Package: plotrix 3.8-4

plotrix: Various Plotting Functions

Lots of plots, various labeling, axis and color scaling functions. The author/maintainer died in September 2023.

Authors:Jim Lemon, Ben Bolker, Sander Oom, Eduardo Klein, Barry Rowlingson, Hadley Wickham, Anupam Tyagi, Olivier Eterradossi, Gabor Grothendieck, Michael Toews, John Kane, Rolf Turner, Carl Witthoft, Julian Stander, Thomas Petzoldt, Remko Duursma, Elisa Biancotto, Ofir Levy, Christophe Dutang, Peter Solymos, Robby Engelmann, Michael Hecker, Felix Steinbeck, Hans Borchers, Henrik Singmann, Ted Toal, Derek Ogle, Darshan Baral, Ulrike Groemping, Bill Venables, The CRAN Team, Duncan Murdoch

plotrix.pdf |plotrix.html
plotrix/json (API)

# Install 'plotrix' in R:
install.packages('plotrix', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • death_reg - Death registrations from 1996 to 2010
  • l2010 - World lightning strike data from 2010
  • soils - Soil texture data from 125 soils



11.36 score 5 stars 359 packages 9.2k scripts 91k downloads 110 mentions 160 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:37c602c008. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 30 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 30 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Specialized plots and plotting accessoriesplotrix-package plotrix
Add a straight line to a plotablineclip
add p-values from
Add a table of values to a plotaddtable2plot
Display text on a circular arcarctext
Place a "break" mark on an axisaxis.break
Display an axis with values having a multiplieraxis.mult
Label the bars on a barplotbarlabels
Display a nested breakdown of numeric valuesbarNest
A bar plotting routinebarp
Display a matrix of values as the widths of stacked rectanglesbattleship.plot
Classify wind direction and speed recordsbin.wind.records
Binomial confidence limitsbinciW
Lower binomial confidence limitbinciWl
Upper binomial confidence limitbinciWu
Display a sort of box plotbox.heresy
Place labels in boxesboxed.labels
A point/line plotting routinebrkdn.plot
Perform a nested breakdown of numeric valuesbrkdnNest
Display a "bumps" (sequential ranking) chartbumpchart
Convert object label/attribute label coding.categoryReshape
Display a centipede plotcentipede.plot
Remove inappropriate arguments from an argument listclean.args remove.args
Plot values on a 24 hour "clockface"clock24.plot
Plot lines with colors determined by values.clplot
Shift overlying points into clusterscluster.overplot
Display the frequencies of two categoriesclustered.dotplots
Display an axis in a specified colorcolor.axis
Calculate an arbitrary sequence of colorscolor.gradient
Identify closest match to a
Legend matching categories or values to colorscolor.legend
Turn values into colors.color.scale
Line segments with scaled colorscolor.scale.lines
Display a numeric matrix as color matrixcolor2D.matplot
Find corner locations and optionally display a labelcorner.label
Show overlying points as countscount.overplot
Display an apparent cylindercylindrect
Death registrations from 1996 to 2010death_reg
Display distributions as dendritesdendroPlot
Display a matrix of cell values as symbols.densityGrid
Plot multiple variables as polygons on a radial griddiamondplot
Display a measure of dispersion.dispbars dispersion
Execute a graphic function on a plotdo.first
Minitab style dotplots.dotplot.mtb
Draw arcdraw.arc
Draw a
Draw ellipsedraw.ellipse
Draw a radial linedraw.radial.line
Display a 3D pie sectordraw.tilted.sector
Display nested barsdrawNestedBars
Display a radial pie sectordrawSectorAnnulus
Engelmann-Hecker-Plot - EH-Plotehplot
Assign party members to seatselection
Find an empty space on a plotemptyspace
Display a fan plotfan.plot
Display vectors along a horizontal reference linefeather.plot
Fill a "corner" of a matrix with valuesfill.corner
Maximum (or minimum) value cell in a matrix.find_max_cell
Display a floating pie chartfloating.pie
Add an axis with a line to the edge of the plotfullaxis
Display a Gantt chartgantt.chart
Display a barplot with a gap (missing range) on one axisgap_barp
Display a barplot with a gap (missing range) on one axisgap.barplot
Display a boxplot with a gap (missing range)gap.boxplot
Display a plot with one or two gaps (missing ranges) on one axisgap.plot
Get axis positions on a 3D plotget_axispos3d
Get the breakpoints for a weighted histogramget.breaks
Gather the information to create a Gantt
Calculate the midpoints and limits for a centipede plotget.segs
Enter soil texture dataget.soil.texture
Get the position for a legend or tableget.tablepos
Enter three proportion data - usually soil texturesget.triprop
Get coordinates in the figure region in user units.getFigCtr
Enter a set intersection listgetIntersectList
Find the margin width necessary to fit text or a legend next to a plotgetMarginWidth
Correct for aspect and coordinate ratiogetYmult
Display a rectangle filled with an arbitrary color gradientgradient.rect
Draw a hexagonhexagon
Histogram "stacked" by categorieshistStack histStack.default histStack.formula
Display set intersectionsintersectDiagram
Calculate equally spaced values within a range.jiggle
Display a series of density curves.joyPlot
Magnitude by position chart.kiteChart
World lightning strike data from 2010l2010
Display a L'Abbe plotlabbePlot
Ladder Plotladderplot ladderplot.default
Legend with grouped bars, lines or symbolslegendg
Key for interpreting lengths in a plotlengthKey
Compute a matrix of counts from a list of x,y positionsmakeDensityMatrix
Count set intersectionsmakeIntersectList
Find an empty space on a plotmaxEmptyRect
Display text in the margins of a 3D plotmtext3d
Plot a multiple histogram, as a barplotmulthist
Function to draw a multivari chartmultivari
Draw boxes filled with symbolsmultsymbolbox
Display an Australian wind roseoz.windrose
Display an Australian wind rose legendoz.windrose.legend
Draw arrows between pointsp2p_arrows
Prepare a "panel" type layoutpanes
Paste the columns of a matrix togetherpasteCols
Display text in the margins of a 3D plotpaxis3d
Display perspective plotperspx
Place labels on a pie chartpie.labels
Display a 3D pie chartpie3D
Display labels on a 3D pie chartpie3D.labels
Place labels in boxesplaceLabels
Add a background color to a plotplot_bg
Plot confidence intervals/error barsplotCI
Scatterplot with histogram-like bars.plotH plotH.default plotH.formula
Plot values on a circular grid of 0 to 360 degreespolar.plot
Display a shadow effect for an arbitrary polygonpolygon.shadow
Display the output of brkdnNestprint.brklist
Calculate the proportion of specified values in a vectorpropbrk
Draw segments on a 3D plotpsegments3d
Display text on a 3D plotptext3d
Pyramid plotpyramid.plot
Display a radial gridradial.grid
Plot sectors/annuli on a circular grid of 0 to 2*pi radiansradial.pie
Plot values on a circular grid of 0 to 2*pi radiansradial.plot
Display labels on a circular gridradial.plot.labels
Display text in a radial lineradialtext
raw.means.plot: Raw-Means Plots for Experimental Designsraw.means.plot raw.means.plot2
Draw a rectangle filled with symbolsrectFill
Scale numbers into a new rangerescale
Plot with axis direction(s) reversedrevaxis
Add an Inverse Rug to a Plotruginv
Arrange N seats in M semicircular rowsseats
Display circles with specified size and colorsize_n_color
Plot with repeated symbols by sizesizeplot
Display a hierarchical breakdown of disjunct categoriessizetree
Slice an arraysliceArray
Build a vector of color valuessmoothColors
Soil texture triangle plotsoil.texture
Soil texture triangle plot using UK
Soil texture data from 125 soilssoils
Spread labels for irregularly spaced valuesspread.labels
Spread out a vector of numbers to a minimum intervalspreadout
Display the columns of a matrix or data frame as stacked polygonsstackpoly
Display a staircase plotstaircase.plot
Display a staircase plotstaircasePlot
A pie-like graphic objectstarPie
Place staggered or angled labels on an axisstaxlab
Calculate standard error of the meanstd.error
Count specified values in a vectorsumbrk
barplot filled with symbolssymbolbarplot
Draw a box filled with symbolssymbolbox
Display the title of a plot as a colored tabtab.title
Taylor diagramtaylor.diagram
Add text boxtextbox
Find the direction away from the closest pointthigmophobe
Place labels away from the nearest pointthigmophobe.labels
Lines for triangle plottriax.abline
Triangle plot filltriax.fill
Triangle plot frametriax.frame
Triangle plottriax.plot
Triangle plot pointstriax.points
Calculate equispaced x positions.tsxpos
Plot with two ordinatestwoord.plot
Multiple (stack) plot with two ordinatestwoord.stackplot
Find the number of valid (not NA) valuesvalid.n
Display magnitude/direction vectorsvectorField
Display a "violin" plotviolin_plot
Display a weighted histogramweighted.hist
Display a plot with a rectangular section expanded in an adjacent plotzoomInPlot