to use for symbols.


Whether the object responds to lighting or just shows the displayed color directly.


Other material properties.


The list of symbols encoded by numerical pch values is given in the points help page.


A vector of object id values is returned invisibly. Separate objects will be drawn for each different combination of pch value from 0 to 25, color and bg, and another holding all the character symbols.


This function is not a perfect match to how the points function works due to limitations in RGL and OpenGL. In particular:

Symbols with numbers from 1 to 25 are drawn as 3D sprites (see sprites3d), so they will resize as the window is zoomed. Letters and numbers from 32 to 255 (which are mapped to letters) are drawn using text3d, so they maintain a fixed size.

A calculation somewhat like the one in plot3d that sets the size of spheres is used to choose the size of sprites based on cex and the current scaling. This will likely need manual tweaking. Use the radius argument for a fixed size.

No special handling is done for the case of pch = ".". Use points3d for small dots.

As of rgl version 0.100.10, background and foreground colors can vary from symbol to symbol.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

points3d, text3d and sprites3d for other ways to label points, points for the base graphics symbol definitions.


i <- 0:25; x <- i %% 5; y <- rep(0, 26); z <- i %/% 5
pch3d(x, y, z, pch = i, bg = "gray", color = rainbow(26))
text3d(x, y, z + 0.3, i)
pch3d(x + 5, y, z, pch = i+65)
text3d(x + 5, y, z + 0.3, i+65)

Surface plots


This function draws plots of surfaces in 3-space. persp3d is a generic function.


persp3d(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
persp3d(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
    y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)), z,
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
    xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, add = FALSE, aspect = !add, 
    forceClipregion = FALSE, ...)


x, y, z

points to plot on surface. See Details below.

xlim, ylim, zlim

x-, y- and z-limits. If present, the plot is clipped to this region.

xlab, ylab, zlab

titles for the axes. N.B. These must be character strings; expressions are not accepted. Numbers will be coerced to character strings.


whether to add the points to an existing plot.


either a logical indicating whether to adjust the aspect ratio, or a new ratio.


force a clipping region to be used, whether or not limits are given.


additional material parameters to be passed to surface3d and decorate3d.


The default method plots a surface defined as a grid of (x,y,z) locations in space. The grid may be specified in several ways:

  • As with persp, x and y may be given as vectors in ascending order, with z given as a matrix. There should be one x value for each row of z and one y value for each column. The surface drawn will have x constant across rows and y constant across columns. This is the most convenient format when z is a function of x and y which are measured on a regular grid.

  • x and y may also be given as matrices, in which case they should have the same dimensions as z. The surface will combine corresponding points in each matrix into locations (x,y,z) and draw the surface through those. This allows general surfaces to be drawn, as in the example of a spherical Earth shown below.

  • If x is a list, its components x$x, x$y and x$z are used for x, y and z respectively, though an explicitly specified z value will have priority.

One difference from persp is that colors are specified on each vertex, rather than on each facet of the surface. To emulate the persp color handling, you need to do the following. First, convert the color vector to an (nx - 1) by (ny - 1) matrix; then add an extra row before row 1, and an extra column after the last column, to convert it to nx by ny. (These extra colors will not be used). For example, col <- rbind(1, cbind(matrix(col, nx - 1, ny - 1), 1)). Finally, call persp3d with material property smooth = FALSE.

See the “Clipping” section in plot3d for more details on xlim, ylim, zlim and forceClipregion.


This function is called for the side effect of drawing the plot. A vector of shape IDs is returned invisibly.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

plot3d, persp. There is a persp3d.function method for drawing functions, and persp3d.deldir can be used to draw surfaces defined by an irregular collection of points. A formula method persp3d.formula draws surfaces using this method.

The surface3d function is used to draw the surface without the axes etc.


# (1) The Obligatory Mathematical surface.
#     Rotated sinc function.

x <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 20)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
z[] <- 1

# Draw the surface twice:  the first draws the solid part, 
# the second draws the grid.  Offset the first so it doesn't
# obscure the lines.

persp3d(x, y, z, aspect = c(1, 1, 0.5), col = "lightblue",
        xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", zlab = "Sinc( r )", 
        polygon_offset = 1)
persp3d(x, y, z, front = "lines", back = "lines", 
        lit = FALSE, add = TRUE)
highlevel()   # trigger the plot

# (2) Add to existing persp plot:

xE <- c(-10, 10); xy <- expand.grid(xE, xE)
points3d(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], 6, col = "red")
lines3d(x, y = 10, z = 6 + sin(x), col = "green")

phi <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 201)
r1 <- 7.725 # radius of 2nd maximum
xr <- r1 * cos(phi)
yr <- r1 * sin(phi)
lines3d(xr, yr, f(xr, yr), col = "pink", lwd = 2)

# (3) Visualizing a simple DEM model

z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

invisible(bg3d("slategray")) # suppress display
material3d(col = "black")
persp3d(x, y, z, col = "green3", aspect = "iso",
      axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)

# (4) A globe

lat <- matrix(seq(90, -90, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50, byrow = TRUE)
long <- matrix(seq(-180, 180, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50)

r <- 6378.1 # radius of Earth in km
x <- r*cos(lat)*cos(long)
y <- r*cos(lat)*sin(long)
z <- r*sin(lat)

persp3d(x, y, z, col = "white", 
       texture = system.file("textures/worldsmall.png", package = "rgl"), 
       specular = "black", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "",
       normal_x = x, normal_y = y, normal_z = z)

## Not run: 
# This looks much better, but is slow because the texture is very big
persp3d(x, y, z, col = "white", 
       texture = system.file("textures/world.png", package = "rgl"), 
       specular = "black", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "",
       normal_x = x, normal_y = y, normal_z = z)

## End(Not run)

Plot a Delaunay triangulation


The deldir() function in the deldir package computes a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. These functions display it as a surface.


## S3 method for class 'deldir'
plot3d(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'deldir'
persp3d(x, ..., add = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'deldir'
as.mesh3d(x, col = "gray", coords = c("x", "y", "z"), 
    smooth = TRUE, normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL, ...)



A "deldir" object, produced by the deldir() function. It must contain z values.


Whether to add surface to existing plot (add = TRUE) or create a new plot (add = FALSE, the default).


Colors to apply to each vertex in the triangulation. Will be recycled as needed.


See Details below.


Whether to average normals at vertices for a smooth appearance.


User-specified normals at each vertex. Requires smooth = FALSE.


Texture coordinates at each vertex.


See Details below.


These functions construct a mesh3d object corresponding to the triangulation in x. The plot3d and persp3d methods plot it.

The coords parameter allows surfaces to be plotted over any coordinate plane. It should be a permutation of the column names c("x", "y", "z") from the "deldir" object. The first will be used as the x coordinate, the second as the y coordinate, and the third as the z coordinate.

The ... parameters in plot3d.deldir are passed to persp3d.deldir; in persp3d.deldir they are passed to both as.mesh3d.deldir and persp3d.mesh3d; in as.mesh3d.deldir they are used as material parameters in a tmesh3d call.


x <- rnorm(200, sd = 5)
y <- rnorm(200, sd = 5)
r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
z <- 10 * sin(r)/r
col <- cm.colors(20)[1 + round(19*(z - min(z))/diff(range(z)))]

save <- options(rgl.meshColorWarning = FALSE)

# This code is awkward:  to work with demo(rglExamples),
# we need auto-printing of the plots.  This means we
# have to repeat the test for deldir.

haveDeldir <- checkDeldir()
if (haveDeldir) {
  dxyz <- deldir::deldir(x, y, z = z, suppressMsge = TRUE)
  persp3d(dxyz, col = col)

if (haveDeldir) {
  # Do it without smoothing and with a different orientation.
  persp3d(dxyz, col = col, coords = c("z", "x", "y"), smooth = FALSE)


Plot a function of two variables


Plot a function z(x, y) or a parametric function (x(s, t), y(s, t), z(s, t)).


## S3 method for class ''function''
  xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), 
  slim = NULL, tlim = NULL, 
  n = 101, 
  xvals =, max(xlim), length.out = n[1]), 
  yvals =, max(ylim), length.out = n[2]), 
  svals =, max(slim), length.out = n[1]), 
  tvals =, max(tlim), length.out = n[2]), 
  xlab, ylab, zlab, 
  col = "gray", otherargs = list(), 
  normal = NULL, texcoords = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class ''function''
plot3d(x, ...)



A function of two arguments. See the details below.

xlim, ylim

By default, the range of x and y values. For a parametric surface, if these are not missing, they are used as limits on the displayed x and y values.

slim, tlim

If not NULL, these give the range of s and t in the parametric specification of the surface. If only one is given, the other defaults to c(0, 1).


A one or two element vector giving the number of steps in the x and y (or s and t) grid.

xvals, yvals

The values at which to evaluate x and y. Ignored for a parametric surface. If used, xlim and/or ylim are ignored.

svals, tvals

The values at which to evaluate s and t for a parametric surface. Only used if slim or tlim is not NULL. As with xvals and yvals, these override the corresponding slim or tlim specification.

xlab, ylab, zlab

The axis labels. See the details below for the defaults.


The color to use for the plot. See the details below.


Additional arguments to pass to the function.

normal, texcoords

Functions to set surface normals or texture coordinates. See the details below.


Additional arguments to pass to persp3d.


The "function" method for plot3d simply passes all arguments to persp3d. Thus this description applies to both.

The first argument x is required to be a function. It is named x only because of the requirements of the S3 system; in the remainder of this help page, we will assume that the assignment f <- x has been made, and will refer to the function f().

persp3d.function evaluates f() on a two-dimensional grid of values, and displays the resulting surface. The values on the grid will be passed in as vectors in the first two arguments to the function, so f() needs to be vectorized. Other optional arguments to f() can be specified in the otherargs list.

In the default form where slim and tlim are both NULL, it is assumed that f(x, y) returns heights, which will be plotted in the z coordinate. The default axis labels will be taken from the argument names to f() and the expression passed as argument x to this function.

If slim or tlim is specified, a parametric surface is plotted. The function f(s, t) must return a 3-column matrix, giving x, y and z coordinates of points on the surface. The default axis labels will be the column names if those are present. In this case xlim, ylim and zlim are used to define a clipping region only if specified; the defaults are ignored.

The color of the surface may be specified as the name of a color, or a vector or matrix of color names. In this case the colors will be recycled across the points on the grid of values.

Alternatively, a function may be given: it should be a function like rainbow that takes an integer argument and returns a vector of colors. In this case the colors are mapped to z values.

The normal argument allows specification of a function to compute normal vectors to the surface. This function is passed the same arguments as f() (including otherargs if present), and should produce a 3-column matrix containing the x, y and z coordinates of the normals.

The texcoords argument is a function similar to normal, but it produces a 2-column matrix containing texture coordinates.

Both normal and texcoords may also contain matrices, with 3 and 2 columns respectively, and rows corresponding to the points that were passed to f().


This function constructs a call to persp3d and returns the value from that function.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

The curve function in base graphics does something similar for functions of one variable. See the example below for space curves.


# (1) The Obligatory Mathematical surface.
#     Rotated sinc function, with colors

f <- function(x, y) { 
  r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
  ifelse(r == 0, 10, 10 * sin(r)/r)
plot3d(f, col = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red")), 
       xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", zlab = "Sinc( r )", 
       xlim = c(-10, 10), ylim = c(-10, 10),
       aspect = c(1, 1, 0.5))
# (2) A cylindrical plot

f <- function(s, t) {
  r <- 1 + exp( -pmin( (s - t)^2, 
                       (s - t - 1)^2, 
                       (s - t + 1)^2 )/0.01 )
  cbind(r*cos(t*2*pi), r*sin(t*2*pi), s)

plot3d(f, slim = c(0, 1), tlim = c(0, 1), col = "red", alpha = 0.8)

# Add a curve to the plot, fixing s at 0.5.

plot3d(f(0.5,, 1, length.out = 100)), type = "l", add = TRUE, 
       lwd = 3, depth_test = "lequal")

Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation


The tri.mesh() functions in the interp and tripack packages compute a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. These functions display it as a surface.


## S3 method for class 'triSht'
plot3d(x, z, ...)
## S3 method for class 'triSht'
persp3d(x, z, ..., add = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'triSht'
as.mesh3d(x, z, col = "gray", coords = c("x", "y", "z"), 
    smooth = TRUE, normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'tri'
plot3d(x, z, ...)
## S3 method for class 'tri'
persp3d(x, z, ..., add = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'tri'
as.mesh3d(x, z, col = "gray", coords = c("x", "y", "z"), 
    smooth = TRUE, normals = NULL, texcoords = NULL, ...)



A "triSht" or "tri" object, produced by the tri.mesh() function in the interp or tripack packages respectively.


z coordinate values corresponding to each of the nodes in x.


Whether to add surface to existing plot (add = TRUE) or create a new plot (add = FALSE, the default).


Colors to apply to each vertex in the triangulation. Will be recycled as needed.


See Details below.


Whether to average normals at vertices for a smooth appearance.


User-specified normals at each vertex. Requires smooth = FALSE.


Texture coordinates at each vertex.


See Details below.


These functions construct a mesh3d object corresponding to the triangulation in x. The plot3d and persp3d methods plot it.

The coords parameter allows surfaces to be plotted over any coordinate plane. It should be a permutation of the column names c("x", "y", "z"). The first will be used as the x coordinate, the second as the y coordinate, and the third as the z coordinate.

The ... parameters in plot3d.triSht and plot3d.tri are passed to persp3d; in persp3d.triSht and persp3d.tri they are passed to both as.mesh3d and persp3d.mesh3d; in as.mesh3d.triSht and as.mesh3d.tri they are used as material parameters in a tmesh3d call.

"tri" objects may contain constraints. These appear internally as extra nodes, representing either the inside or outside of boundaries on the region being triangulated. Each of these nodes should also have a z value, but triangles corresponding entirely to constraint nodes will not be drawn. In this way complex, non-convex regions can be triangulated. See the second example below.


If there are duplicate points, the tri.mesh() functions will optionally delete some of them. If you choose this option, the z values must correspond to the nodes after deletion, not before.


x <- rnorm(200, sd = 5)
y <- rnorm(200, sd = 5)
r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
z <- 10 * sin(r)/r
col <- cm.colors(20)[1 + round(19*(z - min(z))/diff(range(z)))]
save <- NULL
if ((haveinterp <- requireNamespace("interp", quietly = TRUE))) {
  save <- options(rgl.meshColorWarning = FALSE)
  dxy <- interp::tri.mesh(x, y)
  persp3d(dxy, z, col = col, meshColor = "vertices")
if (haveinterp) {
  # Do it without smoothing and with a different orientation.
  persp3d(dxy, z, col = col, coords = c("z", "x", "y"), smooth = FALSE)
if (requireNamespace("tripack", quietly = TRUE)) {
  if (is.null(save))
    save <- options(rgl.meshColorWarning = FALSE)

  # Leave a circular hole around (3, 0)
  theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 30)[-1]
  cx <- 2*cos(theta) + 3
  cy <- 2*sin(theta)
  keep <- (x - 3)^2 + y^2 > 4
  dxy2 <- tripack::tri.mesh(x[keep], y[keep])
  dxy2 <- tripack::add.constraint(dxy2, cx, cy)
  z <- dxy2$x^2 - dxy2$y^2
  col <- terrain.colors(20)[1 + round(19*(z - min(z))/diff(range(z)))]
  persp3d(dxy2, z, col = col)

Add planes


planes3d adds mathematical planes to a scene. Their intersection with the current bounding box will be drawn. clipplanes3d adds clipping planes to a scene.


planes3d(a, b = NULL, c = NULL, d = 0, ...)
clipplanes3d(a, b = NULL, c = NULL, d = 0)


a, b, c

Coordinates of the normal to the plane. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


Coordinates of the "offset". See the details.


Material properties. See material3d for details.


planes3d draws planes using the parametrization ax+by+cz+d=0a x + b y + c z + d = 0. Multiple planes may be specified by giving multiple values for any of a, b, c, d; the other values will be recycled as necessary.

clipplanes3d defines clipping planes using the same equations. Clipping planes suppress the display of other objects (or parts of them) in the subscene, based on their coordinates. Points (or parts of lines or surfaces) where the coordinates x, y, z satisfy ax+by+cz+d<0a x + b y + c z + d < 0 will be suppressed.

The number of clipping planes supported by the OpenGL driver is implementation dependent; use par3d("maxClipPlanes") to find the limit.


A shape ID of the planes or clipplanes object is returned invisibly.

See Also

abclines3d for mathematical lines.

triangles3d or the corresponding functions for quadrilaterals may be used to draw sections of planes that do not adapt to the bounding box.

The example in subscene3d shows how to combine clipping planes to suppress complex shapes.


# Show regression plane with z as dependent variable

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- 0.2*x - 0.3*y + rnorm(100, sd = 0.3)
fit <- lm(z ~ x + y)
plot3d(x, y, z, type = "s", col = "red", size = 1)

coefs <- coef(fit)
a <- coefs["x"]
b <- coefs["y"]
c <- -1
d <- coefs["(Intercept)"]
planes3d(a, b, c, d, alpha = 0.5)

ids <- plot3d(x, y, z, type = "s", col = "red", size = 1, forceClipregion = TRUE) 
oldid <- useSubscene3d(ids["clipregion"])
clipplanes3d(a, b, c, d)

Play animation of RGL scene


play3d calls a function repeatedly, passing it the elapsed time in seconds, and using the result of the function to reset the viewpoint. movie3d does the same, but records each frame to a file to make a movie.


play3d(f, duration = Inf, dev = cur3d(), ..., startTime = 0)
movie3d(f, duration, dev = cur3d(), ..., fps = 10, 
                    movie = "movie", frames = movie, dir = tempdir(), 
                    convert = NULL, clean = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
                    top = !rgl.useNULL(), type = "gif", startTime = 0,
                    webshot = TRUE)



A function returning a list that may be passed to par3d


The duration of the animation


Which RGL device to select


Additional parameters to pass to f.


Initial time at which to start the animation


Number of frames per second


The base of the output filename, not including .gif


The base of the name for each frame


A directory in which to create temporary files for each frame of the movie


How to convert to a GIF movie; see Details


If convert is NULL or TRUE, whether to delete the individual frames


Whether to report the convert command and the output filename


Whether to call rgl.bringtotop before each frame


What type of movie to create. See Details.


Whether to use the webshot2 package for snapshots of frames. See snapshot3d.


The function f will be called in a loop with the first argument being the startTime plus the time in seconds since the start (where the start is measured after all arguments have been evaluated).

play3d is likely to place a high load on the CPU; if this is a problem, calls to Sys.sleep should be made within the function to release time to other processes.

play3d will run for the specified duration (in seconds), but can be interrupted by pressing ESC while the RGL window has the focus.

movie3d saves each frame to disk in a filename of the form ‘framesXXX.png’, where XXX is the frame number, starting from 0. If convert is NULL (the default) and the magick package is installed, it will be used to convert the frames to a GIF movie (or other format if supported). If magick is not installed or convert is TRUE, movie3d will attempt to use the external ImageMagick program to convert the frames to a movie. The newer magick executable is tried first, then convert if that fails. The type argument will be passed to ImageMagick to use as a file extension to choose the file type.

Finally, convert can be a template for a command to execute in the standard shell (wildcards are allowed). The template is converted to a command using
sprintf(convert, fps, frames, movie, type, duration, dir)
For example, convert = TRUE uses the template "magick -delay 1x%d %s*.png %s.%s". All work is done in the directory dir, so paths should not be needed in the command. (Note that sprintf does not require all arguments to be used, and supports formats that use them in an arbitrary order.)

The top = TRUE default is designed to work around an OpenGL limitation: in some implementations, rgl.snapshot will fail if the window is not topmost.

As of rgl version 0.94, the dev argument is not needed: the function f can specify its device, as spin3d does, for example. However, if dev is specified, it will be selected as the current device as each update is played.

As of rgl version 0.95.1476, f can include multiple values in a "subscene" component, and par3d() will be called for each of them.


play3d is called for the side effect of its repeated calls to f. It returns NULL invisibly.

movie3d is also normally called for the side effect of producing the output movie. It invisibly returns


Duncan Murdoch, based on code by Michael Friendly

See Also

spin3d and par3dinterp return functions suitable to use as f. See demo(flag) for an example that modifies the scene in f.


plot3d( cube3d(col = "green") )
M <- par3d("userMatrix")
if (!rgl.useNULL() && interactive())
  play3d( par3dinterp(times = (0:2)*0.5, userMatrix = list(M,
                                     rotate3d(M, pi/2, 1, 0, 0),
                                     rotate3d(M, pi/2, 0, 1, 0) ) ), 
        duration = 2 )
## Not run: 
movie3d( spin3d(), duration = 5 )

## End(Not run)

Add a widget to play animations


This is a widget that can be put in a web page to allow animations with or without Shiny.


playwidget(sceneId, controls,
            start = 0, stop = Inf, interval = 0.05, rate = 1,
            components = c("Reverse", "Play", "Slower", "Faster",
                           "Reset", "Slider", "Label"),
            loop = TRUE,
            step = 1, labels = NULL,
            precision = 3,
            elementId = NULL, respondTo = NULL,
            reinit = NULL,
            buttonLabels = components, pause = "Pause",
            height = 40,



The HTML id of the RGL scene being controlled, or an object. See the Details below.


A single "rglControl" object, e.g. propertyControl, or a list of several.

start, stop

The starting and stopping values of the animation. If labels is supplied stop will default to step through the labels.


The requested interval (in seconds) between updates. Updates may occur at longer intervals.


The number of units of “nominal” time per real world second.


Which components should be displayed? See Details below.


When the player reaches the end of the interval, should it loop back to the beginning?


Step size in the slider.


Optional labels to use, corresponding to slider steps. Set to NULL for auto-generated labels.


If labels=NULL, the precision to use when displaying timer values.


The HTML id of the generated widget, containing buttons, slider, etc.


The HTML ID of a Shiny input control (e.g. a sliderInput control) to respond to.


A vector of ids that will need re-initialization before being drawn again.

buttonLabels, pause

These are the labels that will be shown on the buttons if they are displayed. pause will be shown on the "Play" button while playing.


The height of the widget in pixels. In a pipe, this is a relative height.


Additional arguments to pass to to htmlwidgets::createWidget.


The components are buttons to control the animation, a slider for manual control, and a label to show the current value. They will be displayed in the order given in components. Not all need be included.

The buttons have the following behaviour:


Reverse the direction.


Play the animation.


Decrease the playing speed.


Increase the playing speed.


Stop the animation and reset to the start value.

If respondTo is used, no components are shown, as it is assumed Shiny (or whatever control is being referenced) will provide the UI components.

The sceneId component can be another playwidget, a rglwidget result, or a result of htmltools::tags or htmltools::tagList. This allows you to use a magrittr-style “pipe” command to join an rglwidget with one or more playwidgets. If a playwidget comes first, sceneId should be set to NA. If the rglwidget does not come first, previous values should be piped into its controllers argument. Other HTML code (including other widgets) can be used in the chain if wrapped in htmltools::tagList.

Each control should inherit from "rglControl". They can have the following components in addition to any private ones:


default labels for the slider.


values to include on the slider.


additional HTML dependencies to include, after the default rglwidgetClass.


A widget suitable for use in an Rmarkdown-generated web page, or elsewhere.


The appearance of the controls is set by the stylesheet in system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/rgl.css").

The overall widget is of class rglPlayer, with id set according to elementId.

The buttons are of HTML class rgl-button, the slider is of class rgl-slider, and the label is of class rgl-label. Each element has an id prefixed by the widget id, e.g. elementId-button-Reverse, elementId-slider, etc. (where elementId should be replaced by the actual id).

The reinit parameter handles the case where an object needs re-initialization after each change. For example, plane objects may need this if their intersection with the bounding box changes shape. Note that re-initialization is generally incompatible with the vertexControl as it modifies values which are set during initialization.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

subsetControl, propertyControl, ageControl and vertexControl are possible controls to use.

toggleWidget is a wrapper for playwidget and subsetControl to insert a single button to toggle some elements in a display.


saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)

objid <- plot3d(1:10, 1:10, rnorm(10), col=c("red", "red"), type = "s")["data"]

control <- ageControl(value=0,
             ages = c(-5,0,5),
             colors = c("green", "yellow", "red"),
             objids = objid)

# This example uses explicit names
rglwidget(elementId = "theplot", controllers = "theplayer",
          height = 300, width = 300)
playwidget("theplot", control, start = -5, stop = 5,
           rate = 3, elementId = "theplayer",
           components = c("Play", "Slider"))

# This example uses pipes, and can skip the names

widget <- rglwidget(height = 300, width = 300) %>%
playwidget(control, start = -5, stop = 5,
           rate = 3, components = c("Play", "Slider"))
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())


3D scatterplot


Draws a 3D scatterplot.


plot3d(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
plot3d(x, y, z,  
	xlab, ylab, zlab, type = "p", 
	col, size, lwd, radius,
	add = FALSE, aspect = !add, 
	xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, 
	forceClipregion = FALSE, 
	decorate = !add, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
plot3d(x, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", type = c("shade", "wire", "dots"),
	add = FALSE, aspect = !add, ...)


x, y, z

vectors of points to be plotted. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.

xlab, ylab, zlab

labels for the coordinates.


For the default method, a single character indicating the type of item to plot. Supported types are: 'p' for points, 's' for spheres, 'l' for lines, 'h' for line segments from z = 0, and 'n' for nothing. For the mesh3d method, one of 'shade', 'wire', or 'dots'. Partial matching is used.


the color to be used for plotted items.


the size for plotted points.


the line width for plotted items.


the radius of spheres: see Details below.


whether to add the points to an existing plot.


either a logical indicating whether to adjust the aspect ratio, or a new ratio.

xlim, ylim, zlim

If not NULL, set clipping limits for the plot.


Force a clipping region to be used, whether or not limits are given.


Whether to add bounding axes and other decorations.


additional parameters which will be passed to par3d, material3d or decorate3d.


plot3d is a partial 3D analogue of plot.default.

Missing values in the data are skipped, as in standard graphics.

If aspect is TRUE, aspect ratios of c(1, 1, 1) are passed to aspect3d. If FALSE, no aspect adjustment is done. In other cases, the value is passed to aspect3d.

With type = "s", spheres are drawn centered at the specified locations. The radius may be controlled by size (specifying the size relative to the plot display, with the default size = 3 giving a radius about 1/20 of the plot region) or radius (specifying it on the data scale if an isometric aspect ratio is chosen, or on an average scale if not).


plot3d is called for the side effect of drawing the plot; a vector of object IDs is returned.


If any of xlim, ylim or zlim are specified, they should be length two vectors giving lower and upper clipping limits for the corresponding coordinate. NA limits will be ignored.

If any clipping limits are given, then the data will be plotted in a newly created subscene within the current one; otherwise plotting will take place directly in the current subscene. This subscene is named "clipregion" in the results. This may affect the appearance of transparent objects if some are drawn in the plot3d call and others after, as RGL will not attempt to depth-sort objects if they are in different subscenes. It is best to draw all overlapping transparent objects in the same subscene. See the example in planes3d. It will also affect the use of clipplanes3d; clipping planes need to be in the same subscene as the objects being clipped.

Use forceClipregion = TRUE to force creation of this subscene even without specifying limits.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

plot.default, open3d, par3d. There are plot3d.function and plot3d.deldir methods for plotting surfaces.


  x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
  y <- rnorm(1000)
  z <- rnorm(1000) + atan2(x, y)
  plot3d(x, y, z, col = rainbow(1000))

Methods for formulas


These functions provide a simple formula-based interface to plot3d and persp3d.


## S3 method for class 'formula'
plot3d(x, data = NULL, xlab, ylab, zlab, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
persp3d(x, data = NULL, xlab, ylab, zlab, ...)



A formula like z ~ x + y.


An optional dataframe or list in which to find the components of the formula.

xlab, ylab, zlab

Optional axis labels to override the ones automatically obtained from the formula.


Additional arguments to pass to the default plot3d method, or the persp3d method for "deldir" objects.


Only simple formulas (the ones handled by the xyz.coords function) are supported: a single variable on the left hand side (which will be plotted on the Z axis), and a sum of two variables on the right hand side (which will be the X and Y axis variables in the plot.)


These functions are called for the side effect of drawing the plots. The plot3d method draws a scatterplot. The persp3d method draws a surface plot.

Return values are as given by the plot3d.default method or the persp3d.deldir methods.


The persp3d method requires that the suggested package deldir is installed.


Duncan Murdoch


mfrow3d(1, 2, sharedMouse = TRUE)
plot3d(mpg ~ wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
if (checkDeldir())
  persp3d(mpg ~ wt + qsec, data = mtcars)

Method for plotting simple linear fit


This function provides several plots of the result of fitting a two-predictor model.


## S3 method for class 'lm'
       which = 1, 
       plane.col = "gray", plane.alpha = 0.5,
       sharedMouse = TRUE, 
       do_grid = TRUE,
       grid.col = "black", 
       grid.alpha = 1,
       grid.steps = 5,
       sub.steps = 4,
       vars = get_all_vars(terms(x), x$model),
       clip_to_density = 0,



An object inheriting from class "lm" obtained by fitting a two-predictor model.


Which plot to show? See Details below.

plane.col, plane.alpha

These parameters control the colour and transparency of a plane or surface.


If multiple plots are requested, should they share mouse controls, so that they move in sync?


Use the surface3d function to plot the surface rather than planes3d. This allows curved surfaces to be shown. The default is FALSE if the model looks like a simple 2 parameter linear fit, otherwise TRUE.


Plot a grid.

grid.col, grid.alpha, grid.steps

Characteristics of the grid.


If use_surface3d is TRUE, use an internal grid of grid.steps*sub.steps to draw the surface. sub.steps > 1 allows curvature within facets. Similarly, if do_grid is TRUE, it allows curvature within grid lines.


A dataframe containing the variables to plot in the first three columns, with the response assumed to be in column 1. See the Note below.


If positive, the surface, plane or grid will be clipped to a region with sufficient data.


Other parameters to pass to the default plot3d method, to control the appearance of aspects of the plot other than the plane.


Three plots are possible, depending on the value(s) in which:

  1. (default) Show the points and the fitted plane or surface.

  2. Show the residuals and the plane at z = 0.

  3. Show the predicted values on the fitted plane or surface.

If clip_to_density is positive, then the surface, plane or grid will be clipped to the region where a non-parametric density estimate (using MASS::kde2d), normalized to have a maximum value of 1, is greater than the given value. This will suppress parts of the plot that aren't supported by the observed data.


Called for the side effect of drawing one or more plots.

Invisibly returns a high-level vector of object ids. Names of object ids have the plot number (in drawing order) appended.


The default value for the vars argument will handle simple linear models with a response and two predictors, and some models with functions of those two predictors. For models that fail (e.g. models using poly), you can include the observed values as in the third example below.

If clip_to_density > 0,

  1. The clipping is approximate, so it may not agree perfectly between surfaces, planes and grids.

  2. This option requires the suggested packages MASS and interp, and will be ignored with a warning if either is not installed.


Duncan Murdoch


ids <- plot3d(lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec, data = mtcars), which = 1:3)

plot3d(lm(mpg ~ wt + I(wt^2) + qsec, data = mtcars))

# Specify vars in the order:  response, pred1, pred2.
plot3d(lm(mpg ~ poly(wt, 3) + qsec, data = mtcars), 
       vars = mtcars[,c("mpg", "wt", "qsec")])
# Clip parts of the plot with few (wt, qsec) points
plot3d(lm(mpg ~ poly(wt, 3) + qsec, data = mtcars), 
       vars = mtcars[,c("mpg", "wt", "qsec")],
       clip_to_density = 0.1)

Draw text using base graphics math plotting


To plot mathematical text, this function uses base graphics functions to plot it to a ‘.png’ file, then uses that file as a texture in a sprite.


plotmath3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, text, cex = par("cex"),
           adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.5,
           fixedSize = TRUE, startsize = 480, initCex = 5, 
           margin = "", floating = FALSE, tag = "", ...)


x, y, z

coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


A character vector or expression. See plotmath for how expressions are interpreted.


Character size expansion.


one value specifying the horizontal adjustment, or two, specifying horizontal and vertical adjustment respectively, or three, for depth as well.

pos, offset

alternate way to specify adj; see text3d


Should the resulting sprite behave like the default ones, and resize with the scene, or like text, and stay at a fixed size?

startsize, initCex

These parameters are unlikely to be needed by users. startsize is an over-estimate of the size (in pixels) of the largest expression. Increase this if large expressions are cut off. initCex is the size of text used to form the bitmap. Increase this if letters look too blurry at the desired size.

margin, floating, tag

material3d properties.


Additional arguments to pass to text when drawing the text.


Called for the side effect of displaying the sprites. The shape ID of the displayed object is returned.


The text3d function passes calls to this function if its usePlotmath argument is TRUE. This is the default value if its texts argument looks like an expression.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



plotmath3d(1:3, 1:3, 1:3, expression(x[1] == 1, x[2] == 2, x[3] == 3))
# This lets the text resize with the plot
text3d(4, 4, 4, "resizeable text", usePlotmath = TRUE, fixedSize = FALSE)

Draw a polygon in three dimensions


This function takes a description of a flat polygon in x, y and z coordinates, and draws it in three dimensions.


polygon3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, fill = TRUE, plot = TRUE, 
          coords, random = TRUE, ...)


x, y, z

Vertices of the polygon in a form accepted by xyz.coords.


logical; should the polygon be filled?


logical; should the polygon be displayed?


Which two coordinates (x = 1, y = 2, z = 3) describe the polygon. If missing, triangulate makes an automatic choice.


Currently ignored. The triangulation is deterministic.


Other parameters to pass to lines3d or shade3d if plot = TRUE.


The function triangulates the two dimensional polygon described by coords, then applies the triangulation to all three coordinates. No check is made that the polygon is actually all in one plane, but the results may be somewhat unpredictable (especially if random = TRUE) if it is not.

Polygons need not be simple; use NA to indicate separate closed pieces. For fill = FALSE there are no other restrictions on the pieces, but for fill = TRUE the resulting two-dimensional polygon needs to be one that triangulate can handle.


If plot = TRUE, the id number of the lines (for fill = FALSE) or triangles (for fill = TRUE) that have been plotted.

If plot = FALSE, then for fill = FALSE, a vector of indices into the XYZ matrix that could be used to draw the polygon. For fill = TRUE, a triangular mesh object representing the triangulation.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

extrude3d for a solid extrusion of a polygon, triangulate for the triangulation.


theta <- seq(0, 4*pi, length.out = 50)
r <- theta + 1
r <- c(r[-50], rev(theta*0.8) + 1)
theta <- c(theta[-50], rev(theta))
x <- r*cos(theta)
y <- r*sin(theta)
plot(x, y, type = "n")
polygon(x, y)
polygon3d(x, y, x + y, col = "blue")

Add primitive shape


Adds a shape node to the current scene.


points3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL,  ...)
lines3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL,  ...)
segments3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...)
triangles3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...)
quads3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...)


x, y, z

coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


Material properties (see material3d), normals, texcoords or indices; see details below.


The functions points3d, lines3d, segments3d, triangles3d and quads3d add points, joined lines, line segments, filled triangles or quadrilaterals to the plots. They correspond to the OpenGL types GL_POINTS, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINES, GL_TRIANGLES and GL_QUADS respectively.

Points are taken in pairs by segments3d, triplets as the vertices of the triangles, and quadruplets for the quadrilaterals. Colors are applied vertex by vertex; if different at each end of a line segment, or each vertex of a polygon, the colors are blended over the extent of the object. Polygons must be non-degenerate and quadrilaterals must be entirely in one plane and convex, or the results are undefined.

The appearance of the new objects are defined by the material properties. See material3d for details.

For triangles and quads, the normals at each vertex may be specified using normals. These may be given in any way that would be acceptable as a single argument to xyz.coords. These need not match the actual normals to the polygon: curved surfaces can be simulated by using other choices of normals.

Texture coordinates may also be specified. These may be given in any way that would be acceptable as a single argument to xy.coords, and are interpreted in terms of the bitmap specified as the material texture, with (0, 0) at the lower left, (1, 1) at the upper right. The texture is used to modulate the color of the polygon.

All of these functions support an argument called indices, which allows vertices (and other attributes) to be re-used, as they are in objects created by mesh3d and related functions. This is intended to be used on smooth surfaces, where each shared vertex has just one value for normals, colors and texture coordinates.

For shapes with flat-looking faces (e.g. polyhedra like cube3d), the vertices must be duplicated to be rendered properly.


Each function returns the integer object ID of the shape that was added to the scene. These can be passed to pop3d to remove the object from the scene.


Ming Chen and Duncan Murdoch


# Show 12 random vertices in various ways. 

M <- matrix(rnorm(36), 3, 12, dimnames = list(c('x', 'y', 'z'), 
                                       rep(LETTERS[1:4], 3)))

# Force 4-tuples to be convex in planes so that quads3d works.

for (i in c(1, 5, 9)) {
    quad <-[, i + 0:3])
    coeffs <- runif(2, 0, 3)
    if (mean(coeffs) < 1) coeffs <- coeffs + 1 - mean(coeffs)
    quad$C <- with(quad, coeffs[1]*(B - A) + coeffs[2]*(D - A) + A)
    M[, i + 0:3] <- as.matrix(quad)


# Rows of M are x, y, z coords; transpose to plot

M <- t(M)
shift <- matrix(c(-3, 3, 0), 12, 3, byrow = TRUE)

lines3d(M + shift)
segments3d(M + 2*shift)
triangles3d(M + 3*shift, col = 'red')
quads3d(M + 4*shift, col = 'green')  
text3d(M + 5*shift, texts = 1:12)

# Add labels

shift <- outer(0:5, shift[1, ])
shift[, 1] <- shift[, 1] + 3
       texts = c('points3d', 'lines3d', 'segments3d',
         'triangles3d', 'quads3d', 'text3d'),
       adj = 0)

Controls to use with playwidget()


These are setter functions to produce actions in a Shiny app, or in an animation.


subsetControl(value = 1, subsets, subscenes = NULL,
                         fullset = Reduce(union, subsets),
                         accumulate = FALSE)
propertyControl(value = 0, entries, properties, 
                objids = tagged3d(tags), tags, values = NULL,
                param = seq_len(NROW(values)) - 1, interp = TRUE)



The value to use for input (typically input$value in a Shiny app.)


A list of vectors of object identifiers; the value will choose among them.


Objects in the subscene which are not in fullset will not be touched.


The subscenes to be controlled. If NULL, the root subscene.


If TRUE, the subsets will accumulate (by union) as the value increases.

entries, properties, objids

Which properties to set.


Select objects with matching tags. Ignored if objids is specified.


Values to set.


Parameter values corresponding to the rows of value


Whether to use linear interpolation between param values


subsetControl produces data for playwidget to display subsets of the object in one or more subscenes. This code will not touch objects in the subscenes if they are not in fullset. fullset defaults to the union of all the object ids mentioned in subsets, so by default if an id is not mentioned in one of the subsets, it will not be controlled by the slider. If value is specified in R code, it will be a 1-based index into the subsets list; when specified internally in Javascript, 0-based indexing into the corresponding array will be used.

propertyControl sets individual properties. Here the row of values is determined by the position of value in param.


These functions return controller data in a list of class "rglControl".


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

subsetSetter for a way to embed a pure Javascript control, and playwidget for a way to use these in animations (including Shiny), rglShared for linking using the crosstalk package.

Generic 3D interface


Generic 3D interface for 3D rendering and computational geometry.


R3d is a design for an interface for 3d rendering and computation without dependency on a specific rendering implementation. R3d includes a collection of 3D objects and geometry algorithms. All r3d interface functions are named *3d. They represent generic functions that delegate to implementation functions.

The interface can be grouped into 8 categories: Scene Management, Primitive Shapes, High-level Shapes, Geometry Objects, Visualization, Interaction, Transformation, Subdivision.

The rendering interface gives an abstraction to the underlying rendering model. It can be grouped into four categories:

Scene Management:

A 3D scene consists of shapes, lights and background environment.

Primitive Shapes:

Generic primitive 3D graphics shapes such as points, lines, triangles, quadrangles and texts.

High-level Shapes:

Generic high-level 3D graphics shapes such as spheres, sprites and terrain.


Generic interface to select points in 3D space using the pointer device.

In this package we include an implementation of r3d using the underlying rgl.* functions.

3D computation is supported through the use of object structures that live entirely in R.

Geometry Objects:

Geometry and mesh objects allow to define high-level geometry for computational purpose such as triangle or quadrangle meshes (see mesh3d).


Generic interface to transform 3d objects.


Generic rendering of 3d objects such as dotted, wired or shaded.


Generic subdivision of 3d objects.

At present, the main practical differences between the r3d functions and the rgl.* functions are as follows.

The r3d functions call open3d if there is no device open, and the rgl.* functions call By default open3d sets the initial orientation of the coordinate system in 'world coordinates', i.e. a right-handed coordinate system in which the x-axis increases from left to right, the y-axis increases with depth into the scene, and the z-axis increases from bottom to top of the screen. rgl.* functions, on the other hand, use a right-handed coordinate system similar to that used in OpenGL. The x-axis matches that of r3d, but the y-axis increases from bottom to top, and the z-axis decreases with depth into the scene. Since the user can manipulate the scene, either system can be rotated into the other one.

The r3d functions also preserve the rgl.material setting across calls (except for texture elements, in the current implementation), whereas the deprecated rgl.* functions leave it as set by the last call.

The example code below illustrates the two coordinate systems.

See Also

points3d, lines3d, segments3d, triangles3d, quads3d, text3d, spheres3d, sprites3d, terrain3d, select3d, dot3d, wire3d, shade3d, transform3d, rotate3d, subdivision3d, mesh3d, cube3d, rgl


x <- c(0, 1, 0, 0)
     y <- c(0, 0, 1, 0)
     z <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)
     labels <- c("Origin", "X", "Y", "Z")
     i <- c(1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4)

     # *3d interface
     text3d(x, y, z, labels)
     text3d(1, 1, 1, "*3d coordinates")
     segments3d(x[i], y[i], z[i])

Read and write STL (stereolithography) format files


These functions read and write STL files. This is a simple file format that is commonly used in 3D printing. It does not represent text, only triangles. The writeSTL function converts some RGL object types to triangles.


readSTL(con, ascii = NA, plot = TRUE, ...)
writeSTL(con, ascii = FALSE, 
         pointRadius = 0.005, 
         pointShape = icosahedron3d(),
         lineRadius = pointRadius,
         lineSides = 20,
         ids = tagged3d(tags),
         tags = NULL)



A connection or filename.


Whether to use the ASCII format or the binary format. The default NA setting for readSTL() causes it to detect the format. This only works for files, not other connections, which default to binary.


On reading, should the object be plotted?


If plotting, other parameters to pass to triangles3d

pointRadius, lineRadius

The radius of points and lines relative to the overall scale of the figure.


A mesh shape to use for points. It is scaled by the pointRadius.


Lines are rendered as cylinders with this many sides.


The identifiers (from ids3d) of the objects to write. If NULL, try to write everything.


Alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


The current implementation is limited. For reading, it ignores normals and color information. For writing, it only outputs triangles, quads, planes, spheres, points, line segments, line strips and surfaces, and does not write color information. Lines and points are rendered in an isometric scale: if your data scales vary, they will look strange.

Since the STL format only allows one object per file, all RGL objects are combined into a single object when output.

The output file is readable by Blender and Meshlab; the latter can write in a number of other formats, including U3D, suitable for import into a PDF document.


readSTL invisibly returns the object id if plot = TRUE, or (visibly) a matrix of vertices of the triangles if not.

writeSTL invisibly returns the name of the connection to which the data was written.


Duncan Murdoch


The file format was found on Wikipedia on October 25, 2012. I learned about the STL file format from David Smith's blog reporting on Ian Walker's r2stl function.

See Also

scene3d saves a copy of a scene to an R variable; rglwidget, writeASY, writePLY, writeOBJ and writeSTL write the scene to a file in various other formats.


filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".stl")
shade3d( icosahedron3d(col = "magenta") )
readSTL(filename, col = "red")

Get information about shapes


Retrieves information about the shapes in a scene.


rgl.attrib(id, attrib, first = 1, 
	last = rgl.attrib.count(id, attrib))



A shape identifier, as returned by ids3d.


An attribute of a shape. Currently supported: one of
"vertices", "normals", "colors", "texcoords", "dim", "texts", "cex", "adj", "radii", "centers", "ids", "usermatrix", "types", "flags", "offsets", "family", "font", "pos"
or unique prefixes to one of those.

first, last

Specify these to retrieve only those rows of the result.


If the identifier is not found or is not a shape that has the given attribute, zero will be returned by rgl.attrib.count, and an empty matrix will be returned by rgl.attrib.

The first four attrib names correspond to the usual OpenGL properties; "dim" is used just for surfaces, defining the rows and columns in the rectangular grid; "cex", "adj", "family", "font" and "pos" apply only to text objects.


rgl.attrib returns the values of the attribute. Attributes are mostly real-valued, with the following sizes:

"vertices" 3 values x, y, z
"normals" 3 values x, y, z
"centers" 3 values x, y, z
"colors" 4 values r, g, b, a
"texcoords" 2 values s, t
"dim" 2 values r, c
"cex" 1 value cex
"adj" 2 values x, y
"radii" 1 value r
"ids" 1 value id
"usermatrix" 4 values x, y, z, w
"texts" 1 value text
"types" 1 value type
"flags" 1 value flag
"family" 1 value family
"font" 1 value font
"pos" 1 value pos

The "texts", "types" and "family" attributes are character-valued; the "flags" attribute is logical valued, with named rows.

These are returned as matrices with the row count equal to the count for the attribute, and the columns as listed above.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



p <- plot3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), type = "s", col = "red")
rgl.attrib(p["data"], "vertices", last = 10)

Get information about attributes of objects


These functions give information about the attributes of RGL objects. is the more “user-friendly” function; rgl.attrib.count is a lower-level function more likely to be used in programming.

Usage = ids3d("all", 0)$id, attribs = NULL, showAll = FALSE)
rgl.attrib.count(id, attrib)



One or more RGL object ids.


A character vector of one or more attribute names.


Should attributes with zero entries be shown?


A single attribute name.


See the first example below to get the full list of attribute names.


A dataframe containing the following columns:


The id of the object.


The full name of the attribute.

nrow, ncol

The size of matrix that would be returned by rgl.attrib for this attribute.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

rgl.attrib to obtain the attribute values.


id <- points3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), col = "green"), showAll = TRUE)
rgl.attrib.count(id, "vertices")

merge(, ids3d("all"))

Assign focus to an RGL window


'rgl.bringtotop' brings the current RGL window to the front of the window stack (and gives it focus).


rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)



whether to make the window stay on top.


If stay is TRUE, then the window will stay on top of normal windows.


not completely implemented for X11 graphics (stay not implemented; window managers such as KDE may block this action (set "Focus stealing prevention level" to None in Control Center/Window Behavior/Advanced)). Not currently implemented under OS/X.


Ming Chen/Duncan Murdoch


points3d(rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000), color = heat.colors(1000))
rgl.bringtotop(stay = TRUE)

Get user-defined axis labelling callbacks.


This function gets a user-defined axis labelling callback in R.


rgl.getAxisCallback(axis, dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))



Which axis? Can be value from 1:3.

dev, subscene

The RGL device and subscene to work with.


The callback function.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

setAxisCallbacks to work with rglwidget.

Increment ID


This function is mainly for internal use. It simply increments the internal object ID number and returns the new value. Negative values have no effect.


rgl.incrementID(n = 1L)



An integer increment to use.


The resulting ID value.


# Get the current ID value

# Increment it

Initializing RGL


Initializing the RGL system.


rgl.init(initValue = 0, onlyNULL = FALSE, 
         debug = getOption("rgl.debug", FALSE))



value for internal use only


only initialize the null (no display) device


enable some debugging messages


If useNULL is TRUE, RGL will use a “null” device. This device records objects as they are plotted, but displays nothing. It is intended for use with rglwidget and similar functions.

Currently debug only controls messages printed by the OpenGL library during initialization. In future debug = TRUE may become more verbose.

For display within an OpenGL window in R, RGL requires the OpenGL system to be installed and available. If there is a problem initializing it, you may see the message ⁠'rgl.init' failed, running with 'rgl.useNULL = TRUE'.⁠ There are several causes and remedies:

  • On any system, the OpenGL libraries need to be present for RGL to be able to start an OpenGL device.

    • On macOS, you need to install XQuartz. It is available from

    • On Linux, you need to install Mesa 3D. One of these commands may work, depending on your system: ⁠ zypper source-install --build-deps-only Mesa # openSUSE/SLED/SLES yum-builddep mesa # yum Fedora, OpenSuse(?) dnf builddep mesa # dnf Fedora apt-get build-dep mesa # Debian, Ubuntu and related ⁠

    • Windows should have OpenGL installed by default.

  • On Unix-alike systems (macOS and Linux, for example), RGL normally uses the GLX system for creating displays. If the graphic is created on a remote machine, it may need to use “Indirect GLX” (IGLX). Due to security concerns, this is often disabled by default. See for a discussion of the security issues, and for ways to re-enable IGLX.

  • The project is intended to be a way to avoid IGLX, by rendering remotely and sending bitmaps to the local machine. It's not a simple install...

  • If you don't need to see RGL displays on screen, you can use the “NULL device”. See rgl.useNULL.

  • If you can't build the rgl package with OpenGL support, you can disable it and use the NULL device. (This may happen automatically during configuration, but you'll get a tested result if you specify it explicitly.) See the instructions in the ‘README’ file in the source tarball.


Normally the user doesn't call rgl.init at all: it is called when the package is loaded. It returns no useful value.

Extract pixel information from window


This function extracts single components of the pixel information from the topmost window.


rgl.pixels(component = c("red", "green", "blue"), 
        viewport = par3d("viewport"), top = TRUE)



Which component(s)?


Lower left corner and size of desired region.


Whether to bring window to top before reading.


The possible components are "red", "green", "blue", "alpha", "depth", and "luminance" (the sum of the three colors). All are scaled from 0 to 1.

Note that the luminance is kept below 1 by truncating the sum; this is the definition used for the GL_LUMINANCE component in OpenGL.


A vector, matrix or array containing the desired components. If one component is requested, a vector or matrix will be returned depending on the size of block requested (length 1 dimensions are dropped); if more, an array, whose last dimension is the list of components.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

rgl.snapshot to write a copy to a file, demo("stereo") for functions that make use of this to draw a random dot stereogram and an anaglyph.


depth <- rgl.pixels(component = "depth")
if (length(depth) && is.matrix(depth)) # Protect against empty or single pixel windows

Export vector graphics


Saves the screenshot to a file in PostScript or other vector graphics format.


rgl.postscript( filename, fmt = "eps", drawText = TRUE )



full path to filename.


export format, currently supported: ps, eps, tex, pdf, svg, pgf


logical, whether to draw text


Animations can be created in a loop modifying the scene and saving a screenshot to a file. (See example below)

This function is a wrapper for the GL2PS library by Christophe Geuzaine, and has the same limitations as that library: not all OpenGL features are supported, and some are only supported in some formats. See the reference for full details.


Christophe Geuzaine / Albrecht Gebhardt


GL2PS: an OpenGL to PostScript printing library by Christophe Geuzaine,, version 1.4.2.

See Also

view3d, snapshot3d


# Create new files in tempdir
savedir <- setwd(tempdir())

x <- y <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 20)
z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2)
persp3d(x, y, z, col = 'lightblue')

title3d("Using LaTeX text", col = 'red', line = 3)
rgl.postscript("", "ps", drawText = FALSE)
rgl.postscript("persp3da.pdf", "pdf", drawText = FALSE)
rgl.postscript("persp3da.tex", "tex")
title3d("Using ps/pdf text", col = 'red', line = 3)
rgl.postscript("", "ps")
rgl.postscript("persp3db.pdf", "pdf")
rgl.postscript("persp3db.tex", "tex", drawText = FALSE)


## Not run: 

# create a series of frames for an animation

shade3d(oh3d(), color = "red")
view3d(0, 20)

for (i in 1:45) {
  view3d(i, 20)
  filename <- paste("pic", formatC(i, digits = 1, flag = "0"), ".eps", sep = "") 
  rgl.postscript(filename, fmt = "eps")

## End(Not run)

Switch to select mode, and return the mouse position selected


Mostly for internal use, this function temporarily installs a handler on a button of the mouse that will return the mouse coordinates of one click and drag rectangle.

Usage = c("left", "middle", "right"),
           dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))



Which button to use?

dev, subscene

The RGL device and subscene to work with


A vector of four coordinates: the X and Y coordinates of the start and end of the dragged rectangle.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

select3d, a version that allows the selection region to be used to select points in the scene.

Integrating RGL with Sweave


As of R 2.13.0, it is possible to include RGL graphics into a Sweave document. These functions support that integration.


rgl.Sweave(name, width, height, options, ...)


name, width, height, options, ...

These arguments are passed by Sweave to rgl.Sweave when it opens the device.


The rgl.Sweave function is not normally called by the user. The user specifies it as the graphics driver when opening the code chunk, e.g. by using

<<fig = TRUE, pdf = FALSE, grdevice = rgl.Sweave, resolution = 100>>=

When the RGL device is closed at the end of the code chunk, will be called automatically. It will save a snapshot of the last image (by default in ‘.png’ format) for inclusion in the Sweave document and (by default) close the device. Alternatively, the Sweave.snapshot() function can be called to save the image before the end of the chunk. Only one snapshot will be taken per chunk.

Several chunk options are used by the rgl.Sweave device:


(default FALSE). If TRUE then the RGL device will not be closed at the end of the chunk, instead a call to Sweave.snapshot() will be used if it has not been called explicitly. Subsequent chunks can add to the scene.


(default png). The output may be specified as outputtype = pdf or outputtype = eps instead, in which case the rgl.postscript function will be used to write output in the specified format. Note that rgl.postscript has limitations and does not always render scenes correctly.


(default 0.1). After creating the display window, Sys.sleep will be called to delay this many seconds, to allow the display system to initialize. This is needed in X11 systems which open the display asynchronously. If the default time is too short, rgl.Sweave may falsely report that the window is too large to open.


These functions are called for their side effects.


We recommend turning off all other graphics drivers in a chunk that uses grdevice = rgl.Sweave. The RGL functions do not write to a standard graphics device.


The rgl package relies on your graphics hardware to render OpenGL scenes, and the default ‘.png’ output copies a bitmap from the hardware device. All such devices have limitations on the size of the bitmap, but they do not always signal these limitations in a way that RGL will detect. If you find that images are not being produced properly, try reducing the size using the resolution, width or height chunk options.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

RweaveLatex for a description of alternate graphics drivers in Sweave, and standard options that can be used in code chunks.

hook_rgl and hook_webgl allow fixed or interactive RGL scenes to be embedded in knitr documents.

Report default use of null device


This function checks the "rgl.useNULL" option if present, or the RGL_USE_NULL environment variable if it is not. If the value is TRUE or a string which matches “yes” or “true” in a case-insensitive test, TRUE is returned.




A logical value indicating the current default for use of the null device.


This function is checked by the initialization code when the rgl package is loaded. Thus if you want to run RGL on a system where there is no graphics support, you should run options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE) or set the environment variable RGL_USE_NULL=TRUE *before* calling library(rgl) (or other code that loads rgl), and it will not fail in its attempt at initialization.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

open3d and



Convert between RGL user and window coordinates


This function converts from 3-dimensional user coordinates to 3-dimensional window coordinates.


rgl.user2window(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, projection = rgl.projection())
rgl.window2user(x, y = NULL, z = 0, projection = rgl.projection())
rgl.projection(dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))


x, y, z

Input coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


The RGL projection to use

dev, subscene

The RGL device and subscene to work with


These functions convert between user coordinates and window coordinates.

Window coordinates run from 0 to 1 in X, Y, and Z. X runs from 0 on the left to 1 on the right; Y runs from 0 at the bottom to 1 at the top; Z runs from 0 foremost to 1 in the background. RGL does not currently display vertices plotted outside of this range, but in normal circumstances will automatically resize the display to show them. In the example below this has been suppressed.


The coordinate conversion functions produce a matrix with columns corresponding to the X, Y, and Z coordinates.

rgl.projection() returns a list containing the following components:


the modelview matrix


the projection matrix


the viewport vector

See par3d for more details.


Ming Chen / Duncan Murdoch

See Also



points3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
if (interactive() || !.Platform$OS == "unix") {
# Calculate a square in the middle of the display and plot it
square <- rgl.window2user(c(0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25), 
                          c(0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25), 0.5)
par3d(ignoreExtent = TRUE)
par3d(ignoreExtent = FALSE)

Register extra fonts


This function uses the extrafont package to help register system fonts for use with FreeType in rgl.


rglExtrafonts(..., quiet = TRUE)



Vectors of fonts to try. See the Details.


Whether to print information on progress.


The extrafont package collects information on installed fonts from the system. When you first install extrafont, or after new fonts have been installed on your system, run extrafont::font_import() to build its database of system fonts.

Fonts can be installed in rgl using rglExtrafonts(rglname = familyname) or rglExtrafonts(familyname). In this call familyname is a vector of family names to look for in the extrafont database using extrafont::choose_font(familyname); the first one found will be registered with rgl. The optional name rglname will also be usable to refer to the font family.

If none of the given family names is found, no change will be made to the registered fonts in rgl.

During startup, rgl detects whether extrafont is installed, and if so runs ⁠ rglExtrafonts(sans = c("Helvetica", "Arial"), serif = c("Times", "Times New Roman"), mono = c("Courier", "Courier New")) ⁠ to attempt to set up the default fonts.

Fonts found by extrafont can also be used in some other graphics devices besides rgl; see the extrafont documentation for details.


Invisibly returns a vector giving the rgl name and the family name for the newly installed font.


Each font in a display needs a unique rgl name; if the associated font for a given name is changed, all previously plotted text will also change.

Currently rglwidget displays will not respect the new definitions.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

text3d, rglFonts


if (requireNamespace("extrafont") && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
  text3d(1,1,1, "Default", family = "sans", cex = 2)  
  # Attempt to register new sans-serif font:
  newfamily <- rglExtrafonts(newsans = c("Comic Sans MS", "Impact", 
                                         "Verdana", "Tahoma"))
  text3d(2,2,2, newfamily, family = "newsans", cex = 2)

Specify FreeType fonts


Specify FreeType fonts for use in rgl graphics.





Device dependent font definitions for use with FreeType.


FreeType fonts are specified using the rglFonts function. This function takes a vector of four filenames of TrueType font files which will be used for the four styles regular, bold, italic and bold italic. The vector is passed with a name to be used as the family name, e.g. rglFonts(sans = c("/path/to/FreeSans.ttf", ...)). In order to limit the file size, the rgl package ships with just 3 font files, for regular versions of the serif, sans and mono families. Additional free font files were available in the past from the Amaya project, though currently the rglExtrafonts function provides an easier way to register new fonts.

On Windows the system fonts are acceptable and are used when useFreeType = FALSE (the current default in r3dDefaults). Mappings to family names are controlled by the grDevices::windowsFonts() function.

Full pathnames should normally be used to specify font files. If relative paths are used, they are interpreted differently by platform. Currently Windows fonts are looked for in the Windows fonts folder, while other platforms use the current working directory.

If FreeType fonts are not used, then bitmapped fonts will be used instead. On Windows these will be based on the fonts specified using the

windowsFonts function, and are resizable. Other platforms will use the default bitmapped font which is not resizable.

Bitmapped fonts have a limited number of characters supported; if any unsupported characters are used, an error will be thrown.


the current set of font definitions.

See Also



## Not run: 
# These FreeType fonts are available from the Amaya project, and are not shipped
# with rgl.  You would normally install them to the rgl/fonts directory
# and use fully qualified pathnames, e.g. 
# system.file("fonts/FreeSerif.ttf", package = "rgl")

rglFonts(serif = c("FreeSerif.ttf", "FreeSerifBold.ttf", "FreeSerifItalic.ttf",
         sans  = c("FreeSans.ttf", "FreeSansBold.ttf", "FreeSansOblique.ttf",
         mono  = c("FreeMono.ttf", "FreeMonoBold.ttf", "FreeMonoOblique.ttf",
         symbol= c("ESSTIX10.TTF", "ESSTIX12.TTF", "ESSTIX9_.TTF", 

## End(Not run)

RGL id values


All objects in an RGL scene have a numerical id. These ids are normally stored in vectors of class c("rglIds", "numeric"), which will also have class "rglHighlevel" or "rglLowlevel" depending on whether a high level function like plot3d or persp3d, or a low level function created the objects.


rglId(ids = integer())
lowlevel(ids = integer())
highlevel(ids = integer())
## S3 method for class 'rglId'
      rglwidget = getOption("rgl.printRglwidget", FALSE),



A vector of object ids.


An "rglId" object to print.


Whether to create and print an RGL widget. If false, nothing is printed.


Other arguments which will be passed to rglwidget if it is used.


These functions and classes are intended to allow RGL scenes to be automatically displayed in R Markdown documents. See setupKnitr for details on enabling auto-printing.

Note that all objects in the current scene will be printed by default, not just the ids in x. (One reason for this is that lights are also objects; printing objects without lights would rarely make sense.)


Objects of class "rglId", c("rglHighlevel", "rglId", "numeric") or c("rglLowlevel", "rglId", "numeric") for rglId, lowlevel or highlevel respectively.


Duncan Murdoch


x <- matrix(rnorm(30), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y", "z")))
p <- plot3d(x, type = "s")
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())
  print(p, rglwidget = TRUE)

Generate HTML code to select mouse mode


This generates an HTML select element to choose among the mouse modes supported by rglwidget.


         choices = c("trackball", "selecting", 
                     "xAxis", "yAxis", "zAxis", 
                     "polar", "zoom", "fov", 
         labels = choices, 
         button = 1, 
         dev = cur3d(), 
         subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev), 
         default = par3d("mouseMode", dev = dev, subscene = subscene)[button + 1],
         stayActive = FALSE,
         height = 40,



Either an rglwidget or the elementId from one of them.


Which mouse modes to support?


How to label each mouse mode.


Which mouse button is being controlled.


The RGL device used for defaults.


Which subscene is being modified.


What is the default entry to show in the control.


Whether a selection brush should stay active if the mouse mode is changed.


The (relative) height of the item in the output display.


Additional arguments to pass to htmltools::tags$select(), e.g. id or class.


A result of an rglwidget call can be passed as the sceneId argument. This allows the widget to be “piped” into the rglMouse call. The widget will appear first, the selector next in a tagList.

If the sceneId is a character string, it should be the elementId of a separately constructed rglwidget result.

Finally, the sceneId can be omitted. In this case the rglMouse result needs to be passed into an rglwidget call as part of the controllers argument. This will place the selector before the widget on the resulting display.

If the mouse mode is changed while brushing the scene, by default the brush will be removed (and so the selection will be cleared too). If this is not desired, set stayActive = TRUE.


A browsable value to put in a web page.


Duncan Murdoch


if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example()) {
  xyz <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)
  id <- plot3d(xyz, col = "red", type = "s")["data"]
  par3d(mouseMode = "selecting")
  share <- rglShared(id)

# This puts the selector below the widget.
  rglwidget(shared = share, width = 300, height = 300) %>% rglMouse()
# This puts the selector above the widget.
  rglMouse() %>% rglwidget(shared = share, width = 300, height = 300, controllers = .) 

Create shared data from an RGL object


The crosstalk package provides a way for different parts of an interactive display to communicate about datasets, using “shared data” objects. When selection or filtering is performed in one view, the result is mirrored in all other views.

This function allows vertices of RGL objects to be treated as shared data.


rglShared(id, key = NULL, group = NULL,
          deselectedFade = 0.1, 
          deselectedColor = NULL,
	  selectedColor = NULL,
          selectedIgnoreNone = TRUE,
	  filteredFade = 0,
          filteredColor = NULL)



An existing RGL id.


Optional unique labels to apply to each vertex. If missing, numerical keys will be used.


Optional name of the shared group to which this data belongs. If missing, a random name will be generated.

deselectedFade, deselectedColor

Appearance of points that are not selected. See Details.


Appearance of points that are selected.


If no points are selected, should the points be shown in their original colors (TRUE), or in the deselected colors (FALSE)?

filteredFade, filteredColor

Appearance of points that have been filtered out.


Some functions which normally work on dataframe-like datasets will accept shared data objects in their place.

If a selection is in progress, the alpha value for unselected points is multiplied by deselectedFade. If deselectedColor is NULL, the color is left as originally specified; if not, the point is changed to the color given by deselectedColor.

If no points have been selected, then by default points are shown in their original colors. However, if selectedIgnoreNone = FALSE, all points are displayed as if unselected.

The selectedColor argument is similarly used to change the color (or not) of selected points, and filteredFade and filteredColor are used for points that have been filtered out of the display.


An object of class "SharedData" (from the optional crosstalk package) which contains the x, y and z coordinates of the RGL object with the given id.


Duncan Murdoch



save <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)
  #  rglShared requires the crosstalk package,
  #  and the slider and rglMouse require manipulateWidget
  if (requireNamespace("crosstalk", quietly = TRUE) &&
      requireNamespace("manipulateWidget", quietly = TRUE)) {
    x <- sort(rnorm(100))
    y <- rnorm(100)
    z <- rnorm(100) + atan2(x, y)
    ids <- plot3d(x, y, z, col = rainbow(100))

    # The data will be selected and filtered, not the axes.
    sharedData <- rglShared(ids["data"])
    # Also add some labels that are only displayed
    # when points are selected
    sharedLabel <- rglShared(text3d(x, y, z, text = 1:100,
                                    adj = -0.5),
                             group = sharedData$groupName(),
                             deselectedFade = 0,
                             selectedIgnoreNone = FALSE) 
    if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example()) 
      crosstalk::filter_slider("x", "x", sharedData, ~x) %>%
      rglwidget(shared = list(sharedData, sharedLabel), controller = .) %>% 

Convert RGL userMatrix to lattice or base angles


These functions take a user orientation matrix from an RGL scene and approximate the parameters to either lattice or base graphics functions.


rglToLattice(rotm = par3d("userMatrix"))
rglToBase(rotm = par3d("userMatrix"))



A matrix in homogeneous coordinates to convert.


The lattice package can use Euler angles in the ZYX scheme to describe the rotation of a scene in its wireframe or cloud functions. The rglToLattice function computes these angles based on rotm, which defaults to the current user matrix. This allows RGL to be used to interactively find a decent viewpoint and then reproduce it in lattice.

The base graphics persp function does not use full Euler angles; it uses a viewpoint angle, and assume the z axis remains vertical. The rglToBase function computes the viewpoint angle accurately if the RGL scene is displayed with a vertical z axis, and does an approximation otherwise.


rglToLattice returns a list suitable to be used as the screen argument to wireframe.

rglToBase returns a list containing theta and phi components which can be used as corresponding arguments in persp.


Duncan Murdoch


persp3d(volcano, col = "green")
if ((hasorientlib <- requireNamespace("orientlib", quietly = TRUE)) && 
    requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE)) 
    lattice::wireframe(volcano, screen = rglToLattice())
if (hasorientlib) {
  angles <- rglToBase()
  persp(volcano, col = "green", border = NA, shade = 0.5,
        theta = angles$theta, phi = angles$phi)

An htmlwidget to hold an RGL scene


The htmlwidgets package provides a framework for embedding graphical displays in HTML documents of various types. This function provides the necessities to embed an RGL scene in one.


rglwidget(x = scene3d(minimal), width = figWidth(), height = figHeight(),
          controllers = NULL,
          elementId = NULL, 
          reuse = FALSE,
          webGLoptions = list(preserveDrawingBuffer = TRUE), 
          shared = NULL, minimal = TRUE, 
          webgl, snapshot, 
          shinyBrush = NULL, 
          altText = "3D plot",
          oldConvertBBox = FALSE,
          fastTransparency = getOption("rgl.fastTransparency", TRUE))



An RGL scene produced by the scene3d function.

width, height

The width and height of the display in pixels.


Names of playwidget objects associated with this scene, or objects (typically piped in). See Details below.

snapshot, webgl

Control of mode of display of scene. See Details below.


The id to use on the HTML div component that will hold the scene.


Ignored. See Details below.


A list of options to pass to WebGL when the drawing context is created. See the Details below.


An object produced by rglShared, or a list of such objects.


Should attributes be skipped if they currently have no effect? See scene3d.


The name of a Shiny input element to receive information about mouse selections.


Text to include for screen-readers or browsers that don't handle WebGL. See Details below.

oldConvertBBox, fastTransparency

See Details below.


Additional arguments to pass to htmlwidgets::createWidget.


This produces a WebGL version of an RGL scene using the htmlwidgets framework. This allows display of the scene in the RStudio IDE, a browser, an rmarkdown document or in a shiny app.

options(rgl.printRglwidget = TRUE) will cause rglwidget() to be called and displayed when the result of an RGL call that changes the scene is printed.

In RMarkdown or in standalone code, you can use a magrittr-style “pipe” command to join an rglwidget with a playwidget or toggleWidget. If the control widget comes first, it should be piped into the controllers argument. If the rglwidget comes first, it can be piped into the first argument of playwidget or toggleWidget.

In earlier versions, the reuse argument let one output scene share data from earlier ones. This is no longer supported.

If elementId is NULL and we are not in a Shiny app, elementId is set to a random value to facilitate re-use of information.

To save the display to a file, use htmlwidgets::saveWidget. This requires pandoc to be installed. For a snapshot, you can use htmltools::save_html(img(src=rglwidget(snapshot=TRUE)), file = ...).

The webGLoptions argument is a list which will be passed when the WebGL context is created. See the WebGL 1.0 specification on for possible settings. The default in rglwidget differs from the WebGL default by setting preserveDrawingBuffer = TRUE in order to allow other tools to read the image, but please note that some implementations of WebGL contain bugs with this setting. We have attempted to work around them, but may change our default in the future if this proves unsatisfactory.

The webgl argument controls whether a dynamic plot is displayed in HTML. In LaTeX and some other formats dynamic plots can't be displayed, so if the snapshot argument is TRUE, webgl must be FALSE. (In previous versions of the rgl package, both webgl and snapshot could be TRUE; that hasn't worked for a while and is no longer allowed as of version 0.105.6.)

The snapshot argument controls whether a snapshot is displayed: it must be !webgl if both are specified.

Prior to rgl 0.106.21, rglwidget converted bounding box decorations into separate objects: a box, text for the labels, segments for the ticks. By default it now generates these in Javascript, allowing axis labels to move as they do in the display in R. If you prefer the old conversion, set oldConvertBBox = TRUE.

In version 1.3.4, the handling of transparent objects was changed to match the rgl device more closely. The new method of rendering is quite a bit faster, though sometimes less accurate. To get the older drawing method set fastTransparency = FALSE.


An object of class "htmlwidget" (or "shiny.tag.list" if pipes are used) that will intelligently print itself into HTML in a variety of contexts including the R console, within R Markdown documents, and within Shiny output bindings.

If objects are passed in the shared argument, then the widget will respond to selection and filtering applied to those as shared datasets. See rglShared for more details and an example.

R Markdown specifics

In an R Markdown document, you would normally call setupKnitr(autoprint = TRUE) and would not make explicit calls to rglwidget(). If you do make such calls, the graphics will be inserted into the document.

In knitr versions greater than 1.42.5, the altText argument will be ignored and the alternate text will be set from chunk option fig.alt or fig.cap as with other graphics.

Shiny specifics

This widget is designed to work with Shiny for interactive displays linked to a server running R.

In a Shiny app, there will often be one or more playwidget objects in the app, taking input from the user. In order to be sure that the initial value of the user control is reflected in the scene, you should list all players in the controllers argument. See the sample application in system.file("shinyDemo", package = "rglwidget") for an example.

In Shiny, it is possible to find out information about mouse selections by specifying the name of an input item in the shinyBrush argument. For example, with shinyBrush = "brush3d", each change to the mouse selection will send data to input$brush3d in an object of class "rglMouseSelection" with the following components:


The ID of the subscene where the mouse is selecting.


Either "changing" or "inactive".


The coordinates of the corners of the selected region in the window, in order c(x1, y1, x2, y2).

model, proj, view

The model matrix, projection matrix and viewport in effect at that location.

This object can be used as the first argument to selectionFunction3d to produce a test function for whether a particular location is in the selected region. If the brush becomes inactive, an object containing only the state field will be sent, with value "inactive".


The appearance of the display is set by the stylesheet in system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/rgl.css").

The widget is of class rglWebGL, with id set according to elementId. (As of this writing, no special settings are given for class rglWebGL, but you can add your own.)


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

hook_webgl for an earlier approach to this problem. rglwidgetOutput for Shiny details.


save <- options(rgl.useNULL=TRUE)
example("plot3d", "rgl")
widget <- rglwidget()
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
  # Save it to a file.  This requires pandoc
  filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(rglwidget(), filename)


Close graphics device in a safe way.


The function in grDevices doesn't restore the previous graphics device when called. This function does.

Usage = dev.cur(), prev = dev.prev())



Which device to close.


Which device to set as current after closing.


This function closes device which if it is not device 1, then calls dev.set(prev) if there are any devices still open.


The number and name of the new active device. It will not necessarily be prev if that device isn't already open.


Duncan Murdoch



# Open a graphics device
first <- dev.cur()

# Open a second graphics device
second <- dev.cur()

# Open another one, and close it using
dev.cur() == second # Not the same as second!

# Try again with
dev.cur() == second

# Close the other two devs

Scene management


Clear shapes, lights, bbox


clear3d( type = c("shapes", "bboxdeco", "material"), defaults, subscene = 0 ) 
pop3d( type = "shapes", id = 0, tag = NULL)
ids3d( type = "shapes", subscene = NA, tags = FALSE )



Select subtype(s):


shape stack


light stack


bounding box


user viewpoint


model viewpoint


material properties


scene background


subscene list


all of the above


default values to use after clearing


which subscene to work with. NA means the current one, 0 means the whole scene


vector of ID numbers of items to remove


override id with objects matching these tag material properties


logical; whether to return tag column.


RGL holds several lists of objects in each scene. There are lists for shapes, lights, bounding box decorations, subscenes, etc. clear3d clears the specified stack, or restores the defaults for the bounding box (not visible) or viewpoint. With id = 0 pop3d removes the last added node on the list (except for subscenes: there it removes the active subscene). The id argument may be used to specify arbitrary item(s) to remove; if id != 0, the type argument is ignored.

clear3d may also be used to clear material properties back to their defaults.

clear3d has an optional defaults argument, which defaults to r3dDefaults. Only the materials component of this argument is currently used by clear3d.

ids3d returns a dataframe containing the IDs in the currently active subscene by default, or a specified subscene, or if subscene = 0, in the whole rgl window along with an indicator of their type and if tags = TRUE, the tag value for each.

Note that clearing the light stack leaves the scene in darkness; it should normally be followed by a call to light3d.

See Also

rgl, bbox3d, light3d, open3d to open a new window.


x <- rnorm(100)
  y <- rnorm(100)
  z <- rnorm(100)
  p <- plot3d(x, y, z, type = 's', tag = "plot")
  lines3d(x, y, z)
  ids3d(tags = TRUE)
  if (interactive() && !rgl.useNULL() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
    readline("Hit enter to change spheres")
    pop3d(id = p["data"])
    spheres3d(x, y, z, col = "red", radius = 1/5)

Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables


This function saves a large part of the RGL state associated with the current window to a variable.


scene3d(minimal = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'rglscene'
plot3d(x, add = FALSE, open3dParams = getr3dDefaults(), ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglobject'
plot3d(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglscene'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rglobject'
print(x, ...)



Should attributes be skipped if they currently have no effect? See Details.


An object of class "rglscene"


Whether to open a new window, or add to the existing one.


Default parameters for open3d


Additional parameters passed to open3d by plot3d(..., add = FALSE). These override open3dParams.


The components saved are: the par3d settings, the material3d settings, the bg3d settings, the lights and the objects in the scene.

In most cases, calling plot3d on that variable will duplicate the scene. (There are likely to be small differences, mostly internal, but some aspects of the scene are not currently available.) If textures are used, the name of the texture will be saved, rather than the contents of the texture file.

Other than saving the code to recreate a scene, saving the result of scene3d to a file will allow it to be reproduced later most accurately. In roughly decreasing order of fidelity, writeWebGL (now deprecated), writePLY, writeOBJ and writeSTL write the scene to a file in formats readable by other software.

If minimal = TRUE (the default), then attributes of objects will not be saved if they currently have no effect on the display, thereby reducing the file size. Set minimal = FALSE if the scene is intended to be used in a context where the appearance could be changed. Currently this only affects the inclusion of normals; with minimal = TRUE they are omitted for objects when the material is not lit.


The scene3d function returns an object of class "rglscene". This is a list with some or all of the components:


The results returned from a material3d call.


A list containing information about the main ("root") subscene. This may include:


The scene id.




The par3d settings for the subscene.


The subsceneInfo()$embeddings for the main subscene.


The ids for objects in the subscene.


A recursive list of child subscenes.


A list containing the RGL lights, background and objects in the scene.

The objects in the objects component are of class "rglobject". They are lists containing some or all of the components


The RGL identifier of the object in the original scene.


A character variable identifying the type of object.


Components of the material that differ from the scene material.

vertices, normals, etc.

Any of the attributes of the object retrievable by rgl.attrib.


A logical value indicating whether this object contributes to the bounding box. Currently this may differ from the object in the original scene.


Sprites may contain other objects; they will be stored here as a list of "rglobject"s.

Lights in the scene are stored similarly, mixed into the objects list.

The plot3d methods invisibly return a vector of RGL object ids that were plotted. The print methods invisibly return the object that was printed.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

rglwidget, writePLY, writeOBJ and writeSTL write the scene to a file in various formats.


z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)
persp3d(x, y, z, col = "green3", aspect = "iso")

s <- scene3d()
# Make it bigger
s$par3d$windowRect <- 1.5*s$par3d$windowRect
# and draw it again

Make large change to a scene from Shiny


These functions allow Shiny apps to make relatively large changes to a scene, adding and removing objects from it.


sceneChange(elementId, x = scene3d(minimal),
            delete = NULL, add = NULL, replace = NULL,
            material = FALSE, rootSubscene = FALSE,
            delfromSubscenes = NULL, skipRedraw = FALSE,
            minimal = TRUE)



The id of the element holding the rglClass instance.


The new scene to use as a source for objects to add.

delete, add, replace

Object ids to modify in the scene. The delete and replace ids must be present in the old scene in the browser; the add and replace ids must be present in x.


Logical to indicate whether default material should be updated.


Logical to indicate whether root subscene should be updated.


A vector of subscene ids that may have been changed by deletions. By default, all subscenes in x are used, but the objects may be included in subscenes in the browser that are different.


If TRUE, stop the scene from redrawing until skipRedraw=FALSE is sent. If NA, don't redraw this time, but don't change the state of the skipRedraw flag.


See scene3d.


registerSceneChange must be called in the UI component of a Shiny app to register the "sceneChange" custom message.


registerSceneChange returns the HTML code to register the message.

sceneChange returns a list to be used as the "sceneChange" message to change the scene. Use shiny::session$sendCustomMessage to send it.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

playwidget for a different approach to modifying scenes that can be much faster, but may be less flexible. The Shiny demo in this package makes use of all of these approaches.


## Not run: 
  actionButton("thebutton", "Change")

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$thebutton, {
      sceneChange("thewidget", delete = deletes, add = adds))

## End(Not run)

Select a rectangle in an RGL scene


This function allows the user to use the mouse to select a region in an RGL scene.


select3d(button = c("left", "middle", "right"),
             dev = cur3d(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev))
selectionFunction3d(proj, region = proj$region)



Which button to use for selection.

dev, subscene

The RGL device and subscene to work with


An object returned from rgl.projection containing details of the current projection.


Corners of a rectangular region in the display.


select3d selects 3-dimensional regions by allowing the user to use a mouse to draw a rectangle showing the projection of the region onto the screen. It returns a function which tests points for inclusion in the selected region.

selectionFunction3d constructs such a test function given coordinates and current transformation matrices.

If the scene is later moved or rotated, the selected region will remain the same, though no longer corresponding to a rectangle on the screen.


These return a function f(x, y, z) which tests whether each of the points (x, y, z) is in the selected region, returning a logical vector. This function accepts input in a wide variety of formats as it uses xyz.coords to interpret its parameters.


Ming Chen / Duncan Murdoch

See Also

selectpoints3d, locator


# Allow the user to select some points, and then redraw them
# in a different color

if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
 x <- rnorm(1000)
 y <- rnorm(1000)
 z <- rnorm(1000)
 points3d(x, y, z)
 f <- select3d()
 if (!is.null(f)) {
   keep <- f(x, y, z)
   points3d(x[keep], y[keep], z[keep], color = 'red')
   points3d(x[!keep], y[!keep], z[!keep])

Select points from a scene


This function uses the select3d function to allow the user to choose a point or region in the scene, then reports on all the vertices in or near that selection.


selectpoints3d(objects = ids3d()$id, value = TRUE, closest = TRUE, 
               multiple = FALSE, ...)



A vector of object id values to use for the search.


If TRUE, return the coordinates of the points; otherwise, return their indices.


If TRUE, return the points closest to the selection of no points are exactly within it.


If TRUE or a function, do multiple selections. See the Details below.


Other parameters to pass to select3d.


The multiple argument may be a logical value or a function. If logical, it controls whether multiple selections will be performed. If multiple is FALSE, a single selection will be performed; it might contain multiple points. If TRUE, multiple selections will occur and the results will be combined into a single matrix.

If multiple is a function, it should take a single argument. This function will be called with the argument set to a matrix containing newly added rows to the value, i.e. it will contain coordinates of the newly selected points (if value = TRUE), or the indices of the points (if value = FALSE). It should return a logical value, TRUE to indicate that selection should continue, FALSE to indicate that it should stop.

In either case, if multiple selections are being performed, the ESC key will stop the process.


If value is TRUE, a 3-column matrix giving the coordinates of the selected points. All rows in the matrix will be unique even if multiple vertices have the same coordinates.

If value is FALSE, a 2-column matrix containing columns:


The object id containing the point.


The index of the point within rgl.attrib(id, "vertices"). If multiple points have the same coordinates, all indices will be returned.


This function selects points, not areas. For example, if the selection region is in the interior of the triangle, that will count as a miss for all of the triangle's vertices.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

select3d to return a selection function.


xyz <- cbind(rnorm(20), rnorm(20), rnorm(20))
ids <- plot3d( xyz )

if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
  # Click near a point to select it and put a sphere there.
  # Press ESC to quit...

  # This version returns coordinates
     multiple = function(x) {
        spheres3d(x, color = "red", alpha = 0.3, radius = 0.2)

  # This one returns indices
  selectpoints3d(ids["data"], value = FALSE,
     multiple = function(ids) {
        spheres3d(xyz[ids[, "index"], , drop = FALSE], color = "blue", 
                  alpha = 0.3, radius = 0.2)

User-defined axis labelling callbacks.


This function sets user callbacks to construct axes in R or rglwidget displays.


setAxisCallbacks(axes, fns, 
                 javascript = NULL, 
                 subscene = scene$rootSubscene$id, 
                 scene = scene3d(minimal = FALSE), 
                 applyToScene = TRUE, 
                 applyToDev = missing(scene))



Which axes? Specify as number in 1:3 or letter in c("x", "y", "z").


Function or list of functions or character vector giving names of functions.


Optional block of Javascript code to be included (at the global level).


Which subscene do these callbacks apply to?


Which scene?


Should these changes apply to the scene object?


Should these changes apply to the current device?


If applyToScene is TRUE, this function adds Javascript callbacks to the scene object. If applyToDev is TRUE, it adds R callbacks to the current RGL device.

For Javascript, the callbacks are specified as strings; these will be evaluated within the browser in the global context to define the functions, which will then be called with the Javascript this object set to the current rglwidgetClass object.

For R, they may be strings or R functions.

Both options may be TRUE, in which case the callbacks must be specified as strings which are both valid Javascript and valid R. The usual way to do this is to give just a function name, with the function defined elsewhere, as in the Example below.

The functions should have a header of the form function(margin). The margin argument will be a string like "x++" indicating which margin would be chosen by R. If RGL would not choose to draw any axis annotations (which happens with rglwidget, though not currently in R itself), only the letter will be passed, e.g. "x".


Invisibly returns an rglScene object. This object will record the changes if applyToScene is TRUE.

If applyToDev is TRUE, it will also have the side effect of attempting to install the callbacks.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

setUserCallbacks for mouse callbacks.


# Draw arrows instead of tick marks on axes

arrowAxis <- local({
  ids <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  bbox <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
  function(margin) {
    dim <- if (grepl("x", margin)) 1 else
           if (grepl("y", margin)) 2 else
    inds <- 2*dim + (-1):0
    range <- par3d("bbox")[inds]
    if (!identical(bbox[inds], range)) {
      if (![dim]))
        pop3d(id = ids[dim])
      bbox[inds] <<- range 
      center <- mean(range)
      from <- mean(c(range[1], center))
      to <- mean(c(center, range[2]))
      # margin should agree with suggestion, so use "x++" etc.
      margin <- gsub("-", "+", margin)
      ids[dim] <<- arrow3d(p0 = c(from, 1, 1), 
                         p1 = c(to, 1, 1),
                         n = 4,
                         type = "lines",
                         margin = margin,
                         floating = TRUE)

# Define the Javascript function with the same name to use in WebGL
# Since Javascript won't change the bounding box, this function
# doesn't need to do anything.
js <- "
window.arrowAxis = function(margin) {} ;

xyz <- matrix(rnorm(60), ncol = 3)
plot3d(xyz, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z")
setAxisCallbacks(1:3, "arrowAxis", javascript = js)

Set a one-time slowdown on opening standard graphics


This function is mainly for internal use, to work around a bug in macOS Catalina: if base plotting happens too quickly after opening RGL and the first call to quartz, R crashes.

This inserts a delay after the first call to open the graphics device. The default is no delay, unless on Catalina with no graphics device currently open but the quartz device set as the default, when a 1 second delay will be added. Use environment variable "RGL_SLOW_DEV = value" to set a different default delay.

It works by changing the value of options("device"), so explicit calls to the device will not be affected.

It is called automatically when the rgl package is loaded.


setGraphicsDelay(delay = Sys.getenv("RGL_SLOW_DEV", 0), 
                 unixos = "none")



Number of seconds for the delay.


The name of the Unix OS. If set to "Darwin", and the version is 19.0.0 or greater, the default delay is changed to 1 second.


Called for the side effect of adding the delay to the first opening of the graphics device.

Displaying RGL scenes in knitr documents


These functions allow RGL graphics to be embedded in knitr documents.

The simplest method is to run setupKnitr(autoprint = TRUE) early in the document. That way RGL commands act a lot like base graphics commands: plots will be automatically inserted where appropriate, according to the fig.keep chunk option. By default (fig.keep = "high"), only high-level plots are kept, after low-level changes have been merged into them. See the knitr documentation for more details. To suppress auto-printing, the RGL calls can be wrapped in invisible(). Similarly to grid graphics (used by lattice and ggplot2), automatic inclusion requires the object to be printed: only the last statement in a code block in braces is automatically printed. Unlike those packages, auto-printing is the only way to get this to work: calling print explicitly doesn't work.

Other functions allow embedding either as bitmaps (hook_rgl with format "png"), fixed vector graphics (hook_rgl with format "eps", "pdf" or "postscript"), or interactive WebGL graphics (hook_webgl). hook_rglchunk is not normally invoked by the user; it is the hook that supports automatic creation and deletion of RGL scenes.


setupKnitr(autoprint = FALSE,
           rgl.newwindow = autoprint,
           rgl.closewindows = autoprint)
hook_rgl(before, options, envir)
hook_webgl(before, options, envir)
hook_rglchunk(before, options, envir)



If true, RGL commands automatically plot (with low level plots suppressed by the default value of the fig.keep chunk option.)

rgl.newwindow, rgl.closewindows

Default values for the knitr chunk options.

before, options, envir

Standard knitr hook function arguments.


The setupKnitr() function needs to be called once at the start of the document to install the knitr hooks. If it is called twice in the same session the second call will override the first.

The following chunk options are supported:

  • rgl.newwindow: Whether to open a new window for the chunk. Default is set by setupKnitr argument.

  • rgl.closewindows: Whether to close windows at the end of the chunk. Default is set by setupKnitr argument.

  • rgl.margin (default 100): number of pixels by which to indent the WebGL window.

  • snapshot: Logical value: when autoprinting in HTML, should a snapshot be used instead of the dynamic WebGL display? Corresponds to rglwidget(snapshot = TRUE, webgl = FALSE). Ignored in LaTeX, where a snapshot will always be produced (unless fig.keep specifies no figure at all).

  • dpi, fig.retina, fig.width, fig.height: standard knitr chunk options used to set the size of the output.

  • fig.keep, fig.hold, fig.beforecode: standard knitr chunk options used to control the display of plots.

  • dev: used by hook_rgl to set the output format. May be "eps", "postscript", "pdf" or "png" (default: "png").

  • rgl.keepopen: no longer used. Ignored with a warning.

  • fig.alt is partially supported: rgl will always use the first entry if fig.alt is a vector. Other graphics types match the entries in fig.alt to successive plots within the chunk. (This is due to a limitation in knitr, and may change in the future.)


A string to be embedded into the output, or NULL if called when no output is available.


The setupKnitr(autoprint = TRUE) method assumes all printing of RGL objects happens through auto-printing of objects produced by the lowlevel or highlevel functions. All RGL functions that produce graphics do this, but functions in other packages that call them may not return values appropriately.

Mixing explicit calls to rglwidget with auto-printing is likely to lead to failure of some scenes to display. To avoid this, set options(rgl.printRglwidget = FALSE) before using such explicit calls. Similarly, use that option before calling the example function in a code chunk if the example prints RGL objects.


The hook* functions are originally by Yihui Xie in the knitr package; and have been modified by Duncan Murdoch. Some parts of the setupKnitr function duplicate source code from knitr.

Set mouse callbacks in R or Javascript code


This function sets user mouse callbacks in R or rglwidget displays.


                 begin = NULL, 
                 update = NULL, 
                 end = NULL, 
                 rotate = NULL,
                 javascript = NULL, 
                 subscene = scene$rootSubscene$id,
                 scene = scene3d(minimal = FALSE),
                 applyToScene = TRUE,
			           applyToDev = missing(scene))



Which button should this callback apply to? Can be numeric from 0:4, or character from "none", "left", "right", "center", "wheel".

begin, update, end, rotate

Functions to call when events occur. See Details.


Optional block of Javascript code to be included (at the global level).


Which subscene do these callbacks apply to?


Which scene?


Should these changes apply to the scene object?


Should these changes apply to the current device?


If applyToScene is TRUE, this function adds Javascript callbacks to the scene object. If applyToDev is TRUE, it adds R callbacks to the current RGL device.

For Javascript, the callbacks are specified as strings; these will be evaluated within the browser in the global context to define the functions, which will then be called with the Javascript this object set to the current rglwidgetClass object.

For R, they may be strings or R functions.

Both options may be TRUE, in which case the callbacks must be specified as strings which are both valid Javascript and valid R. The usual way to do this is to give just a function name, with the function defined elsewhere, as in the Example below.

The begin and update functions should be of the form function(x, y) { ... }. The end function will be called with no arguments.

The rotate callback can only be set on the mouse wheel. It is called when the mouse wheel is rotated. It should be of the form function(away), where away will be 1 while rotating the wheel “away” from you, and 2 while rotating it towards you. If rotate is not set but other callbacks are set on the wheel “button”, then each click of the mouse wheel will trigger all start, update, then end calls in sequence.

The javascript argument is an optional block of code which will be evaluated once during the initialization of the widget. It can define functions and assign them as members of the window object, and then the names of those functions can be given in the callback arguments; this allows the callbacks to share information.


Invisibly returns an rglScene object. This object will record the changes if applyToScene is TRUE.

If applyToDev is TRUE, it will also have the side effect of attempting to install the callbacks using rgl.setMouseCallbacks and rgl.setWheelCallback.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

setAxisCallbacks for user defined axes.


# This example identifies points in both the rgl window and
  # in WebGL
  verts <- cbind(rnorm(11), rnorm(11), rnorm(11))
  idverts <- plot3d(verts, type = "s", col = "blue")["data"]
  # Plot some invisible text; the Javascript will move it
  idtext <- text3d(verts[1,,drop = FALSE], texts = 1, adj = c(0.5, -1.5), alpha = 0)
  # Define the R functions to use within R
  fns <- local({
    idverts <- idverts
    idtext <- idtext
    closest <- -1
    update <- function(x, y) {
      save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
      rect <- par3d("windowRect")
      size <- rect[3:4] - rect[1:2]
      x <- x / size[1];
      y <- 1 - y / size[2];
      verts <- rgl.attrib(idverts, "vertices")
      # Put in window coordinates
      vw <- rgl.user2window(verts)
      dists <- sqrt((x - vw[,1])^2 + (y - vw[,2])^2)
      newclosest <- which.min(dists)
      if (newclosest != closest) {
        if (idtext > 0)
          pop3d(id = idtext)
        closest <<- newclosest
        idtext <<- text3d(verts[closest,,drop = FALSE], texts = closest, adj = c(0.5, -1.5))
    end <- function() {
      if (idtext > 0)
        pop3d(id = idtext)
      closest <<- -1
      idtext <<- -1
    list(rglupdate = update, rglend = end)
  rglupdate <- fns$rglupdate
  rglend <- fns$rglend
  # Define the Javascript functions with the same names to use in WebGL
  js <-
   ' var idverts = %id%, idtext = %idtext%, closest = -1,
         subid = %subid%;
     window.rglupdate = function(x, y) { 
       var   obj = this.getObj(idverts), i, newdist, dist = Infinity, pt, newclosest;
       x = x/this.canvas.width;
       y = y/this.canvas.height;
       for (i = 0; i < obj.vertices.length; i++) {
         pt = obj.vertices[i].concat(1);
         pt = this.user2window(pt, subid);
         pt[0] = x - pt[0];
         pt[1] = y - pt[1];
         pt[2] = 0;
         newdist = rglwidgetClass.vlen(pt);
         if (newdist < dist) {
           dist = newdist;
           newclosest = i;

       if (newclosest !== closest) {
         closest = newclosest
         var text = this.getObj(idtext);
         text.vertices[0] = obj.vertices[closest];
         text.colors[0][3] = 1; // alpha is here!
         text.texts[0] = (closest + 1).toString();
         text.initialized = false;
     window.rglend = function() {
       var text = this.getObj(idtext);
       closest = -1;
       text.colors[0][3] = 0;
       text.initialized = false;
  js <- sub("%id%", idverts, js)  
  js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)
  js <- sub("%idtext%", idtext, js)
  # Install both
                    begin = "rglupdate",
                    update = "rglupdate",
                    end = "rglend",
                    javascript = js)
  # This example doesn't affect the rgl window, it only modifies
  # the scene object to implement panning
  # Define the Javascript functions to use in WebGL
  js <-
  '  window.subid = %subid%;
     window.panbegin = function(x, y) {
       var activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
           viewport = activeSub.par3d.viewport,
           activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(, "model")),
           l = activeModel.par3d.listeners, i;

        this.userSave = {x:x, y:y, viewport:viewport,
        for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
          activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
          activeSub.userSaveMat = new CanvasMatrix4(activeSub.par3d.userMatrix);
        } = "grabbing";
     window.panupdate = function(x, y) { 
        var objects = this.scene.objects,
            activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
            activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(, "model")),
            l = activeModel.par3d.listeners,
            viewport = this.userSave.viewport,
            par3d, i, zoom;
        if (x === this.userSave.x && y === this.userSave.y)
        x = (x - this.userSave.x)/this.canvas.width;
        y = (y - this.userSave.y)/this.canvas.height;
        for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
          activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
          par3d = activeSub.par3d;
          /* NB:  The right amount of zoom depends on the scaling of the data
                  and the position of the observer.  This might
                  need tweaking.
          zoom = rglwidgetClass.vlen(*par3d.zoom;
          activeSub.par3d.userMatrix.translate(zoom*x, zoom*y, 0);
     window.panend = function() { = this.userSave.cursor;

js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)

scene <- setUserCallbacks("left", 
                 begin = "panbegin", 
                 update = "panupdate", 
                 end = "panend", 
                 applyToDev = FALSE, javascript = js)

Set user-defined shaders for RGL objects, or get shaders.


setUserShaders sets user-defined shaders (programs written in GLSL) for customized display of RGL objects. Currently only supported in WebGL displays, as the regular displays do not support GLSL. getShaders gets the user defined shader, or if it is not present, the automatically generated one.


setUserShaders(ids, vertexShader = NULL, fragmentShader = NULL, 
               attributes = NULL, uniforms = NULL, textures = NULL,
               scene = scene3d(minimal), minimal = TRUE)

getShaders(id, scene = scene3d(minimal), minimal = TRUE)


ids, id

Which objects should receive the shaders, or which object should be queried?

vertexShader, fragmentShader

The vertex and fragment shader source code. If NULL, the automatically generated shader will be used instead.


A named list of “attributes” to attach to each vertex.


A named list of “uniforms”.


A named list of textures.


A scene3d object to work with.


See scene3d.


Modern versions of OpenGL work with “shaders”, programs written to run on the graphics processor. The vertex shader does the calculations to move vertices and set their intrinsic colours. The fragment shader computes how each pixel in the display will be shown, taking into account lighting, material properties, etc. (More precisely, it does the computation for each “fragment”; a fragment is a pixel within an object to display. There may be many objects at a particular location, and each will result in a fragment calculation unless culled by z-buffering or being discarded in some other way.)

Normally the WebGL Javascript code uses the default shaders stored in system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/shaders", package = "rgl"). This function allows them to be written by hand, for testing new features, hand optimization, etc. The defines used by the default shaders will also be prepended to user shaders, which can use them for customization on an object-by-object basis.

The names used for the attributes, uniforms and textures should match names in the shaders for corresponding variables. (The texture names should be names of uniform sampler2D variables.)


A modified version of the scene.


The getShaders function requires the V8 package to extract auto-generated shaders, since the defines are generated by Javascript code.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

rglwidget for display of the scene in WebGL.


id <- shade3d(octahedron3d(), col = "red")

# For each triangle, set weights on the 3 vertices.
# This will be replicated to the appropriate size in Javascript.
wts <- diag(3)

# This leaves out the centres of each face
vs <- "
  attribute vec3 aPos;
  attribute vec4 aCol;
  uniform mat4 mvMatrix;
  uniform mat4 prMatrix;
  varying vec4 vCol;
  varying vec4 vPosition;
  attribute vec3 aNorm;
  uniform mat4 normMatrix;
  varying vec3 vNormal;
  attribute vec3 wts;
  varying vec3 vwts;
  void main(void) {
    vPosition = mvMatrix * vec4(aPos, 1.);
    gl_Position = prMatrix * vPosition;
    vCol = aCol;
    vNormal = normalize((normMatrix * vec4(aNorm, 1.)).xyz);
    vwts = wts;
fs <- "
  #ifdef GL_ES
  precision highp float;
  varying vec4 vCol; // carries alpha
  varying vec4 vPosition;
  varying vec3 vNormal;
  uniform mat4 mvMatrix;
  uniform vec3 emission;
  uniform float shininess;
  uniform vec3 ambient[NLIGHTS];
  uniform vec3 specular[NLIGHTS]; // light*material
  uniform vec3 diffuse[NLIGHTS];
  uniform vec3 lightDir[NLIGHTS];
  uniform bool viewpoint[NLIGHTS];
  uniform bool finite[NLIGHTS];
  varying vec3 vwts;
  uniform vec2 wtrange;
  void main(void) {
    float minwt = min(vwts.x, min(vwts.y, vwts.z));
    if (minwt < wtrange.x || minwt > wtrange.y) discard;
    vec3 eye = normalize(;
    vec3 lightdir;
    vec4 colDiff;
    vec3 halfVec;
    vec4 lighteffect = vec4(emission, 0.);
    vec3 col;
    float nDotL;
    vec3 n = normalize(vNormal);
    n = -faceforward(n, n, eye);
    colDiff = vec4(vCol.rgb * diffuse[0], vCol.a);
    lightdir = lightDir[0];
    if (!viewpoint[0])
      lightdir = (mvMatrix * vec4(lightdir, 1.)).xyz;
    if (!finite[0]) {
      halfVec = normalize(lightdir + eye);
    } else {
      lightdir = normalize(lightdir -;
      halfVec = normalize(lightdir + eye);
    col = ambient[0];
    nDotL = dot(n, lightdir);
    col = col + max(nDotL, 0.) * colDiff.rgb;
    col = col + pow(max(dot(halfVec, n), 0.), shininess) * specular[0];
    lighteffect = lighteffect + vec4(col, colDiff.a);
    gl_FragColor = lighteffect;
x <- setUserShaders(id, vs, fs, attributes = list(wts=wts),
                    uniforms = list(wtrange = c(-0.01, 0.15)))
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Draw 3D mesh objects


Draws 3D mesh objects in full, or just the edges, or just the vertices.


dot3d(x, ...)   # draw dots at the vertices of an object
  ## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
dot3d(x, ...,
                         front = "points", back = "points")
  wire3d(x, ...)  # draw a wireframe object
  ## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
wire3d(x, ...,
                          front = "lines", back = "lines")
  shade3d(x, ...) # draw a shaded object
  ## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
shade3d(x, override = TRUE, 
                           meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"), 
                           texcoords = NULL, ...,
                           front = "filled", back = "filled")



a mesh3d object.


additional rendering parameters, or for dots3d and wire3d, parameters to pass to shade3d


should the parameters specified here override those stored in the object?


how should colours be interpreted? See details below


texture coordinates at each vertex.

front, back

Material properties for rendering.


The meshColor argument controls how material colours and textures are interpreted. This parameter was added in rgl version 0.100.1 (0.100.27 for dot3d). Possible values are:


Colours and texture coordinates are applied by vertex, in the order they appear in the x$vb matrix.


Colours are applied to each edge: first to the segments in the x$is matrix, then the 3 edges of each triangle in the x$it matrix, then the 4 edges of each quad in the x$ib matrix. This mode is only supported if both front and back materials are "lines", and the mesh contains no points.


Colours are applied to each object in the mesh: first to the points, then the segments, triangles and finally quads. The entire whole face (or point or segment) receives one colour from the specified colours.


Colours and textures are applied in the same way as in rgl versions earlier than 0.100.1.

Unique partial matches of these values will be recognized.

If colours are specified but meshColor is not and options(rgl.meshColorWarning = TRUE), a warning will be given that their interpretation may have changed. In versions 0.100.1 to 0.100.26 of rgl, the default was to give the warning; now the default is for no warning.

Note that since version 0.102.10, meshColor = "edges" is only allowed when drawing lines (the wire3d default), and it may draw edges more than once. In general, if any rendering draws twice at the same location, which copy is visible depends on the order of drawing and the material3d("depth_test") setting.

Whether points, lines or solid faces are drawn is determined in 3 steps:

  1. If arguments "front" or "back" are specified in the call, those are used.

  2. If one or both of those arguments are not specified, but the material properties are present in the object, those are used.

  3. If values are not specified in either of those places, shade3d draws filled surfaces, wire3d draws lines, and dot3d draws points.

Note: For some versions of rgl up to version 0.107.15, rule 2 above was not respected.


dot3d, wire3d, and shade3d are called for their side effect of drawing an object into the scene; they return an object ID (or vector of IDs) invisibly.

See primitives for a discussion of texture coordinates.

See Also

mesh3d, par3d, shapelist3d for multiple shapes


# generate a quad mesh object

  vertices <- c( 
     -1.0, -1.0, 0,
      1.0, -1.0, 0,
      1.0,  1.0, 0,
     -1.0,  1.0, 0
  indices <- c( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
  wire3d( mesh3d(vertices = vertices, quads = indices) )
  # render 4 meshes vertically in the current view

  l0 <- oh3d(tran = par3d("userMatrix"), color = "green" )
  shade3d( translate3d( l0, -6, 0, 0 ))
  l1 <- subdivision3d( l0 )
  shade3d( translate3d( l1 , -2, 0, 0 ), color = "red", override = FALSE )
  l2 <- subdivision3d( l1 )
  shade3d( translate3d( l2 , 2, 0, 0 ), color = "red", override = TRUE )
  l3 <- subdivision3d( l2 )
  shade3d( translate3d( l3 , 6, 0, 0 ), color = "red" )
  # render all of the Platonic solids
  shade3d( translate3d( tetrahedron3d(col = "red"), 0, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( cube3d(col = "green"), 3, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( octahedron3d(col = "blue"), 6, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( dodecahedron3d(col = "cyan"), 9, 0, 0) )
  shade3d( translate3d( icosahedron3d(col = "magenta"), 12, 0, 0) )

Project shadows of mesh onto object.


Project a mesh onto a surface in a scene so that it appears to cast a shadow onto the surface.


shadow3d(obj, mesh, plot = TRUE, up = c(0, 0, 1),
         P = projectDown(up), outside = FALSE,



The target object which will show the shadow.


The mesh which will cast the shadow.


Whether to plot the result.


Which direction is “up”?


The projection to use for draping, a 4x4 matrix. See drape3d for details on how P is used.


Should the function compute and (possibly) plot the region outside of the shadow?


Other arguments to pass to filledContour3d, which will do the boundary calculations and plotting.


shadow3d internally constructs a function that is zero on the boundary of the shadow and positive inside, then draws filled contours of that function. Because the function is nonlinear, the boundaries will be approximate, with the best approximation resulting from a large value of filledContour3d parameter minVertices.

If outside = TRUE, the first color used by filledContour3d will indicate the inside of the shadow, and the second color will indicate the exterior.


The returned value from filledContour3d.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

drape3d, facing3d


obj <- translate3d(scale3d(oh3d(), 0.3, 0.3, 0.3), 0,0,2)
shade3d(obj, col = "red")
target <- icosahedron3d()

# We offset the target using polygon_offset = 1 so that the
# shadow on its surface will appear clearly.

shade3d(target, col = "white", polygon_offset = 1)

# minVertices = 1000 leaves noticeable artifacts on the edges
# of the shadow.  A larger value gives a better result, but is
# slower.

# We use facing3d(target) so the shadow and outside part only 
# appear on the upper side of the target

shadow3d(facing3d(target), obj, minVertices = 1000, plot=TRUE,
         col = c("yellow", "blue"), outside = TRUE)

Create and plot a list of shapes


These functions create and plot a list of shapes.


shapelist3d(shapes, x = 0, y = NULL, z = NULL, size = 1, matrix = NULL, override = TRUE, 
            ..., plot = TRUE)



A single shape3d object, or a list of them.

x, y, z

Translation(s) to apply


Scaling(s) to apply


A single matrix transformation, or a list of them.


Whether the material properties should override the ones in the shapes.


Material properties to apply.


Whether to plot the result.


shapelist3d is a quick way to create a complex object made up of simpler ones. Each of the arguments shapes through override may be a vector of values (a list in the case of shapes or matrix). All values will be recycled to produce a list of shapes as long as the longest of them.

The xyz.coords function will be used to process the x, y and z arguments, so a matrix may be used as x to specify all three. If a vector is used for x but y or z is missing, default values of 0 will be used.

The "shapelist3d" class is simply a list of "shape3d" objects.

Methods for dot3d, wire3d, shade3d, translate3d, scale3d, and rotate3d are defined for these objects.


An object of class c("shapelist3d", "shape3d").


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



shapelist3d(icosahedron3d(), x = rnorm(10), y = rnorm(10), z = rnorm(10), col = 1:5, size = 0.3)

Functions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app


These functions allow an RGL scene to be embedded in a Shiny app.


rglwidgetOutput(outputId, width = "512px", height = "512px")
renderRglwidget(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list())

playwidgetOutput(outputId, width = "0px", height = "0px")
renderPlaywidget(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list())



The name for the control.

width, height

Width and height to display the control.


An R expression returning a rglwidget (for renderRglwidget) or a playwidget (for renderPlaywidget) as output.


The environment in which to evaluate expr.


Is the expression already quoted?


A list containing arguments; see details below.


Use rglwidgetOutput or playwidgetOutput as an output object in a Shiny user interface section; use renderRglwidget or renderPlaywidget as the render function in the server section.

In a dynamic R Markdown document with runtime: shiny, you only call the render function, and may optionally pass width and height to the output function by putting them in a list in outputArgs. See the example below.


Used internally by Shiny.


Duncan Murdoch


## Not run: 
# This could be used in a dynamic R Markdown document.  See
# demo("shinyDemo") and demo("simpleShinyRgl") for Shiny apps.

  sliderInput("n", label = "n", min = 10, max = 100, value = 10, step = 10)

    n <- input$n
    plot3d(rnorm(n), rnorm(n), rnorm(n))
  }, outputArgs = list(width = "auto", height = "300px"))

## End(Not run)

Communicate RGL parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny


These functions allow Shiny apps to read and write the par3d settings that may have been modified by user interaction in the browser.


shinyGetPar3d(parameters, session, subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d()), tag = "")
shinySetPar3d(..., session, subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d()))
shinyResetBrush(session, brush)



A character vector naming the parameters to get.


The Shiny session object.


The subscene to which the parameters apply. Defaults to the currently active subscene in the R session.


An arbitrary string or value which will be sent as part of the response.


A number of name = value pairs to be modified, or a single named list of parameters. Entries named tag or subscene will be ignored.


The name of a Shiny input element corresponding to the shinyBrush argument to rglwidget.


Requesting information from the browser is a complicated process. The shinyGetPar3d function doesn't return the requested value, it just submits a request for the value to be returned later in input$par3d, a reactive input. No action will result except when a reactive observer depends on input$par3d. See the example code below.

The shinySetPar3d function sends a message to the browser asking it to change a particular parameter. The change will be made immediately, without sending the full scene to the browser, so should be reasonably fast.


These functions are called for their side effects, and don't return useful values.

The side effect of shinyGetPar3d is to cause input$par3d to be updated sometime later. Besides the requested parameter values, input$par3d will contain a copy of the subscene and tag arguments.

The side effect of shinySetPar3d is to send a message to the browser to update its copy of the par3d parameters immediately.


R and the browser don't maintain a perfect match between the way parameters are stored internally. The browser version of parameters will be returned by shinyGetPar3d and should be supplied to shinySetPar3d.


Duncan Murdoch

References describes the underlying mechanisms used by these two functions.

See Also

The rglwidget argument shinySelectionInput allows information about mouse selections to be returned to R.


if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example() && requireNamespace("shiny")) {
  save <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)

  xyz <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)

  app = shiny::shinyApp(
    ui = shiny::bootstrapPage(
      shiny::actionButton("redraw", "Redraw"),
    server = function(input, output, session) {
      # This waits until the user to click on the "redraw" 
      # button, then sends a request for the current userMatrix
      shiny::observeEvent(input$redraw, {
        shinyGetPar3d("userMatrix", session)
      # This draws the plot whenever input$par3d changes,
      # i.e. whenever a response to the request above is
      # received.
      output$rglPlot <- renderRglwidget({
        if (length( close3d()
        col <- sample(colors(), 1)
        plot3d(xyz, col = col, type = "s", main = col)
        par3d(userMatrix = input$par3d$userMatrix)

Draw a 2D plot on a rectangle in a 3D scene


This function uses a bitmap of a standard 2D graphics plot as a texture on a quadrilateral. Default arguments are set up so that it will appear on the face of the bounding box of the current 3D plot, but optional arguments allow it to be placed anywhere in the scene.


  face = "z-", line = 0, 
  reverse = FALSE, rotate = 0, 
  x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, 
  width = 480, height = 480, 
  filename = NULL, 
  ignoreExtent = TRUE, 
  color = "white", specular = "black", lit = FALSE, 
  texmipmap = TRUE, texminfilter = "linear.mipmap.linear",
  expand = 1.03,
  texcoords = matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), ncol = 2),  ...)



Any plotting commands to produce a plot in standard graphics. Ignored if filename is not NULL.


A character string defining which face of the bounding box to use. See Details below.


How far out from the bounding box should the quadrilateral be placed? Uses same convention as mtext3d: not lines of text, but fraction of the bounding box size.

reverse, rotate

Should the image be reversed or rotated? See Details below.

x, y, z

Specific values to use to override face.

width, height

Parameters to pass to png when creating the bitmap. See Details below.


A ‘.png’ file image to use as the texture.


Whether the quadrilateral should be ignored when computing the bounding box of the scene.

color, specular, lit, texmipmap, texminfilter, ...

Material properties to use for the quadrilateral.


Amount by which the quadrilateral is expanded outside the bounding box of the data.


Coordinates on the image. Lower left of the bitmap is c(0,0), upper right is c(1,1).


The default arguments are chosen to make it easy to place a 2D image on the face of the bounding box. If x, y and z are NULL (the defaults), face will be used as a code for one of the six faces of the bounding box. The first letter should be "x", "y" or "z"; this defines the axis perpendicular to the desired face. If the second letter is "-" or is missing, the face will be chosen to be the face with the lower value on that axis. Any other letter will use the opposite face.

If any of x, y or z is given, the specified value will be used to replace the value calculated above. Usually four values should be given, corresponding to the coordinates of the lower left, lower right, upper right and upper left of the destination for the image before reverse and rotate are used. Fewer values can be used for one or two coordinates; cbind will be used to put together all 3 coordinates into a 4 by 3 matrix (which will be returned as an attribute of the result).

The bitmap plot will by default be oriented so that it is properly oriented when viewed from the direction of the higher values of the perpendicular coordinate, and its lower left corner is at the lower value of the two remaining coordinates. The argument reverse causes the orientation to be mirrored, and rotate causes it to be rotated by multiples of 90 degrees. rotate should be an integer, with 0 for no rotation, 1 for a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation, etc.

The width and height arguments control the shape and resolution of the bitmap. The defaults give a square bitmap, which is appropriate with the usual c(1,1,1) aspect ratios (see aspect3d). Some tuning may be needed to choose the resolution. The plot will look best when displayed at its original size; shrinking it smaller tends to make it look faded, while expanding it bigger will make it look blurry. If filename is given, the width and height will be taken from the file, and width and height arguments will be ignored.


Invisibly returns the id value of the quadrilateral, with the following attributes:


The value returned by expression.


A 4 by 3 matrix giving the coordinates of the corners as used in plotting.


A 4 by 2 matrix giving the texture coordinates of the image.


The filename for the temporary file holding the bitmap image.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

bgplot3d uses a plot as the background for the window.


example(plot3d, ask = FALSE)
  plot(x, y, col = rainbow(1000), axes=FALSE)

Export screenshot


Saves the screenshot to a file.


rgl.snapshot( filename, fmt = "png", top = TRUE )
snapshot3d( filename = tempfile(fileext = ".png"), 
            fmt = "png", top = TRUE,
            ..., scene, width = NULL, height = NULL,
            webshot = as.logical(Sys.getenv("RGL_USE_WEBSHOT", "TRUE")) )



path to file to save.


image export format, currently supported: png. Ignored if webshot = TRUE.


whether to call rgl.bringtotop. Ignored if webshot = TRUE.


arguments to pass to webshot2::webshot


an optional result of scene3d or rglwidget to plot

width, height

optional specifications of output size in pixels


Use the webshot2 package to take the snapshot


rgl.snapshot() is a low-level function that copies the current RGL window from the screen. Users should usually use snapshot3d() instead; it is more flexible, and (if webshot2 is installed) can take images even if no window is showing, and they can be larger than the physical screen. On some systems webshot2 doesn't work reliably; if you find snapshot3d() failing or taking a very long time I'd recommend using snapshot3d(..., webshot = FALSE). See the note below about RGL_USE_WEBSHOT to make this the default.

Animations can be created in a loop modifying the scene and saving each screenshot to a file. Various graphics programs (e.g. ImageMagick) can put these together into a single animation. (See movie3d or the example below.)


These functions are mainly called for the side effects. The filename of the saved file is returned invisibly.


When rgl.useNULL() is TRUE, only webshot = TRUE will produce a snapshot. It requires the webshot2 package and a Chrome browser. If no suitable browser is found, snapshot3d() will revert to rgl.snapshot(). To override the automatic search, set environment variable CHROMOTE_CHROME to the path to a suitable browser.

rgl.snapshot works by taking an image from the displayed window on-screen. On some systems, the snapshot will include content from other windows if they cover the active RGL window. Setting top = TRUE (the default) will use rgl.bringtotop before the snapshot to avoid this.

There are likely limits to how large width and height can be set based on the display hardware; if these are exceeded the results are undefined. A typical result is that the snapshot will still be made but at a smaller size.

There are slight differences between the displays with webshot = TRUE and webshot = FALSE, as the former are rendered using WebGL while the latter are rendered using OpenGL. Often the webshot = TRUE displays have better quality, but they are usually slower to produce, sometimes drastically so.

Set the environment variable RGL_USE_WEBSHOT to "FALSE" if you want rgl.snapshot to be used by default.

See Also

movie3d, view3d


if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
  saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)
  plot3d(matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y", "z"))), 
         col = "red")

## Not run: 

# create animation

shade3d(oh3d(), color = "red")
view3d(0, 20)

olddir <- setwd(tempdir())
for (i in 1:45) {
  view3d(i, 20)
  filename <- paste("pic", formatC(i, digits = 1, flag = "0"), ".png", sep = "")
## Now run ImageMagick in tempdir().  Use 'convert' instead of 'magick'
## if you have an older version of ImageMagick:
##    magick -delay 10 *.png -loop 0 pic.gif

## End(Not run)

Add spheres


Adds a sphere set shape node to the scene


spheres3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, radius = 1, fastTransparency = TRUE, ...)


x, y, z

Numeric vector of point coordinates corresponding to the center of each sphere. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


Vector or single value defining the sphere radius/radii


logical value indicating whether fast sorting should be used for transparency. See the Details.


Material properties. See material3d for details.


If a non-isometric aspect ratio is chosen, these functions will still draw objects that appear to the viewer to be spheres. Use ellipse3d to draw shapes that are spherical in the data scale.

When the scale is not isometric, the radius is measured in an average scale. In this case the bounding box calculation is iterative, since rescaling the plot changes the shape of the spheres in user-coordinates, which changes the bounding box. Versions of rgl prior to 0.92.802 did not do this iterative adjustment.

If any coordinate or radius is NA, the sphere is not plotted.

If a texture is used, its bitmap is wrapped around the sphere, with the top edge at the maximum y coordinate, and the left-right edges joined at the maximum in the z coordinate, centred in x.

If the alpha material value of the spheres is less than the default 1, they need to be drawn in order from back to front. When fastTransparency is TRUE, this is approximated by sorting the centers and drawing complete spheres in that order. This produces acceptable results in most cases, but artifacts may be visible, especially if the radius values vary, or they intersect other transparent objects. Setting fastTransparency = FALSE will cause the sorting to apply to each of the 480 facets of individual spheres. This is much slower, but may produce better output.


A shape ID of the spheres object is returned.

See Also

material3d, aspect3d for setting non-isometric scales


spheres3d(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10), 
          radius = runif(10), color = rainbow(10))

Create a function to spin a scene at a fixed rate


This creates a function to use with play3d to spin an RGL scene at a fixed rate.


spin3d(axis = c(0, 0, 1), rpm = 5,
       dev = cur3d(), subscene = par3d("listeners", dev = dev))



The desired axis of rotation


The rotation speed in rotations per minute


Which RGL device to use


Which subscene to use


A function with header function(time, base = M), where M is the result of par3d("userMatrix") at the time the function is created. This function calculates and returns a list containing userMatrix updated by spinning the base matrix for time seconds at rpm revolutions per minute about the specified axis.


Prior to rgl version 0.95.1476, the subscene argument defaulted to the current subscene, and any additional entries would be ignored by play3d. The current default value of par3d("listeners", dev = dev) means that all subscenes that share mouse responses will also share modifications by this function.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

play3d to play the animation


# Spin one object
plot3d(oh3d(col = "lightblue", alpha = 0.5))
if (!rgl.useNULL()  && interactive())
  play3d(spin3d(axis = c(1, 0, 0), rpm = 30), duration = 2)

# Show spinning sprites, and rotate the whole view
spriteid <- NULL

spin1 <- spin3d(rpm = 4.5 ) # the scene spinner
spin2 <- spin3d(rpm = 9 ) # the sprite spinner

f <- function(time) {
    par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE) # stops intermediate redraws
    on.exit(par3d(skipRedraw = FALSE)) # redraw at the end

    pop3d(id = spriteid) # delete the old sprite
    cubeid <- shade3d(cube3d(), col = "red")
    spriteid <<- sprites3d(0:1, 0:1, 0:1, shape = cubeid,
                   userMatrix = spin2(time, 
                     base = spin1(time)$userMatrix)$userMatrix)
if (!rgl.useNULL() && interactive())
  play3d(f, duration = 2)

Add sprites


Adds a sprite set shape node to the scene.


sprites3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, radius = 1, 
          shapes = NULL, userMatrix, 
          fixedSize = FALSE, 
          adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.25, 
          rotating = FALSE, ...)
particles3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, radius = 1, ...)


x, y, z

point coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


vector or single value defining the sprite radius


NULL for a simple square, a vector of identifiers of shapes in the scene, or a list of such vectors. See Details.


if shape is not NULL, the transformation matrix for the shapes


should sprites remain at a fixed size, or resize with the scene?

adj, pos, offset

positioning arguments; see Details


should sprites remain at a fixed orientation, or rotate with the scene?


material properties when shapes = NULL, texture mapping is supported


Simple sprites (used when shapes is NULL) are 1 by 1 squares that are directed towards the viewpoint. Their primary use is for fast (and faked) atmospherical effects, e.g. particles and clouds using alpha blended textures. Particles are sprites using an alpha-blended particle texture giving the illusion of clouds and gases. The centre of each square will by default be at the coordinates given by x, y, z. This may be adjusted using the adj or pos parameters.

adj and pos are treated similarly to the same parameters for text3d. adj has 3 entries, for adjustment to the x, y and z coordinates respectively. For x, a value of 0 puts the sprite to the right of the specified point, 0.5 centers it there, and 1 puts it to the left. The other coordinates are similar. By default, each value is 0.5 and the sprites are centered at the points given by (x, y, z).

The pos parameter overrides adj. It should be an integer or vector of integers (one per point), interpreted as in text3d to position the sprite relative to the (x, y, z) point: 0 is centered on it, 1 is below, 2 is to the left, 3 is above, 4 is to the right, 5 is in front, and 6 is behind. offset is the fraction of the sprite size to separate it from the point.

When shapes is not NULL, it should be a vector of identifiers of objects to plot in the scene (e.g. as returned by plotting functions or by ids3d), or a list of such vectors. The referenced objects will be removed from the scene and duplicated as sprite images in a constant orientation, as specified by userMatrix. By default the origin (0, 0, 0) will be plotted at the coordinates given by (x, y, z), perhaps modified by adj or pos.

If shapes is a vector all entries in it will be plotted at every location. If shapes is a list, different shapes will be plotted at each location. All entries in list entry 1 will be plotted at location 1, all entries in entry 2 at location 2, etc. Entries will be recycled as needed.

The userMatrix argument is ignored for shapes = NULL. For shapes, sprites3d defaults the matrix to r3dDefaults$userMatrix.

If any coordinate is NA, the sprite is not plotted.

The id values of the shapes may be retrieved after plotting using rgl.attrib(id, "ids"), the associated entry in shapes is retrievable in rgl.attrib(id, "shapenum"), and the user matrix is retrieved using rgl.attrib(id, "usermatrix").


These functions are called for the side effect of displaying the sprites. The shape ID of the displayed object is returned.


While any rgl objects can be used as 3D sprites, spheres produced by spheres3d and other objects that adapt to the coordinate system may not render properly. To plot spheres, construct them as mesh objects as shown in the example.

See Also

material3d, text3d, pch3d


particles3d( rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), color = rainbow(100) )
# is the same as
sprites3d( rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), color = rainbow(100),
  lit = FALSE, alpha = .2,
  textype = "alpha", texture = system.file("textures/particle.png", package = "rgl") )
sprites3d( rnorm(10) + 6, rnorm(10), rnorm(10), shape = shade3d(tetrahedron3d(), col = "red") )


# Since the symbols are objects in the scene, they need
# to be added to the scene after calling plot3d()

plot3d(iris, type = "n")

# Use list(...) to apply different symbols to different points.

symbols <- list(shade3d(cube3d(), col = "red"),
                shade3d(tetrahedron3d(), col = "blue"),
                # Construct spheres
                shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(icosahedron3d(), 2)),
                        col = "yellow"))
sprites3d(iris, shape = symbols[iris$Species], radius = 0.1)

Subdivide a mesh


The subdivision surface algorithm divides and refines (deforms) a given mesh recursively to certain degree (depth). The mesh3d algorithm consists of two stages: divide and deform. The divide step generates for each triangle or quad four new triangles or quads, the deform step drags the points (refinement step).


subdivision3d( x,  ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'mesh3d'
subdivision3d( x, depth = 1, normalize = FALSE,
                deform = TRUE, keepTags = FALSE, ... )
  divide.mesh3d(mesh,  vb = mesh$vb, 
                ib = mesh$ib, it = mesh$it, is = mesh$is,
                keepTags = FALSE)
  deform.mesh3d(mesh, vb = mesh$vb, ib = mesh$ib, it = mesh$it,
                is = mesh$is)



3d geometry mesh


3d geometry mesh


recursion depth


normalize mesh3d coordinates after division if deform is TRUE


deform mesh


if TRUE, add a "tags" component to the output.


indices for segments


indices for triangular faces


indices for quad faces


matrix of vertices: 4 x n matrix (rows x, y, z, h) or equivalent vector, where h indicates scaling of each plotted quad


other arguments (unused)


subdivision3d takes a mesh object and replaces each segment with two new ones, and each triangle or quad with 4 new ones by adding vertices half-way along the edges (and one in the centre of a quad). The positions of the vertices are deformed so that the resulting surface is smoother than the original. These operations are repeated depth times.

The other functions do the individual steps of the subdivision. divide.mesh3d adds the extra vertices. deform.mesh3d does the smoothing by replacing each vertex with the average of each of its neighbours. normalize.mesh3d normalizes the homogeneous coordinates, by setting the 4th coordinate to 1. (The 4th coordinate is used as a weight in the deform step.)


A modified mesh3d object. If keepTags is TRUE, it will contain a tags component. For details, see the clipMesh3d help topic.

See Also

r3d mesh3d


  shade3d( subdivision3d( cube3d(), depth = 3 ), color = "red", alpha = 0.5 )

Create, select or modify a subscene


This creates a new subscene, or selects one by id value, or adds objects to one.


newSubscene3d(viewport = "replace", 
              projection = "replace", 
              model = "replace",
              mouseMode = "inherit", 
              parent = currentSubscene3d(), 
              copyLights = TRUE, 
              copyShapes = FALSE, 
              copyBBoxDeco = copyShapes, 
              copyBackground = FALSE, newviewport,
currentSubscene3d(dev = cur3d())
addToSubscene3d(ids = tagged3d(tags), tags, subscene = currentSubscene3d())
delFromSubscene3d(ids = tagged3d(tags), tags, subscene = currentSubscene3d())
gc3d(protect = NULL)


viewport, projection, model, mouseMode

How should the new subscene be embedded? Possible values are c("inherit", "modify", "replace"). See Details below.


The parent subscene (defaults to the current subscene).

copyLights, copyShapes, copyBBoxDeco, copyBackground

Whether lights, shapes, bounding box decorations and background should be copied to the new subscene.


Optionally specify the new subscene's viewport (in pixels).


Whether to ignore the subscene's bounding box when calculating the parent bounding box. Defaults to TRUE if model is not "inherit".


Which RGL device to query for the current subscene.


Which subscene to use or modify.


A vector of integer object ids to add to the subscene.


Alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


Object ids to protect from this garbage collection.


The rgl package allows multiple windows to be open; each one corresponds to a “scene”. Within each scene there are one or more “subscenes”. Each subscene corresponds to a rectangular region in the window, and may have its own projection, transformation and behaviour in response to the mouse.

There is always a current subscene: most graphic operations make changes there, e.g. by adding an object to it.

The scene “owns” objects; addToSubscene3d and delFromSubscene3d put their ids into or remove them from the list being displayed within a particular subscene. The gc3d function deletes objects from the scene if they are not visible in any subscene, unless they are protected by having their id included in protect.

The viewport, projection and model parameters each have three possible settings: c("inherit", "modify", "replace"). "inherit" means that the corresponding value from the parent subscene will be used. "replace" means that the new subscene will have its own value of the value, independent of its parent. "modify" means that the child value will be applied first, and then the parent value will be applied. For viewport, this means that if the parent viewport is changed, the child will maintain its relative position. For the two matrices, "modify" is unlikely to give satisfactory results, but it is available for possible use.

The mouseMode parameter can only be one of c("inherit", "replace"). If it is "inherit", the subscene will use the mouse controls of the parent, and any change to them will affect the parent and all children that inherit from it. This is the behaviour that was present before rgl version 0.100.13. If it is "replace", then it will receive a copy of the parent mouse controls, but modifications to them will affect only this subscene, not the parent. Note that this is orthogonal to the par3d("listeners") setting: if another subscene is listed as a listener, it will respond to mouse actions using the same mode as the one receiving them.

The viewport parameter controls the rectangular region in which the subscene is displayed. It is specified using newviewport (in pixels relative to the whole window), or set to match the parent viewport.

The projection parameter controls settings corresponding to the observer. These include the field of view and the zoom; they also include the position of the observer relative to the model. The par3d("projMatrix") matrix is determined by the projection.

The model parameter controls settings corresponding to the model. Mouse rotations affect the model, as does scaling. The par3d("modelMatrix") matrix is determined by these as well as by the position of the observer (since OpenGL assumes that the observer is at (0, 0, 0) after the MODELVIEW transformation). Only those parts concerning the model are inherited when model specifies inheritance, the observer setting is controlled by projection.

If copyBackground is TRUE, the background of the newly created child will overwrite anything displayed in the parent subscene, regardless of depth.


If successful, each function returns the object id of the subscene, with the exception of gc3d, which returns the count of objects which have been deleted, and useSubscene3d, which returns the previously active subscene id.


Duncan Murdoch and Fang He.

See Also

subsceneInfo for information about a subscene, mfrow3d and layout3d to set up multiple panes of subscenes.


# Show the Earth with a cutout by using clipplanes in subscenes

lat <- matrix(seq(90, -90, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50, byrow = TRUE)
long <- matrix(seq(-180, 180, length.out = 50)*pi/180, 50, 50)

r <- 6378.1 # radius of Earth in km
x <- r*cos(lat)*cos(long)
y <- r*cos(lat)*sin(long)
z <- r*sin(lat)

obj <- surface3d(x, y, z, col = "white", 
       texture = system.file("textures/worldsmall.png", package = "rgl"), 
       specular = "black", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "",
       normal_x = x, normal_y = y, normal_z = z)
cols <- c(rep("chocolate4", 4), rep("burlywood1", 4), "darkgoldenrod1")
rs <- c(6350, 5639, 4928.5, 4207, 3486, 
                         (3486 + 2351)/2, 2351, (2351 + 1216)/2, 1216)
for (i in seq_along(rs)) 
  obj <- c(obj, spheres3d(0, 0, col = cols[i], radius = rs[i]))
root <- currentSubscene3d()

newSubscene3d("inherit", "inherit", "inherit", copyShapes = TRUE, parent = root)
clipplanes3d(1, 0, 0, 0)

newSubscene3d("inherit", "inherit", "inherit", copyShapes = TRUE, parent = root)
clipplanes3d(0, 1, 0, 0)

newSubscene3d("inherit", "inherit", "inherit", copyShapes = TRUE, parent = root)
clipplanes3d(0, 0, 1, 0)

# Now delete the objects from the root subscene, to reveal the clipping planes

Get information on subscenes


This function retrieves information about the tree of subscenes shown in the active window.


subsceneInfo(id = NA, embeddings, recursive = FALSE)



Which subscene to report on; NA is the current subscene. Set to "root" for the root.


Optional new setting for the embeddings for this subscene.


Whether to report on children recursively.


In RGL, each window contains a tree of “subscenes”, each containing views of a subset of the objects defined in the window.

Rendering in each subscene depends on the viewport, the projection, and the model transformation. Each of these characteristics may be inherited from the parent (embedding[i] = "inherit"), may modify the parent (embedding[i] = "modify"), or may replace the parent (embedding[i] == "replace"). All three must be specified if embeddings is used.



The object id of the subscene


The object id of the parent subscene, if any


If recursive, a list of the information for the children, otherwise just their object ids.


A vector of 3 components describing how this subscene is embedded in its parent.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also




Add surface


Adds a surface to the current scene. The surface is defined by a matrix defining the height of each grid point and two vectors or matrices defining the grid.


surface3d(x, y, z, ..., 
         normal_x = NULL, normal_y = NULL, normal_z = NULL,
         texture_s=NULL, texture_t=NULL, flip = FALSE)


x, y, z

vectors or matrices of values. See Details.


Material properties. See material3d for details.

normal_x, normal_y, normal_z

matrices giving the coordinates of normals at each grid point

texture_s, texture_t

matrices giving the texture coordinates at each grid point


flip definition of “up”


Adds a surface mesh to the current scene. The surface is typically defined by a matrix of height values in z (as in persp), but any of x, y, or z may be matrices or vectors, as long as at least one is a matrix. (One historical exception is allowed: if all are vectors but the length of z is the product of the lengths of x and y, z is converted to a matrix.)

Dimensions of all matrices must match.

If any of the coordinates are vectors, they are interpreted as follows:

  • If x is a vector, it corresponds to rows of the matrix.

  • If y is a vector, it corresponds to columns of the matrix.

  • If z is a vector, it corresponds to columns unless y is also a vector, in which case it corresponds to rows.

If the normals are not supplied, they will be calculated automatically based on neighbouring points.

Texture coordinates run from 0 to 1 over each dimension of the texture bitmap. If texture coordinates are not supplied, they will be calculated to render the texture exactly once over the grid. Values greater than 1 can be used to repeat the texture over the surface.

surface3d always tries to draw the surface with the ‘front’ upwards (typically towards higher z values). This can be used to render the top and bottom differently; see material3d and the example below. If you don't like its choice, set flip = TRUE to use the opposition definition.

NA values in the height matrix are not drawn.

See Also

See persp3d for a higher level interface.


# volcano example taken from "persp"

z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief

x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

zlim <- range(z)
zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1

colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table

col <- colorlut[ z - zlim[1] + 1 ] # assign colors to heights for each point

surface3d(x, y, z, color = col, back = "lines")

Find tags on rgl objects.


Objects with material properties may have an arbitrary string set as a tag. This function retrieves the id values associated with a given tag, or the tags set on given ids.


tagged3d(tags = NULL, ids = NULL, full = FALSE, subscene = 0)



A vector of tags to use for selection.


A vector of ids to report the tags on.


logical; whether to return a dataframe containing id, type, tag, or a vector of ids or tags.


Where to look: by default, the whole scene is searched. NA restricts the search to the current subscene, or a subscene id can be given.


Exactly one of tags and ids must be specified.


A dataframe is constructed with columns


item id


item type


item tag

matching the specified tags or ids value. If full = TRUE, the full dataframe is returned, otherwise just the requested ids or tags.

If ids is specified, the return value will be in the same order as ids).


Duncan Murdoch


ids <- plot3d(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10), tag = "plot")
tagged3d(ids = ids, full = TRUE)

Add text to plot


Adds text to the scene. The text is positioned in 3D space. Text is always oriented towards the camera.


text3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, texts, adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.5,
       usePlotmath = is.language(texts), 
       family = par3d("family"), font = par3d("font"), 
			 cex = par3d("cex"), useFreeType = par3d("useFreeType"),
texts3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, texts, adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.5,
       usePlotmath = is.language(texts),
       family = par3d("family"), font = par3d("font"), 
			 cex = par3d("cex"), useFreeType = par3d("useFreeType"),


x, y, z

point coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.


text character vector to draw


one value specifying the horizontal adjustment, or two, specifying horizontal and vertical adjustment respectively, or three, specifying adjustment in all three directions.


a position specifier for the text. If specified, this overrides any adj value given. Values of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively indicate positions at, below, to the left of, above, to the right of, in front of, and behind the specified coordinates.


when pos is specified, this value gives the offset of the label from the specified coordinate in fractions of a character width.


logical. Should plotmath3d be used for the text?


A device-independent font family name, or ""


A numeric font number from 1 to 4


A numeric character expansion value


logical. Should FreeType be used to draw text? (See details below.)


Material properties; see material3d for details.


The adj parameter determines the position of the text relative to the specified coordinate. Use adj = c(0, 0) to place the left bottom corner at (x, y, z), adj = c(0.5, 0.5) to center the text there, and adj = c(1, 1) to put the right top corner there. The optional second coordinate for vertical adjustment defaults to 0.5. Placement is done using the "advance" of the string and the "ascent" of the font relative to the baseline, when these metrics are known.

text3d and texts3d draw text using the r3d conventions. These are synonyms; the former is singular to be consistent with the classic 2-D graphics functions, and the latter is plural to be consistent with all the other graphics primitives. Take your choice!

If any coordinate or text is NA, that text is not plotted.

If usePlotmath is TRUE, the work will be done by the plotmath3d function. This is the default if the texts parameter is “language”, e.g. the result of a call to expression or quote.


The text drawing functions return the object ID of the text object (or sprites, in case of usePlotmath = TRUE) invisibly.


Fonts are specified using the family, font, cex, and useFreeType arguments. Defaults for the currently active device may be set using par3d, or for future devices using r3dDefaults.

The family specification is the same as for standard graphics, i.e. families
c("serif", "sans", "mono", "symbol")
are normally available, but users may add additional families. font numbers are restricted to the range 1 to 4 for standard, bold, italic and bold italic respectively. Font 5 is recoded as family "symbol" font 1, but that is not supported unless specifically installed, so should be avoided.

Using an unrecognized value for "family" will result in the system standard font as used in RGL up to version 0.76. That font is not resizable and font values are ignored.

If useFreeType is TRUE, then RGL will use the FreeType anti-aliased fonts for drawing. This is generally desirable, and it is the default on non-Windows systems if RGL was built to support FreeType.

FreeType fonts are specified using the rglFonts function.

See Also

r3d, plotmath3d, rglExtrafonts for adding fonts


famnum <- rep(1:3, 8)
family <- c("serif", "sans", "mono")[famnum]
font <- rep(rep(1:4, each = 3), 2)
cex <- rep(1:2, each = 12)
text3d(font, cex, famnum, texts = paste(family, font), adj = 0.5, 
       color = "blue", family = family, font = font, cex = cex)

Retrieve source code used to produce texture file.


Internally, rgl works with PNG files for textures. If a texture is requested using a different format, a temporary PNG file of the image will be saved. This function allows you to retrieve the original expression used to produce the texture.





The filename of a texture file. If missing, the directory where texture files are stored will be returned.


rgl creates a new file in the temporary directory whenever a non-PNG texture is used. It will delete them when it knows there are no references and at the end of the session, but conceivably there will be situations where you need to delete them earlier. Calling textureSource() with no arguments will give you the directory holding the textures so that they can be deleted sooner.


If texture is specified and it is the name of a temporary PNG texture file produced by rgl, the expression used to specify the texture will be returned. If it is the name of some other file, texture will be returned.

If no argument is given, the session-specific directory holding the temporary texture files will be returned.

See Also



xyz <- cbind(c(0,1,1,0), c(0,0,1,1), c(0,0,0,0))
st <- xyz[,1:2]

id <- quads3d(xyz, texcoords = st, 
               texture = as.raster(matrix(colors()[1:120], ncol = 10)), 
material3d(id = id, "texture")
textureSource(material3d(id = id, "texture"))

Find the direction away from the closest point in a 3d projection


Jim Lemon's thigmophobe function in the plotrix package computes good directions for labels in a 2D plot. This function does the same for a particular projection in a 3D plot by projecting down to 2D and calling his function.


thigmophobe3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, 
              P = par3d("projMatrix"), 
              M = par3d("modelMatrix"),
              windowRect = par3d("windowRect"))


x, y, z

point coordinates. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.

P, M, windowRect

The projection and modelview matrices, and the size and position of the display in pixels.


Since thigmophobe3d projects using fixed P and M, it will not necessarily choose good directions if the user rotates the display or makes any other change to the projection.


A vector of values from 1 to 4 to be used as the pos argument in text3d.


The example below shows how to update the directions during an animation; I find that the moving labels are distracting, and prefer to live with fixed ones.


Duncan Murdoch



See Also



if (requireNamespace("plotrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Simulate some data
  xyz <- matrix(rnorm(30), ncol = 3)
  # Plot the data first, to establish the projection
  # Now thigmophobe3d can choose directions
  textid <- text3d(xyz, texts = 1:10, pos = thigmophobe3d(xyz))
  # Update the label positions during an animation
  if (interactive() && !rgl.useNULL()) {
    spin <- spin3d(rpm = 5)
    f <- function(time) {
      par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
      on.exit(par3d(skipRedraw = FALSE))
      pop3d(id = textid)
      # Need to rotate before thigmophobe3d is called
      result <- spin(time)
      par3d(userMatrix = result$userMatrix)
      textid <<- text3d(xyz, texts = 1:10, pos = thigmophobe3d(xyz))
    play3d(f, duration = 5)
  } else
    textid   # just print the static display

Modal dialog for saving par3d settings


This function opens a TCL/TK modal dialog to allow particular views of an RGL scene to be saved.


tkpar3dsave(params = c("userMatrix", "scale", "zoom", "FOV"),
          times = FALSE, dev = cur3d(), ...)



Which parameters to save


Should times be saved as well?


Which RGL device to work with


Additional parameters to pass to tktoplevel


This opens a TCL/TK modal dialog box with Record and Quit buttons. Each time Record is clicked, a snapshot is taken of current par3d settings. When Quit is clicked, the dialog closes and the values are returned in a list.

If times == TRUE, then the times at which the views are recorded will also be saved, so that the play3d function will play back with the same timing.


A list of the requested components. Each one will consist of a list of values that were current when the Record button was clicked. These are suitable to be passed directly to the par3dinterp function.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

par3d, par3dinterp


if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {

  # Record a series of positions, and then play them back immediately
  # at evenly spaced times, in an oscillating loop
  play3d( par3dinterp( tkpar3dsave() ) )

  # As above, but preserve the click timings

  # play3d( par3dinterp( tkpar3dsave(times=TRUE) ) )

The former tkrgl package


Functions from the former tkrgl package.


The tkrgl package contained functions to use TCL/TK to control an RGL scene on screen. These functions have now been merged into the rgl package, and the tkrgl package has been archived.

To avoid conflicts with RGL names and to indicate the TCL/TK nature of these functions, they have all been prefixed with tk:


Formerly tkrgl::par3dsave, allows interactive saving of scene parameters.

tkspin3d, tkspinControl

Formerly tkrgl::spin3d and tkrgl::spinControl, create buttons to spin the scene.


0.2-2 First public release
0.3 Added possibility to control multiple windows
0.4 Compatibility with 2.0.0 tcltk package
0.5 Added continuous rotation
0.6 Added par3dsave
0.7 Added parameters to tkspinControl, fixed startup
0.8 Minor fixes to pass checks
0.9 Merge functions into rgl

Create TCL/TK controller for RGL window


This function creates a TCL/TK window containing buttons to spin and resize one or more RGL windows.


tkspin3d(dev = cur3d(), ...)



A vector of one or more RGL device numbers to control


Named parameters in that match named formal arguments to tkspinControl are passed there, while others are passed to tktoplevel


Ming Chen and Duncan Murdoch

See Also



if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) {
    points3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), size=3)

Create a spin control in a TCL/TK window


This function may be used to embed a spin control in a TCL/TK window.


tkspinControl(base, dev = cur3d(), 
	continue=FALSE, speed=30, scale=100, ... )



The TCL/TK frame in which to insert this control.


A vector of one or more RGL device numbers to control.


Initial setting for continuous rotation checkbox.


Initial setting for speed slider.


Initial setting for scale slider.


Additional parameters to pass to tkframe


Ming Chen and Duncan Murdoch

See Also



if (interactive() && !in_pkgdown_example()) { 
    win1 <- cur3d()
    plot3d(rexp(100), rexp(100), rexp(100), size=3, col='green')
    win2 <- cur3d()
    plot3d(rt(100,2), rt(100,2), rt(100, 2), size=3, col='yellow')
    win3 <- cur3d()
    plot3d(rexp(100), rexp(100), rexp(100), size=3, col='red')
    win4 <- cur3d()
    plot3d(rbinom(100,10,0.5), rbinom(100,10,0.5), rbinom(100,10,0.5), size=3, col='cyan')
    base <- tktoplevel()
    tkwm.title(base, "Spinners")
    con1 <- tkspinControl(base, dev=c(win1,win2))
    con2 <- tkspinControl(base, dev=c(win3,win4))
    tkpack(con1, con2)

An HTML widget to toggle display of elements of a scene


This function produces a button in an HTML scene that will toggle the display of items in the scene.


             ids = tagged3d(tags), tags = NULL, hidden = integer(),
             subscenes = NULL, 



The HTML id of the RGL scene being controlled, or an object as in playwidget.

ids, hidden

The RGL id numbers of the objects to toggle. Those in ids are initially shown; those in hidden are initially hidden.


Alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


The subscenes in which to toggle the objects.


The label to put on the button. The default is set from the expression passed to ids or the value of tags.


Additional arguments to pass to playwidget.


Like playwidget, this function is designed to work within the htmlwidgets framework. If the value is printed, the button will be inserted into the output.

It is also designed to work with magrittr-style pipes: the result of rglwidget or other widgets can be piped into it to add it to a display. It can also appear first in the pipeline, if sceneId is set to NA.


A widget suitable for use in an Rmarkdown-generated web page, or elsewhere.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

toggleButton for the older style of HTML control.


theplot <- plot3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), col = "red")
widget <- rglwidget(height = 300, width = 300) %>%
               hidden = theplot[c("xlab", "ylab", "zlab")], 
               label = "Points")
if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Triangulate a two-dimensional polygon


This algorithm decomposes a general polygon into simple polygons and uses the “ear-clipping” algorithm to triangulate it. Polygons with holes are supported.


triangulate(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, random = TRUE, plot = FALSE, partial = NA)


x, y, z

Coordinates of a two-dimensional polygon in a format supported by xyz.coords. See Details for a description of proper input and how z is handled.


Currently ignored, the triangulation is deterministic.


Whether to plot the triangulation; mainly for debugging purposes.


Currently ignored. Improper input will lead to undefined results.


Normally triangulate looks only at the x and y coordinates. However, if one of those is constant, it is replaced with the z coordinate if present.

The algorithm works as follows. First, it breaks the polygon into pieces separated by NA values in x or y. Each of these pieces should be a simple, non-self-intersecting polygon, not intersecting the other pieces. (Though some minor exceptions to this rule may work, none are guaranteed). The nesting of these pieces is determined: polygons may contain holes, and the holes may contain other polygons.

Vertex order around the polygons does not affect the results: whether a polygon is on the outside or inside of a region is determined by nesting.

Polygons should not repeat vertices. An attempt is made to detect if the final vertex matches the first one. If so, it will be deleted with a warning.

The “outer” polygon(s) are then merged with the polygons that they immediately contain, and each of these pieces is triangulated using the ear-clipping algorithm from the references.

Finally, all the triangulated pieces are put together into one result.


A three-by-n array giving the indices of the vertices of each triangle. (No vertices are added; only the original vertices are used in the triangulation.)

The array has an integer vector attribute "nextvert" with one entry per vertex, giving the index of the next vertex to proceed counter-clockwise around outer polygon boundaries, clockwise around inner boundaries.


Not all inputs will succeed, though inputs satisfying the rules listed in the Details section should.


R wrapper code written by Duncan Murdoch; the earcut library has numerous authors.


This function uses the C++ version of the earcut library from

See Also

extrude3d for a solid extrusion of a polygon, polygon3d for a flat display; both use triangulate.


theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 25)[-25]
theta <- c(theta, NA, theta, NA, theta, NA, theta, NA, theta)
r <- c(rep(1.5, 24), NA, rep(0.5, 24), NA, rep(0.5, 24), NA, rep(0.3, 24), NA, rep(0.1, 24))
dx <- c(rep(0, 24), NA, rep(0.6, 24), NA, rep(-0.6, 24), NA, rep(-0.6, 24), NA, rep(-0.6, 24))
x <- r*cos(theta) + dx
y <- r*sin(theta)
plot(x, y, type = "n")
polygon(x, y)
triangulate(x, y, plot = TRUE)
polygon3d(x, y, x - y, col = "red")

Create a solid of rotation from a two-dimensional curve


This function “turns” the curve (as on a lathe) to form a solid of rotation along the x axis.


turn3d(x, y = NULL, n = 12, smooth = FALSE, ...)


x, y

Points on the curve, in a form suitable for xy.coords. The y values must be non-negative.


How many steps in the rotation?


logical; whether to add normals for a smooth appearance.


Additional parameters to pass to tmesh3d.


A mesh object containing triangles and/or quadrilaterals.


Fang He and Duncan Murdoch

See Also



x <- 1:10
y <- rnorm(10)^2
shade3d(turn3d(x, y), col = "green")

Set attributes of vertices


This is a function to produce actions in a web display. A playwidget or Shiny input control (e.g. a sliderInput control) sets a value which controls attributes of a selection of vertices.


vertexControl(value = 0, values = NULL, vertices = 1, attributes,
              objid = tagged3d(tag), tag,
              param = seq_len(NROW(values)) - 1, interp = TRUE)



The value to use for input (typically input$value in a Shiny app.) Not needed with playwidget.


A matrix of values, each row corresponding to an input value.


Which vertices are being controlled? Specify vertices as a number from 1 to the number of vertices in the objid.


A vector of attributes of a vertex, from c("x", "y", "z", "red", "green", "blue", "alpha", "nx", "ny", "nz", "radii", "ox", "oy", "oz", "ts", "tt", "offset"). See Details.


A single RGL object id.


An alternate way to specify objid.


Parameter values corresponding to each row of values.


Whether to interpolate between rows of values.


This function modifies attributes of vertices in a single object. The attributes are properties of each vertex in a scene; not all are applicable to all objects. In order, they are: coordinates of the vertex "x", "y", "z", color of the vertex "red", "green", "blue", "alpha", normal at the vertex "nx", "ny", "nz", radius of a sphere at the vertex "radius", origin within a texture "ox", "oy" and perhaps "oz", texture coordinates "ts", "tt".

Planes are handled specially. The coefficients a, b, c in the planes3d or clipplanes3d specification are controlled using "nx", "ny", "nz", and d is handled as "offset". The vertices argument is interpreted as the indices of the planes when these attributes are set.

If only one attribute of one vertex is specified, values may be given as a vector and will be treated as a one-column matrix. Otherwise values must be given as a matrix with ncol(values) == max(length(vertices), length(attributes)). The vertices and attributes vectors will be recycled to the same length, and entries from column j of values will be applied to vertex vertices[j], attribute attributes[j].

The value argument is translated into a row (or two rows if interp = TRUE) of values by finding its location in param.


A list of class "rglControl" of cleaned up parameter values, to be used in an RGL widget.


Duncan Murdoch


saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)

  theta <- seq(0, 6*pi, length.out = 100)
  xyz <- cbind(sin(theta), cos(theta), theta)
  plot3d(xyz, type="l")
  id <- spheres3d(xyz[1,,drop=FALSE], col="red")

  widget <- rglwidget(width=500, height=300) %>%
                           attributes=c("x", "y", "z"),
                           objid = id, param=1:100),
             start = 1, stop = 100, rate=10)
  if (interactive() || in_pkgdown_example())

Set up viewpoint


Set the viewpoint orientation.


view3d( theta = 0, phi = 15, fov = 60, zoom = 1, 
        scale = par3d("scale"), interactive = TRUE, userMatrix, 
        type = c("userviewpoint", "modelviewpoint") )


theta, phi

polar coordinates in degrees. theta rotates round the vertical axis. phi rotates round the horizontal axis.


field-of-view angle in degrees


zoom factor


real length 3 vector specifying the rescaling to apply to each axis


logical, specifying if interactive navigation is allowed


4x4 matrix specifying user point of view


which viewpoint to set?


The data model can be rotated using the polar coordinates theta and phi. Alternatively, it can be set in a completely general way using the 4x4 matrix userMatrix. If userMatrix is specified, theta and phi are ignored.

The pointing device of your graphics user-interface can also be used to set the viewpoint interactively. With the pointing device the buttons are by default set as follows:


adjust viewpoint position


adjust field of view angle

right or wheel

adjust zoom factor

The user's view can be set with fov and zoom.

If the fov angle is set to 0, a parallel or orthogonal projection is used. Small non-zero values (e.g. 0.01 or less, but not 0.0) are likely to lead to rendering errors due to OpenGL limitations.

Prior to version 0.94, all of these characteristics were stored in one viewpoint object. With that release the characteristics are split into those that affect the projection (the user viewpoint) and those that affect the model (the model viewpoint). By default, this function sets both, but the type argument can be used to limit the effect.

See Also



## Not run: 
# animated round trip tour for 10 seconds

shade3d(oh3d(), color = "red")

start <- proc.time()[3]
while ((i <- 36*(proc.time()[3] - start)) < 360) {
  view3d(i, i/4); 

## End(Not run)

Write Asymptote code for an RGL scene


Asymptote is a language for 3D graphics that is highly integrated with LaTeX. This is an experimental function to write an Asymptote program to approximate an RGL scene.


writeASY(scene = scene3d(),
         title = "scene", 
         outtype = c("pdf", "eps", "asy", "latex", "pdflatex"), 
         prc = TRUE, 
         runAsy = "asy %filename%", 
         defaultFontsize = 12,
         width = 7, height = 7,
         ppi = 100,
         ids = tagged3d(tags),
         tags = NULL, 
         version = "2.65")



RGL scene object


What type of file to write? See Details.


Whether to produce an interactive PRC scene.


The base of the filename to produce.


Code to run the Asymptote program.


The default fontsize for text.

width, height

Width and height of the output image, in inches.


“Pixels per inch” to assume when converting line widths and point sizes (which RGL measures in pixels).


If not NULL, write out just these RGL objects.


Alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


Asymptote version 2.44 had a definition for its “light()” function that was incompatibly changed in versions 2.47 and 2.50. The current code has been tested with version 2.65. If you are using an older version, set version to your version number and it may work better.


Asymptote is both a language describing a 2D or 3D graphic, and a program to interpret that language and produce output in a variety of formats including EPS, PDF (interactive or static), etc.

The interactive scene produced with prc = TRUE requires outtype = "pdf", and (as of this writing) has a number of limitations:

  • As far as we know, only Adobe Acrobat Reader of a sufficiently recent version can display these scenes.

  • Current versions ignore lighting settings.


The filename of the output file is returned invisibly.


This function is currently under development and limited in the quality of output it produces. Arguments will likely change.

There are a number of differences between the interactive display in Asymptote and the display in RGL. In particular, many objects that are a fixed size in RGL will scale with the image in Asymptote. Defaults have been chosen somewhat arbitrarily; tweaking will likely be needed.

Material properties of surfaces are not yet implemented.

On some systems, the program asy used to process the output has bugs and may fail. Run the example at your own risk!


Duncan Murdoch


J. C. Bowman and A. Hammerlindl (2008). Asymptote: A vector graphics language, TUGBOAT: The Communications of the TeX Users Group, 29:2, 288-294.

See Also

scene3d saves a copy of a scene to an R variable; rglwidget, writePLY, writeOBJ and writeSTL write the scene to a file in various other formats.


## Not run: 
# On some systems, the program  "asy"  used
# to process the output has bugs, so this may fail.
x <- rnorm(20)
y <- rnorm(20)
z <- rnorm(20)
plot3d(x, y, z, type = "s", col = "red")
olddir <- setwd(tempdir())
writeASY(title = "interactive")  # Produces interactive.pdf
writeASY(title = "noninteractive", prc = FALSE) # Produces noninteractive.pdf

## End(Not run)

Read and write Wavefront OBJ format files


writeOBJ writes OBJ files. This is a file format that is commonly used in 3D graphics applications. It does not represent text, but does represent points, lines, polygons (and many other types that RGL doesn't support). readOBJ reads only some parts of OBJ files.


         pointRadius = 0.005, pointShape = icosahedron3d(), 
         lineRadius = pointRadius, lineSides = 20, 
         pointsAsPoints = FALSE, linesAsLines = FALSE, 
         withNormals = TRUE, withTextures = TRUE, 
         separateObjects = TRUE,
         ids = tagged3d(tags),
         tags = NULL)
readOBJ(con, ...)



A connection or filename.

pointRadius, lineRadius

The radius of points and lines relative to the overall scale of the figure, if they are converted to polyhedra.


A mesh shape to use for points if they are converted. It is scaled by the pointRadius.


Lines are rendered as cylinders with this many sides.

pointsAsPoints, linesAsLines

Whether to convert points and lines to “point” and “line” records in the OBJ output.


Whether to output vertex normals for smooth shading.


Whether to mark each RGL object as a separate object in the file.


Whether to output texture coordinates.


The identifiers (from ids3d) of the objects to write. If NULL, try to write everything.


Alternate way to specify ids. Ignored if ids is given.


Additional arguments (typically just material) to pass to tmesh3d.


The current writeOBJ implementation only outputs triangles, quads, planes, spheres, points, line segments, line strips and surfaces. It does not output material properties such as colors, since the OBJ format does not support the per-vertex colors that RGL uses.

The readOBJ implementation can read faces, normals, and textures coordinates, but ignores material properties (including the specification of the texture file to use). To read a file that uses a single texture, specify it in the material argument, e.g. readOBJ("model.OBJ", material = list(color = "white", texture = "texture.png")). There is no support for files that use multiple textures.

The defaults for pointsAsPoints and linesAsLines have been chosen because Blender ( does not import points or lines, only polygons. If you are exporting to other software you may want to change them.

If present, texture coordinates are output by default, but the textures themselves are not.

Individual RGL objects are output as separate objects in the file when separateObjects = TRUE, the default.

The output file should be readable by Blender and Meshlab; the latter can write in a number of other formats, including U3D, suitable for import into a PDF document.


writeObj invisibly returns the name of the connection to which the data was written.

readObj returns a mesh object constructed from the input file.


Duncan Murdoch


The file format was found at on November 11, 2012.

See Also

scene3d saves a copy of a scene to an R variable; rglwidget, writeASY, writePLY and writeSTL write the scene to a file in various other formats.


filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".obj")
shade3d( icosahedron3d() )

# The motivation for writing readObj() was to read a shape
# file of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, from the ESA.
# The file no longer appears to be online, but may still be
# available on  Here was the original URL:
#   cometurl <- ""
# This code would read and display it:
#   open3d()
#   shade3d(readOBJ(url(cometurl), 
#                   material = list(col = "gray")))

# Textures are used in a realistic hand image available from
# Thanks to Monte Shaffer for pointing this out.
# Decompress the files into the current directory, convert
# hand_mapNew.jpg to hand_mapNew.png, then use
## Not run: 
shade3d(readOBJ("hand.OBJ", material = list(color = "white", 
shininess = 1, texture = "hand_mapNew.png")))

## End(Not run)

Write Stanford PLY format files


This function writes PLY files. This is a simple file format that is commonly used in 3D printing. It does not represent text, only edges and polygons. The writePLY function does the necessary conversions.


writePLY(con, format = c("little_endian", "big_endian", "ascii"), 
         pointRadius = 0.005, pointShape = icosahedron3d(), 
         lineRadius = pointRadius, lineSides = 20, 
         pointsAsEdges = FALSE, linesAsEdges = pointsAsEdges, 
         withColors = TRUE, withNormals = !(pointsAsEdges || linesAsEdges), 
         ids = tagged3d(tags), tags = NULL)



A connection or filename.


Which output format. Defaults to little-endian binary.

pointRadius, lineRadius

The radius of points and lines relative to the overall scale of the figure, if they are converted to polyhedra.


A mesh shape to use for points if they are converted. It is scaled by the pointRadius.


Lines are rendered as cylinders with this many sides.

pointsAsEdges, linesAsEdges

Whether to convert points and lines to “Edge” records in the PLY output.


Whether to output vertex color information.


Whether to output vertex normals for smooth shading.


The identifiers (from ids3d) of the objects to write. If NULL, try to write everything.


Select objects with matching tags. Ignored if ids is specified.


The current implementation only outputs triangles, quads, planes, spheres, points, line segments, line strips and surfaces.

The defaults for pointsAsEdges and linesAsEdges have been chosen because Blender ( does not import lines, only polygons. If you are exporting to other software you may want to change them.

Since the PLY format only allows one object per file, all RGL objects are combined into a single object when output.

The output file is readable by Blender and Meshlab; the latter can write in a number of other formats, including U3D, suitable for import into a PDF document.


Invisibly returns the name of the connection to which the data was written.


Duncan Murdoch


The file format was found on on November 10, 2012 at a URL that no longer exists; currently the format is described at

See Also

scene3d saves a copy of a scene to an R variable; rglwidget, writeASY, writeOBJ and writeSTL write the scene to a file in various other formats.


filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".ply")
shade3d( icosahedron3d(col = "magenta") )